Lenin Collected Works/Volume 21

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The Tasks of Revolutionary Social-Democracy in the European War15
The European War and International Socialism20
The War and Russian Social-Democracy25
The Position and Tasks of the Socialist International35
Letter to Vorwärts and Wiener Arbeiter-Zeitung42
Karl Marx (A Brief Biographical Sketch with an Exposition of Marxism) [Granat encyclopaedia article]
  • Preface
  • I Karl Marx
  • II The Marxist Doctrine
  • III Marx’s Economic Doctrine
  • IV Socialism
  • V Tactics of the Class Struggle of the Proletariat
  • Bibliography
A German Voice on the War92
Dead Chauvinism and Living Socialism
  • How the International Can Be Restored
On the National Pride of the Great Russians102


What Next?
  • On the Tasks Confronting the Workers’ Parties with Regard to Opportunism and Social-Chauvinism
The Kind of “Unity” Larin Proclaimed at the Swedish Congress115
The Russian Brand of Südekum118
To the Editors of Nashe Slovo125
How the Police and the Reactionaries Protect the Unity of German Social-Democracy129
The London Conference132
Under a False Flag135
The Conference of the RSDLP Groups Abroad158
Letter from the Central Committee of the RSDLP to the Editors of Nashe Slovo165
What Has Been Revealed By the Trial of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Duma Group171
On the London Conference178
The Slogan of Civil War Illustrated181
The Social-Chauvinists’ Sophisms183
The Question of the Unity of Internationalists188
Bourgeois Philanthropists and Revolutionary Social-Democracy192
The Collapse of Platonic Internationalism194
On the Struggle Against Social-Chauvinism199
The Collapse of the Second International205
British Pacifism and the British Dislike of Theory260
How Servility to Reaction is Blended with Playing at Democracy266
The Main German Opportunist Work on the War270
The Defeat of One's Own Government in the Imperialist War275
The State of Affair’s in Russian Social-Democracy281
The “Peace” Slogan Appraised287
The Question of Peace290
Socialism and War
  • Preface to the First (Foreign) Edition
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • 1 The Principles of Socialism and the War of 1914-1915
  • 2 Classes and Parties in Russia
  • 3 The Restoration of the International
  • 4 The History of the Split and the Present State of Social-Democracy in Russia
On the Slogan for a United States of Europe339
On the Slogan for a United States of Europe (Editorial Comment)
  • Editorial Comment By Sotsial-Demokrat On The Manifesto On War Issued By The Central Committee Of The RSDLP
The Draft Resolution of the Left Wing at Zimmerwald345
The Voice of an Honest French Socialist349
Imperialism and Socialism in Italy357
Appeal on the War367
We Are Thankful For Such Frankness370
To the International Socialist Committee (ISC)372
The Defeat of Russia and the Revolutionary Crisis378
The First Step383
Revolutionary Marxists at the International Socialist Conference, September 5-8, 1915389
Kautsky, Axelrod and Martov—True Internationalists394
Several Theses
  • Proposed by the Editors
The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination407
On the Two Lines in the Revolution415
At the Uttermost Limit421
Letter to the Secretary of the Socialist Propaganda League423
Social-Chauvinist Policy Behind a Cover of Internationalist Phrases429
Opportunism, and the Collapse of the Second International438