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Pages in category "Text"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 12,150 total.
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- A Basic Question
- A Battle at Sevastopol (1855)
- A Big Step Forward. Unification of the Left Opposition
- A Bird in the Hand or Two in the Bush
- A Bloc of the Cadets and the Octobrists?
- A Bold Assault and a Timid Defence
- A Bolshevik-Leninist Declaration on Comrade Trotsky's Journey
- A Bourgeois Document (1849)
- A Brief Note
- A Brief Outline of the Split in the RSDLP
- A Brief Remark
- A Cadet Professor
- A Cadet Property-Owner Argues “According to Marx”
- A Call to the Workers of the World
- A Capably Written Little Book
- A Card Issued to Societies Forming the Association
- A Career (A. Suvorin)
- A Caricature of Bolshevism
- A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism
- A Case for a Labor Jury
- A Central Junta (1854)
- A Chapter of History (June 1859)
- A Characterisation of Economic Romanticism
- A Class Shift
- A Comparison of the Stolypin and the Narodnik Agrarian Programmes
- A Concert for Herriot
- A Concession on the Great Northern Railway
- A Conference of the Bloc of Four
- A congress at Vienna. The Austrian Loan. Proclamations of Dulce and O'Donnell. The Ministerial Crisis in Britain
- A Contradictory Stand
- A Contribution to Centrist Literature
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (Manuscripts of 1861-63)
- A Contribution to the Eighth Congress of the Russian Communist Party
- A Contribution to the History of the National Programme in Austria and in Russia
- A Contribution To The History Of The Question Of The Dictatorship
- A contribution to the history of the Ukrainian left-wing socialist movement in Galicia
- A Contribution to the Question of Military Propaganda
- A Conversation Between a Legalist and an Opponent of Liquidationism
- A Conversation with Trotsky (August 1932)
- A Conversation with William R. Mathews
- A Correction (April 1865)
- A Correction (February 1867)
- A Correction (June 1933)
- A Correspondent of The Kölnische Zeitung vs. The Rheinische Zeitung
- A Coup d’Etat of Lord John Russell
- A Creeping Revolution
- A Creeping Revolution (1920)
- A Critical Essay on the International Trade Union Congress, held in London, November 1888
- A Criticism of American Affairs (August 1862)
- A Critique of Palmerston's Latest Speech
- A Critique of the Crimean Affair. From Parliament
- A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Program of 1891
- A Critique of the Events in the Crimea (June 1855)
- A Curious Piece of History
- A Deal With the Capitalists or Overthrow of the Capitalists?
- A Declaration of La Vérité
- A Declaration to the Congress Against Fascism
- A Decree of Eichmann’s
- A Denunciation (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, February 1849)
- A Deputation to Chief Public Prosecutor Zweiffel
- A Diplomatic Impropriety (1855)
- A Discovery
- A Discreditable Role!
- A Discussion on Greece (Spring 1932)
- A Discussion With Carleton Smith
- A Discussion with Herbert Solow (Summer 1932)
- A Discussion with Pierre Rimbert
- A Disgraceful Resolution
- A Disorderly Revolution
- A Dissenting Opinion Recorded at the All-Russian Conference of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party by the Social-Democratic Delegates from Poland, The Lettish Territory, St. Petersburg, Moscow, The Central Industrial Region and The Volga Area
- A Doll’s House Repaired
- A Draft of Our Party Programme
- A Drama of the French Working Class: Marcel Martinet's La Nuit
- A Duty of Honor
- A Fair Day's Wages for a Fair Day's Work
- A False Report
- A False View
- A Famous Victory (May 1854)
- A Few Remarks on Revolution
- A Few Words About N. Y. Fedoseyev
- A Few Words on Andre Breton
- A Few Words on Results and Facts
- A Final Declaration on the Late Cologne Trials
- A Fine Business!
