Accounts of the Committee of Support for German Refugees in London

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On November 18 of this year the German Workers’ Society in London held a general meeting, attended by the majority of the political refugees there, to adopt the accounts of the Committee of Support [for refugees] formed at an earlier meeting.[1]

Total receipts since September 22 of this year were:

ÂŁ s d
1. From the Workers'Society in London 2 8 41/2
2. From the German Readers' Society in London 2 15 -
3. From the editorial board of The Northern Star in London - 5 -
4. From Citizen EddÀus in London - 1 -
5. Collected by Citizen Siefert in London - 9 6
6. From Citizen Görringer in London 1 5 9
7. Collected by Citizen H. Bauer in London 7 1 9
8. From German workers in Paris, through Citizen Heidecker - 12 1
9. From Huddersfield through Citizen Krepp 3 - -
10. From Stettin in Prussia 18 14 -

Expenditures on refugees from September 22 to November 18 of this year were:

2.Zschinski 3174
3.Fröhlich 221
4.Henser 376
5.Egener 119-
6.W. Töpffer 1117
7.J. Töpffer 144
8.To the refugees Blei, Bergmann, Osoba, Wessely, Braulichy and Klein, together 2810
9.To the refugee merchant Schopp and family, against an I. O. U 4--
10.Costs of printing and subscription lists 11521/2
Total 2631/2
Total receipts 361251/2
Total expenditure 2631/2
Cash in hand 1095

Clothing has also been received which has been distributed to the refugees.

The above accounts were adopted unanimously by the meeting. Receipts are to hand for all expenditures and the donors from Huddersfield and Stettin who were not represented have been requested to nominate representatives in London to inspect the receipts.

As the Committee had been depleted by the departure of two members, A. FĂŒster and K. Blind, and as, moreover, an attempt is being made here to set up a counter-committee, independent of the Workers’ Society and of the refugees of the social-democratic trend, the Committee returned its mandate to the Society.

The Society thereupon resolved:

1. That the German Workers’ Society, acknowledging the work of the hitherto existing Committee, appoints a new committee of five of its members under the title “Social-Democratic Committee of Support for German Refugees”.[2] This Committee takes over the balance of the former Committee.

2. The Committee will give priority to members of the social-democratic party but, as far as its funds allow, will not exclude refugees of other trends from its support.

3. The Committee will present monthly accounts to the Workers’ Society and will thereupon be reappointed. The accounts will be published in the Deutsche Londoner Zeitung, in The Northern Star, in the Frankfurt Neue Deutsche Zeitung, in Cologne in the Westdeutsche Zeitung, in the Norddeutsche Freie Presse in Hamburg, in the Berlin Demokratische Zeitung, in the Schweizerische National-Zeitung, in the Schnellpost and in the Staatszeitung in New York.[3]

4. Contributors will be entitled to be personally present at the monthly presentation of accounts, or, if they are not in London, to send a representative to check the books, receipts, and cash in hand.

5. The Workers’ Society appoints as committee members Karl Marx, August Willich, Frederick Engels, Heinrich Bauer, Karl PfĂ€nder.

In publishing the above accounts and the decisions of the Workers’ Society, the undersigned Committee requests that contributions be sent to Heinrich Bauer, 64 Dean Street, Soho, London.

London, December 3, 1849

The Committee:

Karl Marx, August Willich, Frederick Engels,

Heinrich Bauer, Karl PfÀnder

  1. ↑ See this volume, p. 597.— Ed.
  2. ↑ See Note 180.
  3. ↑ Deutsche Schnellpost and New-Yorker Staatszeitung.—Ed.