Rosa Luxemburg

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The most complete bibliography of Luxemburg works is one achieved in polish language by Kaczanowska.

Rosa Luxemburg texts[edit source]

 What Are the Origins of May Day?Jan 1894
 The Polish Question at the International Congress in LondonJul 1896
 Social Democracy and the National Struggles in TurkeyOct 1896
 The Industrial Development of PolandJan 1898
 Opportunism and the art of the possibleSep 1898
 Reform or RevolutionSep 1898
 Speeches to Stuttgart CongressOct 1898
The Militia and MilitarismFeb 1899
 A question of tacticsJul 1899
 Speech to the Hanover CongressOct 1899
 The Dreyfus Affair and the Millerand CaseNov 1899
 In Defense of NationalityJan 1900
 The Socialist Crisis in FranceJan 1901
 To the National Council of the French Worker’s PartyMay 1901
 Martinique (1902)May 1902
 Eight-Hour Day at the Party CongressSep 1902
 An anti-clerical policy of SocialismJan 1903
 In Memory of the Proletariat PartyJan 1903
 Marxist Theory and the ProletariatJan 1903
 Stagnation and Progress of MarxismJan 1903
 Organisational Questions in the Russian Social-Democratic MovementJan 1904
 Lassalle and the RevolutionMar 1904
 In the Storm (1904)May 1904
 Social Democracy and ParliamentarismJun 1904
 Foreword to the Anthology: The Polish Question and the Socialist MovementJan 1905
 The Revolution in RussiaJan 1905
 Socialism and The ChurchesJan 1905
 The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade UnionsJan 1906
 Blanquism and Social DemocracyJun 1906
 Riot and RevolutionDec 1906
 The Two Methods of Trade-Union PolicyOct 1907
 The National Question (1908)Jan 1908
 25th anniversary of Marx’s deathMar 1908
 The First of May as a Day of Working-Class StruggleSep 1908
 On the Question of Budget ApprovalSep 1908
 The Party SchoolSep 1908
 Revolutionary HangoverApr 1909
 Theory & Practice - A polemic against Comrade Kautsky’s theory of the Mass StrikeJan 1910
 The Next Step (1910)Mar 1910
Peace UtopiasMay 1911
 Concerning MoroccoJul 1911
 Mass ActionAug 1911
 An Amusing MisunderstandingSep 1911
 To the Unity Conference of the Socialist Organisations in ManchesterSep 1911
 On the Fallen Women of LiberalismJan 1912
 What Now? (1912)Feb 1912
 Women’s Suffrage and Class StruggleMay 1912
 Lassalle’s LegacyJan 1913
 The Accumulation of CapitalJan 1913
 The Idea of May Day on the MarchApr 1913
 Down With Reformist Illusions—Hail the Revolutionary Class Struggle!Apr 1913
 The Political Mass StrikeJul 1913
 The German SDP and the WarSep 1914
 Rebuilding the InternationalJan 1915
 From the Archives of MarxismJan 1915
 Either Or (Luxemburg)Apr 1916
 Dog PoliticsMay 1916
 Postcard to Sophie Liebknecht, July 7, 1916Jul 1916
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, August 5, 1916Aug 1916
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, August 24, 1916Aug 1916
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, November 21, 1916Nov 1916
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, January 15, 1917Jan 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, February 18, 1917Feb 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, April 19, 1917Apr 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, May 2, 1917May 1917
 The Old MoleMay 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, May 19, 1917May 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, May 23, 1917May 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, End of May 1917May 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, June 1, 1917Jun 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, July 20, 1917Jul 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, August 2, 1917Aug 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, Mid-November, 1917Nov 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, November 24, 1917Nov 1917
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, Mid December, 1917Dec 1917
 The Russian Revolution (Luxemburg)Jan 1918
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, January 14, 1918Jan 1918
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, March 24, 1918Mar 1918
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, May 2, 1918May 1918
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, May 12, 1918May 1918
 Life of KorolenkoJul 1918
 Letter to Julian Marchlewski, end of July or beginning of August 1918Jul 1918
 Letters from prisonAug 1918
 The Russian TragedySep 1918
 Letter to Stefan Bratman-Brodowski, September 3, 1918Sep 1918
 Letter to Julian Marchlewski, September 30, 1918Sep 1918
 Letter to Sophie Liebknecht, October 18, 1918Oct 1918
 A Call to the Workers of the WorldNov 1918
 Oh! How – German is this Revolution!Nov 1918
 A Duty of HonorNov 1918
 The Beginning (Luxemburg)Nov 1918
 The National Assembly (Luxemburg)Nov 1918
 The Acheron in MotionNov 1918
 Letter to Adolf Warski, end of November, start of December, 1918Nov 1918
 The Socialisation of SocietyDec 1918
 What Does the Spartacus League Want?Dec 1918
 Letter to Lenin, 20 December 1918Dec 1918
 The Elections to the National AssemblyDec 1918
 Our Program and the Political SituationDec 1918
 What are the Leaders Doing?Jan 1919
⤑ Other texts

Texts about or mentioning Luxemburg[edit source]

 A Good Resolution and a Bad SpeechLenin1913
 Comment on Kautsky’s LetterLenin1913
 Comments on Rosa Luxemburg’s book Accumulation of CapitalLenin1913
 Coteries Abroad and Russian LiquidatorsLenin1913
 Critical Remarks on the National QuestionLenin1913
 Fine Words Butter No ParsnipsLenin1905
 First Congress of the Communist InternationalLenin1919
 Greetings to Franz Mehring and Rosa LuxemburgLeon Trotsky1916
 Hands Off Rosa Luxemburg!Leon Trotsky1932
 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa LuxemburgLeon Trotsky1919
 Letter to Rosa Luxemburg, May 18, 1909Lenin1909
 Letter to the Workers of Europe and AmericaLenin1918
 Luxemburg and the Fourth InternationalLeon Trotsky1935
 Notebook “ζ”Lenin1915
 On the Question of the Bureau’s Next StepsLenin1918
 Rosa Luxemburg and the Polish “Partei” Vorstand in Martov’s WakeLenin1912
 Speech at a Protest Rally Following the Murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa LuxemburgLenin1919
 Speech at a Stone-Laying Ceremony for a Monument to Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg Held in PetrogradLenin1920
 The Collapse of the Second InternationalLenin1915
 The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart (Proletary)Lenin1907
 The Junius PamphletLenin1916
 The Polish Social-Democratic Opposition at the Parting of the WaysLenin1914
 The Right of Nations to Self-DeterminationLenin1914
 The Split Among the Polish Social-DemocratsLenin1913
 Two Worlds (1910)Lenin1910
 Would-Be “Uniters”Lenin1913