- A Fly In The Ointment
- A Fool’s Haste Is No Speed
- A Fragment of Fourier’s On Trade
- A Fresh Lesson. On the Character of the Coming War
- A Game of Chance
- A German Voice on the War
- A Glimpse of Soviet Democracy
- A Good Resolution and a Bad Speech
- A Graphic History of Bolshevism
- A Great Achievement
- A Great Beginning Heroism Of The Workers In The Rear
- A Great New Writer: Jean Malaquais
- A Great Success
- A Great Technical Achievement
- A Great Test
- A Great Victory
- A Greeting to New International, July 1934
- A Highborn Liberal Landlord on the “New Zemstvo Russia”
- A Historic Parallel (1859)
- A History of the Second Chinese Revolution Is Needed
- A Jingle of Lies to Please the ‘Master’
- A Key to the Russian Trials
- A Last Warning
- A Lesson in Democracy I Did Not Receive The Story of a Visa
- A Letter About the Spanish Revolution
- A Letter from Exile in Alma-Ata
- A Letter on the Capitulators
- A Letter on the Italian Revolution
- A Letter to a Comrade on Our Organisational Tasks
- A Letter to a French Syndicalist about the Communist Party
- A Letter to Adam, Barthelemy and Vidil
- A Letter to Alexander Tsiurupa with a Draft Resolution for the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and a Note to the Members of the Politbureau of the CC, RCP(b)
- A Letter to Comrades Julius, Vanya, Savely, Ivan, Vladimir, Stanislav and Foma, Students at the Capri Party School
- A Letter to Friends in the USSR, October 1929
- A Letter to G. Myasnikov
- A Letter to M. Blanqui
- A Letter to Members of the CC, RCP(b)
- A Letter to Our French Comrades
- A Letter to Prometeo, Published January 1, 1933
- A Letter to the American Trotskyists
- A Letter to the Communist Workers of Czecho-Slovakia
- A Letter to the Comrades (With Reference to the Forthcoming Publication of the Organ of the Party Majority)
- A Letter to the Daily Herald, July 15, 1929
- A Letter to the Editor of the Modern Monthly
- A Letter to the Editors of Yuzhny Rabochy
- A Letter to the Middle Peasants
- A Letter to the Moscow Committee
- A Letter to the Northern League
- A Letter to the Organisations in Russia
- A Letter to the Organisers of the Party School on Capri
- A Letter to the Polish Communists
- A Letter to the Polish Socialists
- A Letter to the Politbureau Members with a Draft Decision for the CC, RCP(b) and the Council of Labour and Defence on the Question of Rutgers’ Proposals
- A Letter to the Politburo, March 15, 1933
- A Letter to the Prussian Ambassador in London, Baron Bunsen
- A Letter to the Workers of Zurich
- A Letter to the Zemstvoists
- A Letter to the Zurich Group of Bolsheviks
- A Letter to V. V. Kuibyshev and a Draft Engagement for Workers Going to Russia from America
- A Letter to Y. D. Stasova and to the Other Comrades in Prison in Moscow
- A Liberal Labour Party Manifesto
- A Liberal Professor on Equality
- A Little Explanation (1912)
- A Little Picture In Illustration Of Big Problems
- A London Workers’ Meeting (1862)
- A Magyar Victory, April 13, 1849
- A Man Overboard
- A Meeting (March 20, 1855)
- A Meeting for Garibaldi
- A Memoir of Auschwitz and Birkenau
- A Memorandum for Certain Newly-Fledged Anglophils
- A Militant Agreement for the Uprising
- A Militant Agreement for the Uprising and the Formation of a Combat Committee
- A Militant Labour Programme for the French Communist Party
- A Military Criticism Of The Newton Review
- A Misleading Description of the “German October”
- A Most Lucid Exposition of a Most Confused Plan
- A Mote in the Eye
- A Necessary Clarification
- A Necessary Correction
- A Necessary Discussion with Our Syndicalist Comrades
- A Necessary Explanation About the Military Specialists
- A Necessary Statement
- A Necessary Supplement
- A Negro Organization
- A New Ally of the Counter-Revolution (1848)
- A New Chapter of World History
- A New Coup D’État in Preparation
- A New Dreyfus Case?
- A New English Expedition to China
- A New French Revolutionary Manifesto
- A New Menshevik Conference
- A New Partition of Poland
- A New Policy in Posen
- A New Prussian Kick for the Frankfurt Assembly
- A New Revolutionary Workers' Association
- A New Revolutionary Workers’ Association
- A New Slander Against D.B. Riazanov
- A New Step Forward
- A New Upswing
- A New Year Greeting (1849)
- A New Zig-zag and the New Dangers