The Nascent Trend of Imperialist Economism | 13
Reply to P. Kievsky (Y. Pyatakov) | 22
A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism
- The Marxist Attitude Towards War and “Defence of the Fatherland”
- “Our Understanding of the New Era”
- What Is Economic Analysis?
- The Example of Norway
- "Monism and Dualism”
- The Other Political Issues Raised and Distorted by P. Kievsky
- Conclusion. Alexinsky Methods
| 28
The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution
| 77
Lost in a Wood of Three Trees | 88
Greetings to the Italian Socialist Party Congress | 90
The “Disarmament” Slogan
| 94
Imperialism and the Split in Socialism | 105
Speech at the Congress of the Social-Democratic Party of Switzerland, November 4, 1916 | 121
A Separate Peace | 125
Ten “Socialist” Ministers! | 134
Tasks of the Left Zimmerwaldists in the Swiss Social-Democratic Party
- I. Attitude Towards the War and Towards the Bourgeois Government in General
- II. The High Cost of Living and the Intolerable Economic Conditions of the Masses
- III. Pressing Democratic Reforms and Utilisation of the Political Struggle and Parliamentarism
- IV. The Immediate Tasks of Party Propaganda, Agitation and Organisation
- V. International Tasks of the Swiss Social-Democrats
| 137
Theses on the Attitude of the Swiss Social-Democratic Party Towards the War | 149
Principles Involved in the War Issue | 152
On the Defence of the Fatherland Issue | 161
The Youth International
| 163
Efforts to Whitewash Opportunism | 167
The Chkheidze Faction and Its Role | 171