Speech at a Non-Party Conference of the Workers and Men of the Red army of Basmanny, Lefortovo alexeyevskoye and Sokolniki Districts. September 3, 1919
| 15
How the Bourgeoisie Utilises Renegades | 27
To the American Workers | 38
The Tasks of the Working Women’s Movement In the Soviet Republic
- Speech Delivered at the Fourth Moscow City Conference of Non-Party Working Women. September 23, 1919
| 40
The Example of the Petrograd Workers | 47
Answers to Questions Put By a Chicago Daily News Correspondent | 50
Greetings to Italian, French and German Communists | 52
The Workers’ State and Party Week | 63
Speech to Mobilised Worker Communists Delivered From the Balcony of Moscow Soviet of Workers’ and Red army Deputies
- October 16, 1919. Newspaper Report
| 66
To the Workers and Red army Men of Petrograd | 68
To the Red army Men | 70
Results of Party Week In Moscow and Our tasks | 71
Speech to Students of the Sverdlov University Leaving for the Front
October 24, 1919
| 76
To Comrade Loriot and all the French Friends Who adhered to the 3rd International | 85
Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany Regarding the Split
to Comrades Paul Levi, Clara Zetkin, Eberlein and the Other Members of the CC of the Communist Party of Germany .
| 87
To the Communist Comrades Who Belonged to the United Communist Party of Germany and Have Now formed a New Party | 89
To Comrade Serrati and to all Italian Communists | 91
Interview with the Manchester Guardian
- Three Questions and the Answers:
- The Bullitt Peace Terms still hold good
- Bolsheviks and Propaganda among Western peoples
| |
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
- I (A) The Dictatorship of the Proletariat as New forms Of the Class Struggle of the Proletariat
- II (B) The Dictatorship of the Proletariat as the Destruction of Bourgeois Democracy and the Creation of Proletarian Democracy
- III (C) The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Distinguishing Features of Imperialism
- IV (D) The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Soviet Power
| 93
Economics and Politics In the Era of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat | 107
Greetings to the Workers of Petrograd | 108
Soviet Power and the Status of Women | 120
Two Years of Soviet Power | 124
Two Years of Soviet Power
- Speech at a Joint Session of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee, the Moscow Soviet of Workers’ and Red army Deputies, the All-Russia Central Council of trade Unions, and Factory Committees, On the Occasion of the Second anniversary of the October Revolution. November 7, 1919
| 127
To the Communists of Turkestan | 138
The Fight to Overcome the Fuel Crisis
Circular Letter to Party Organisations
| 139
Speech Delivered at the First All-Russia Conference On Party Work In the Countryside November 18, 1919
| 143
Address to the Second All-Russia Congress of Communist Organisations of the Peoples of the East November 22, 1919
| 151
Draft Resolution of the CC of the RCP(b) on Soviet Rule in the Ukraine | 163
Eighth All-Russia Conference of the RCP(b)
December 2-4,1919
- Speech at the Opening of the Conference. December 22
- Political Report of the Central Committee. December 23
- Concluding Speech On the Political Report of The Central Committee. December 24
- Draft Resolution on foreign Policy
- Speech Summing Up the Debate on Soviet Power in the Ukraine. December 3
| 167
Speech Delivered at the First Congress of Agricultural Communes and Agricultural Artels. December 4, 1919
| 195
Seventh All-Russia Congress of Soviets December 5-9, 1919
- 1. Report of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and the Council of People’s Commissars. December 5-9. 1919
- 2. Concluding Speech On the Report of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and the Council of People’s Commissars. December 5
- 3. Speech In the Organisation Section. December 8.
- 4. Speech Delivered On the Closing of the Congress. December 9
| 205
The Constituent Assembly Elections and The Dictatorship of the Proletariat | 253
To the Younger Generation | 276
Speech at a Meeting in Presnya District On the Anniversary of the December Uprising, 1905
| 277
Report on Subbotniks Delivered to a Moscow City Conference of the RCP(b). December 20, 1919
| 283
Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine apropos of the Victories Over Denikin | 291
Stop Spoiling the Russian Language. Some thoughts at Leisure, i.e., While Listening to Speeches at Meetings | 298