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 Texts with keyword "Germany"AuthorDate
 "Magyar Rodomontade" of the Kolnische ZeitungFriedrich EngelsApr 1849
 A Bourgeois Document (1849)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1849
 A Conversation with Trotsky (August 1932)Leon TrotskyAug 1932
 A Correction (April 1865)Karl Marx
First International
Apr 1865
 A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Program of 1891Friedrich EngelsJun 1891
 A Decree of Eichmann’sKarl MarxNov 1848
 A Denunciation (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, February 1849)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Feb 1849
 A Diplomatic Impropriety (1855)Karl MarxOct 1855
 A Famous Victory (May 1854)Friedrich EngelsMay 1854
 A German Voice on the WarLeninDec 1914
 A Letter to the Prussian Ambassador in London, Baron BunsenKarl MarxMay 1850
 A New Ally of the Counter-Revolution (1848)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Dec 1848
 A New Prussian Kick for the Frankfurt AssemblyKarl MarxMay 1849
 A New Year Greeting (1849)Karl MarxJan 1849
 A Note on the Amnesty (Marx, 1862)Karl MarxSep 1862
 A Prussian Kick for the Frankfurt AssemblyFriedrich EngelsMay 1849
 A Prussian View of the WarKarl MarxMay 1859
 A Question to the Workers (May 7, 1849)Friedrich EngelsMay 1849
 A Separate PeaceLeninNov 1916
 A Serious Lesson And A Serious ResponsibilityLeninMar 1918
 A Warrant of Arrest against Friedrich EngelsFriedrich EngelsJun 1849
 A Word to the RiformaFriedrich EngelsFeb 1848
 A warning (March 1865)Karl Marx
First International
Mar 1865
∅AbensbergFriedrich EngelsJan 1857
 About the United Front with GrzezinskyLeon TrotskySep 1933
 Account of a Letter by Karl Marx to the Committee of the Social-Democratic Workers' PartyKarl MarxJan 1870
 Accounts of the Committee of Support for German Refugees in LondonKarl Marx
August Willich
Friedrich Engels
Dec 1849
 Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London (1)Karl Marx
August Willich
Friedrich Engels
Mar 1850
 Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London (2)Karl Marx
August Willich
Friedrich Engels
Apr 1850
 Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London (3)Karl Marx
August Willich
Friedrich Engels
Jul 1850
 Accounts of the Social-Democratic Refugee Committee in London (4)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Sep 1850
 Acquittal of the Neue Rheinische ZeitungKarl MarxFeb 1849
 Address of the Central Commission of the Workers’ Associations of Switzerland to the Executive of the March association in Frankfurt Am MainFriedrich EngelsDec 1848
 Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League, June 1850Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Jun 1850
 Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League, March 1850Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Mar 1850
 Address of the German Democratic Communists of Brussels To Mr. Feargus O'ConnorKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Jul 1846
 Address to the German National Assembly in Frankfurt Adopted by a Public Meeting Held in Cologne on September 7, 1848Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Sep 1848
 Advertisement Duty. Russian Movements. Denmark. The United States in Europe.Karl MarxAug 1853
 Affairs in Prussia (December 4, 1858)Karl MarxDec 1858
 Affairs in Prussia (January 11, 1859)Karl MarxJan 1859
 Affairs in Prussia (November 16, 1858)Karl MarxNov 1858
 Affairs in Prussia (November 23, 1858)Karl MarxNov 1858
 Affairs in Prussia (October 16, 1858)Karl MarxOct 1858
 Affairs in Prussia (October 19, 1858)Karl MarxOct 1858
 Affairs in Prussia. Prussia, France and ItalyKarl MarxSep 1860
 Against National Communism! (Lessons of the “Red Referendum”)Leon TrotskyAug 1931
 AldenhovenFriedrich EngelsJul 1857
 Alexander Jung, “Lectures on Modern German Literature”Friedrich EngelsJun 1842
 An Interview on the August 22 DeclarationLeon TrotskyOct 1929
 An Open Letter to All Members of the LeninbundLeon TrotskyFeb 1930
‑ Other texts