Volume 15 contains works written by V. I. Lenin during the period from March 1908 to August 1909.
The volume contains articles and other items by Lenin published in the newspapers Proletary and Sotsial-Demokrat; documents of the Fifth (All-Russian) Conference of the RSDLP and the conference of the extended editorial board of Proletary.
In his writings: “On to the Straight Road”, “The Assessment of the Russian Revolution”, “On the 'Nature' of the Russian Revolution”, “The Assessment of the Present Situation”, “On the Road”, Lenin gives an analysis of the coup d'état of June 3,1907, outlines the tasks and tactics of the Party during the period of the Stolypin reaction, and exposes the liquidationism of the Mensheviks.
His articles “Two Letters”, “On t lie Article 'Questions of the Day"', “A Caricature of Bolshevism”, “The Liquidation of Liquidationism” and the documents of the conference of the extended editorial board of Proletary are direct ed against “liquidationism from the left"—otzovism, ultimatumism and god-building.
In his works: “The Agrarian Question in Russia Towards the Close of the Nineteenth Century”, “The Agrarian Programme of Social-Democracy in the Russian Revolution. Autoabstract”, “P. Maslov in Hysterics”, “Some Remarks on the 'Reply' by P. Maslov”, “From the Editorial Board” and “How Plekhanov and Co. Defend Revisionism”, Lenin defends and develops Marxist theory on the agrarian question.
In the articles “Inflammable Material in World Politics”, “Bellicose Militarism and the Anti-Militarist Tactics of Social-Democracy”, “Events in the Balkans and in Persia” and “Meeting of the International Socialist Bureau”, Lenin discusses the most important international events and defines the tactics of revolutionary Social-Democracy in the struggle against militarism.
This volume includes six documents printed for the first time in Lenin's Works. In the article, “British and German Workers Demonstrate for Peace” Lenin exposed the predatory aspirations of the capitalists and their war preparations, and showed the rise of the revolutionary working-class movement. Two documents, “Statement by the Bolsheviks” and “To the Executive Committee of the German Social-Democratic Labour Party” are devoted to the struggle of the Bolsheviks against the Menshevik liquidators at the Fifth (All-Russian) Conference of the RSDLP Two speeches at the conference of the extended editorial board of Proletary and the “Draft Letter of the Bolshevik Centre to the Council of the School on Capri” are directed against the otzovists, ultimatumists and god-builders.