Marx-Engels Collected Works/Volume 10

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Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels[edit source]


September 1849 - June 1851

The German Social Democrats and The Times (Engels)3
Announcement of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-ökonomische Revue (Engels)5
Letters from Germany (Engels)7
  • I
  • II. Curious Revelations Concerning the Despots of Germany. Intended War against France. The Coming Revolution
  • 10
  • III. The Prussian King Swearing to the Constitution and "Serving the Lord!"-Grand Conspiracy of the Holy Alliance. The Approaching Onslaught on Switzerland. Projected Conquest and Partition of France
  • 14
    Letters from France (Engels)17
  • I
  • 17
  • II. Striking Proofs of the Glorious Progress of Red Republicanism!
  • 21
  • III. Signs of the Times. The Anticipated Revolution
  • 24
  • IV. The Elections. Glorious Victory of the Reds. Proletarian Ascendancy. Dismay of the Ordermongers. New Schemes of Repression and Provocations to Revolution
  • 27
  • V
  • 30
  • VI
  • 33
  • VII
  • 34
  • VIII
  • 38
    Announcement (Marx & Engels)41
    The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850 (Marx)45
  • I. The Defeat of June 1848
  • 48
  • II. June 13,1849
  • 71
  • III. Consequences of June 13,1849
  • 101
  • IV. The Abolition of Universal Suffrage in 1850
  • 132
    The Campaign for the German Imperial Constitution (Engels)147
  • I. Rhenish Prussia
  • 154
  • II. Karlsruhe
  • 172
  • III. The Palatinate
  • 186
  • IV. To Die for the Republic!
  • 203
    To the Hungarian Refugee Committee in London (Engels)240
    Reviews from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Politisch-okonomische Revue No. 2 (Marx & Engels)241
  • I. G. Fr Daumer, Die Religion des neuen Weltalters. Versuch einer combinatorisch-aphoristischen Grundlegung
  • 241
  • II. Ludwig Simon of Trier, Ein des Rechts fur alle Reichsverfassungskampfer an die deutschen Geschwornen
  • 247
  • III. Guizot, Pourquoi la revolution d'Angleterre a-t-elle reussi? Discours sur le histoire de la revolution d'Angleterre
  • 251
    Review, January-February 1850 (Marx & Engels)257
    The Ten Hours' Question (Engels)271
    Address of the Central Authority to the League, March 1850 (Marx & Engels)277
    The Ten Hours' Bill (Engels)288
    Reviews from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Politisch-ökonomische Revue No. 4 (Marx & Engels)301
  • I. Latter-Day Pamphlets, Edited by Thomas Carlyle-No. I, The Present Time, No. II, Model Prisons
  • 301
  • II. Les Conspirateurs, par A. Chenu; ex-capitaine des gardes du citoyen Caussidière. Les societes secretes; la prefecture de police sous Caussidière; les corps-francs. La naissance de la Republique en fevrier 1848 par Lucien de la Hodde.
  • 311
  • III. Le socialisme et l'impôt, par Emile de Girardin
  • 326
    Review, March-April 1850 (Marx & Engels)338
    Louis Napoleon and Fould (Marx)342
    Gottfried Kinkel (Marx & Engels)345
    Editorial Note (Marx & Engels)348
    Statement (Marx & Engels)349
    To the Editor of The Times (Marx & Engels)352
    Two Years of a Revolution: 1848 and 1849 (Engels)353
    A Letter to the Prussian Ambassador in London, Baron Bunsen (Marx & Engels)370
    Address of the Central Authority to the League, June 1850 (Marx & Engels)371
    The Prussian Refugees (Marx & Engels)378
    To the Editor of The Spectator (Marx & Engels)380
    Prussian Spies in London (Marx & Engels)381
    To the Editor of The Globe (Marx)385
    Statement to the Editor of the Neue Deutsche Zeitung (Marx & Engels)387
    To the Chairman of a Refugee Meeting in London (Marx)389
    To the Editors of the Weser-Zeitung (Marx & Engels)390
    Letter from Germany. The War in Schleswig Holstein (Engels)392
    The Peasant War in Germany (Engels)397
  • I.
  • 400
  • II.
  • 411
  • III.
  • 428
  • IV.
  • 441
  • V.
  • 446
  • VI.
  • 469
  • VII.
  • 478
    Statement on Resignation from the German Workers Educational Society in London (Marx & Engels)483
    A Letter to Adam, Barthelemy and Vidil (Marx & Engels)484
    Editorial Comment on the Article "Tailoring in London or the Struggle between Big and Small Capital" by J. G. Eccarius (Marx & Engels)486
    On the Slogan of the Abolition of the State and the German "Friends of Anarchy" (Engels)486
    Review, May to October 1850 (Marx & Engels)490
    Draft Statement by Heinrich Bauer and Karl Pfander on the Funds of the German Workers' Educational Society in London (Marx & Engels)533
    Statement (Marx & Engels)535
    Introduction to the Leaflet of L. A. Blanqui's Toast Sent to the Refugee Committee (Marx & Engels)537
    To the Editor of The Times (Engels)540
    Conditions and Prospects of a War of the Holy Alliance against France in 1852 (Engels)542
    The Constitution of the French Republic Adopted November 4, 1848 (Marx)567

    From the Preparatory Materials[edit source]

    On Germany. Note for the "Review" (May-October 1850) (Marx)583
    Reflections (Marx)584

    Appendices[edit source]

    Permit to Leave Switzerland Issued to Frederick Engels595
    Appeal for Support for German Political Refugees596
    Receipt of the Committee of Support for German Political Refugees in London598
    Accounts of the Committee of Support for German Refugees in London599
    From the Indictment of the Participants in the Uprising in Elberfeld in May 1849602
    Preliminaries to Issue of Shares in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung Politisch-okonomische Revue, Edited by Karl Marx605
    About Engels' Speech at a Banquet Held on February 25, 1850, in Honour of the Second Anniversary of the February Revolution in France (From a Newspaper Report)607
    Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London608
    About Engels' Speech at a Meeting of Fraternal Democrats on April 5, 1850, Commemorating Robespierre's Birthday Anniversary (From a Newspaper Report)611
    Meeting of Refugee Committee on April 8, 1850612
    Statutes of the Universal Society of Revolutionary Communists614
    Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London616
    The German Refugees in London619
    Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London for May, June and July 1 850621
    About Engels' Speech at a Meeting Organised by Fraternal Democrats on September 10, 1850 (From a Newspaper Report)624
    Meeting of the Central Authority, September 15, 1850625
    The Resolution of the Central Authority of the Communist League, September 15, 1850630
    Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London from August 1 to September 10, 1850631
    Proposal from the London District of the Communist League to the Central Authority in Cologne633
    Rules of the Communist League, December 1850634
    About Engels' Speech at a New Year's Party of the Fraternal Democrats Society, December 30, 1850 (From a Newspaper Report)637

    Illustrations[edit source]

    Cover of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-okonomische Revue43
    A map of Rhenish Prussia, Baden and the Palatinate during the campaign for the Imperial Constitution (May-July 1849)192-3
    A page from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-okonomische Revue with verses by Louis Menard. The introduction by Marx and Engels says: "Our friend Louis Menard, author of the book Prologue d 'une revolution, has sent us the following verses, which he wrote in the wake of the June 1848 events. "289
    The first page of Frederick Engels' article "Two Years of a Revolution; 1848 and 1849", published by The Democratic Review355
    A map of the Peasant War in Germany448-9
    A map of the Peasant War in Swabia and Franconia (1525)472-3
    The first page of Karl Marx's article "The Constitution of the French Republic", which appeared in Notes to the People573