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 Texts with keyword "Berlin"AuthorDate
 Berlin MiscellanyFriedrich EngelsAug 1842
 ComitĂ© de sĂ»retĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale in BerlinKarl MarxJun 1848
 Counter-Revolution in BerlinKarl MarxNov 1848
 Decision of the Berlin National AssemblyKarl MarxNov 1848
 Diary of a Guest StudentFriedrich EngelsMay 1842
 Freedom of Debate in BerlinKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Sep 1848
 From the Minutes of the General Meeting of the Cologne Workers' Association on October 22, 1848Karl MarxOct 1848
 Letter to Carl Siebel, December 22, 1864Karl MarxDec 1864
 Letter to Eduard von MĂŒller-Tellering, January 15, 1849Karl MarxJan 1849
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, April 14, 1870Karl MarxApr 1870
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, December 10, 1864Karl MarxDec 1864
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, January 25, 1865Karl MarxJan 1865
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, November 14, 1864Karl MarxNov 1864
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, November 18, 1864Karl MarxNov 1864
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, beginning of April 1861Jenny von WestphalenApr 1861
 Letter to Joseph Weydemeyer, Mid-August 1849Karl MarxAug 1849
 Letter to Karl Kautsky, June 1, 1893Friedrich EngelsJun 1893
 Letter to Karl Marx, February 7, 1865Friedrich EngelsFeb 1865
 Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann, February 17, 1870Karl MarxFeb 1870
 Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann, July 2, 1868Karl MarxJul 1868
 Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann, March 3, 1869Karl MarxMar 1869
 Letter to Nikolai Danielson, July 22, 1871Karl MarxJul 1871
 Letter to Sigfrid Meyer, beginning of February 1866Jenny von WestphalenFeb 1866
 Letter to the Chairman of the Narrow CPC, November 28, 1921LeninNov 1921
 Letter to the Members of the Provisional Berlin Commission for the Issue of Foreign Orders for Gidrotorf, September 24, 1921LeninSep 1921
 Mass Meeting and the Committee of Public Safety (Cologne, 1848)Friedrich EngelsSep 1848
 Reply of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, September 3, 1848Karl MarxSep 1848
 Speech at a Social-Democratic Meeting in Berlin on September 22, 1893Friedrich EngelsJan 1893
 Telegram to Adolph Joffe, October 7, 1918LeninOct 1918
 Telephone Message to G. D. Tsiurupa, July 17, 1921LeninJul 1921
 The Agreement Debates in BerlinFriedrich EngelsJun 1848
 The Berlin Agreement DebatesFriedrich EngelsJul 1848
 The Berlin ConspiracyKarl MarxApr 1853
∅The Berlin Debate on the RevolutionFriedrich EngelsJun 1848
 The Latest News from Vienna, Berlin and ParisKarl MarxNov 1848
 The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Berlin and CologneKarl MarxNov 1848
 U.S. Invasion of Dominican Republic Stirs World-Wide AngerUsec-FIMay 1965