Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London (3)

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£ s d
April 24 Cash in hand according to previous account 9 4 111/2
May From Hanau through Citizen Schärttner, £ 13 less 7s 9d income tax 12 12 3
From an Englishman - 2 -
Frankfurt am Main £5 and £20 25 - -
46 19 21/2
June From Trier 2 2 6
From Paris (German workers) 1 18 6
Through Citizen Betzler - 5 -
4 6 -
July From Frankfurt am Main 30 - -
From Cologne - 11 4
From Wiesbaden (Workers' Association) 4 10 -
From Hamburg (Norddeutsche Freie Presse) 11 11 10
From London Workers'Society 7 9 6
From Frankfurt am Main 20 - -
From Neustadt a.d. Haardt 4 - -
From Hamburg (Despatch Dept. of the Freischütz)[1] 20 10 10
From La Chaux-de-Fonds 5 - -
From Hamburg (Workers' Association of St. Georg) - 17 6
104 11 -
£ s d
April 24 128 grants @ 3s 6d 22 8 -
to May 30 27 3s 4 1 -
26 2s 2 12 -
31 1s 1 11 -
25 5s 6 5 -
Occasional grants 1 5 -
Shoemakers' work for refugees - 14 -
Petty expenses - 6 11
39 2 11
June 58 2s 5 16 -
59 1s 2 19 -
25 1s 6d 1 17 6
Occasional grants 1 6 -
Petty expenses - 11 6
11 14 -
July 28 2s 2 16 -
24 1s 1 4 -
93 6d 2 6 6
Occasional grants 1 6 -
For the refugees' board and lodging
£7 9s 6d
£5 - -
£5 10s - 35 9 6
£5 10s -
£6 - -
£6 - -
For working equipment 6 - -
Advances to refugees 7 12 6
Advances to a refugee with family 1 - -
Petty expenses - 19 31/2
58 13 91/2
Total expenditure 109 10 81/2
Total receipts 155 16 21/2
Less expenditure 109 10 81/2
Cash in hand 46 5 6

The above accounts were submitted to the meeting of the Workers’ Society on July 30 of this year and were approved. Books and receipts are ready and available for inspection by the donors or their representatives.

Since in the month of June contributions received were very scanty and the need of the refugees was often unbearable, it was decided to set up a communal lodging and eating-house for them. The local Workers’ Society and a section of the refugees who had already found work made it possible by their contributions to begin the execution of this plan. From funds received later the house could be provided with the necessary utensils and furniture. Up to now 18 refugees have found lodgings there and about 40 have received meals. At first the unemployed shoemakers among the refugees were used to provide their comrades with the necessary footwear. Later the Committee allocated funds and took the steps necessary to equip a common workshop for the refugees on the same premises and so to enable them to earn part of their living expenses themselves.

If the first attempt proves a success, the thing will be done on a larger scale and the public will be further informed about it at the appropriate time. The Committee expects that this double enterprise of providing aid and employment for the refugees will be supported by a great many contributions from Germany until the refugees are able to support themselves.

London, July 30, 1850

The Social-Democratic Refugee Committee:

Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, August Willich,

Karl Pfänder, Heinrich Bauer

  1. In the same issue of Der Freischütz (No. 98, August 15, 1850) that carried the present accounts, the editors published Karl Pfänder's letter and his receipt issued in the name of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee. At the same time, the editors voiced their perplexity at not receiving a similar receipt from the other committee (the one consisting of petty-bourgeois refugee leaders).