Socialist revolution

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 Texts with keyword "Socialist revolution"AuthorDate
 A Painful But Necessary LessonLeninFeb 1918
 A Revolution of the 1789 or the 1848 Type?LeninMar 1905
 A School of Revolutionary StrategyLeon TrotskyJul 1921
 Between Red and WhiteLeon TrotskyFeb 1922
 Bourgeois Public Opinion, Social Democracy and CommunismLeon TrotskyMar 1922
 Can a Counter-Revolution or a Revolution Be Made on Schedule?Leon TrotskySep 1923
 Economics And Politics In The Era Of The Dictatorship Of The ProletariatLeninOct 1919
 Eighth Congress of the RCP(b)LeninMar 1919
 En Route: Thoughts on the Progress of the Proletarian RevolutionLeon TrotskyApr 1919
 Extract from an Article Against the Socialist-RevolutionarieLeninDec 1902
 Extraordinary All-Russia Railwaymen’s Congress (January 1918)LeninJan 1918
 First All-Russia Congress on Adult EducationLeninMay 1919
 First Congress of the Communist InternationalLeninMar 1919
 Flood-Tide. The Economic Conjuncture and the World Labour MovementLeon TrotskyDec 1921
 For Bread And PeaceLeninDec 1917
 Fourth Anniversary of the October RevolutionLeninOct 1921
 Introduction of Socialism or Exposure of Plunder of the State?LeninJun 1917
 Letters on TacticsLeninApr 1917
 Literature and RevolutionLeon TrotskyJan 1924
 Manifesto of the Communist International to the Workers of the WorldThird International
Leon Trotsky
Mar 1919
 Marxism and the Relation Between Proletarian and Peasant RevolutionLeon TrotskyDec 1928
 Marxism in Our TimeLeon TrotskyApr 1939
 Materials Relating to the Revision of the Party ProgrammeLeninApr 1917
 Meeting Of The Petrograd Soviet Of Workers' And Soldiers' DeputiesLeninNov 1917
 Meeting of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee, November 17, 1917LeninNov 1917
 Note to the Theses “Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination”LeninJan 1916
 On The Famine. A Letter to The Workers Of PetrogradLeninMay 1918
 On the Provisional Revolutionary GovernmentLeninMay 1905
 On the Two Lines in the RevolutionLeninNov 1915
 Opposition Serves the Bolshevik RevolutionLeon TrotskyJan 1930
 Political Parties in Russia and the Tasks of the ProletariatLeninJul 1917
 Principles Involved in the War IssueLeninDec 1916
 Report at the Second All-Russia Trade Union CongressLeninJan 1918
 Report of Marx's Lecture on Wage Labour and Capital at the Meeting of the First Workers' Association of Vienna on September 2, 1848Karl MarxSep 1848
 Report on the World Economic Crisis and the New Tasks of the Communist InternationalLeon TrotskyJun 1921
 Session of the All-Russia CEC, April 29, 1918LeninApr 1918
 Speech At A Ceremonial Meeting Of The All-Russia Central And Moscow Trade Union CouncilsLeninNov 1918
 Speech At A Rally In Honour Of The Austro-Hungarian RevolutionLeninNov 1918
 Speech At The First All-Russia Congress Of The NavyLeninDec 1917
 Speech on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly delivered to the All-Russia Central Executive CommitteeLeninJan 1918
 Terrorism and CommunismLeon TrotskyMay 1920
 Terrorism and Communism (By Kautsky)Karl KautskyJan 1919
 The Abdication of the BourgeoisieFriedrich EngelsAug 1889
 The Aggravation of the Situation in RussiaLeninOct 1905
 The Aim of the Proletarian Struggle in Our RevolutionLeninMar 1909
 The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of Comrade StalinLeon TrotskyApr 1927
 The Civil War in FranceKarl MarxJul 1870
 The Economic Situation of Soviet Russia from the Standpoint of the Socialist Revolution (Theses)Leon TrotskyDec 1922
 The Fundamentals of Revolutionary CommunismAmadeo BordigaJan 1957
 The Guilty Blaming the InnocentLeninApr 1905
⤑ Other texts