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 Texts published in VorwärtsAuthorDate
Karl Marx Before the Cologne JuryKarl Marx
Karl Schapper
Friedrich Engels
Karl Schneider II
Feb 1849
 Letter to Edward Spencer Beesly, June 12, 1871Karl MarxJun 1871
 Anti-DühringFriedrich EngelsJan 1877
 From Italy (1877)Friedrich EngelsMar 1877
 Reply to Bucher's "Declaration" (1878)Karl MarxJun 1878
 Notice on the Death of Lydia BurnsFriedrich EngelsSep 1878
 Carl SchorlemmerFriedrich EngelsJul 1892
 The American Presidential Election (1892)Friedrich EngelsNov 1892
 Speech at a Social-Democratic Meeting in Berlin on September 22, 1893Friedrich EngelsJan 1893
 On the Latest Caper of the Paris PoliceFriedrich EngelsJan 1893
 The Italian PanamaFriedrich EngelsJan 1893
 To the German Workers on May Day 1893Friedrich EngelsMar 1893
 Can Europe Disarm? (1893)Friedrich EngelsMar 1893
 The Third Volume of Karl Marx's CapitalFriedrich EngelsJan 1894
 Letter to the Editors of the Vorwärts, November 12, 1894Friedrich EngelsDec 1894
 Germany, England and the World­PolicyKarl KautskyAug 1900
 Marxist Theory and the ProletariatRosa LuxemburgJan 1903
 Resolution on Militarism adopted by the International Socialist Congress at StuttgartSecond InternationalAug 1907
 Manifesto of the International Socialist Congress at BaselSecond InternationalNov 1912
 The Political Mass StrikeRosa LuxemburgJul 1913
 Methods of Peace-MakingKarl KautskyFeb 1923

 Texts mentioning VorwärtsAuthorDate
 Deception of the People by the LiberalsLeninMar 1908
 To the Executive Committee of the German Social-Democratic Labour PartyLeninMar 1909
 The Anonymous Writer in Vorwärts and the State of Affairs in the RSDLPLeninMar 1912
 Letter to Vorwärts and Wiener Arbeiter-ZeitungLeninNov 1914
 Split or Decay?LeninFeb 1916
 The Tasks of the Opposition in FranceLeninFeb 1916