Working class

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 Texts with keyword "Working class"AuthorDate
 The Condition of the Working Class in EnglandFriedrich EngelsSep 1844
 To the Readers of and Contributors to the GesellschaftsspiegelMoses Hess
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1845
 Letter to The Communist Correspondence Committee, October 23, 1846Friedrich EngelsOct 1846
 Letter to Karl Marx, about October 23, 1846Friedrich EngelsOct 1846
 Letter to Karl Marx, Middle of November-December, 1846Friedrich EngelsNov 1846
 Manifesto of the Communist PartyKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1847
 Letter to Georg Herwegh, July 27, 1847Karl MarxJul 1847
 Letter to Georg Herwegh, August 8, 1847Karl MarxAug 1847
 The Protectionists, the Free Traders and the Working ClassKarl MarxSep 1847
 Appeal of the Mainz Workers’ Educational Association to all workers of GermanyCommunist League (Marx-Engels)
Adolf Cluss
Carl Wallau
Apr 1848
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, April 24, 1848Karl MarxApr 1848
 Articles of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung CompanyKarl MarxJul 1848
 Newspaper Reports of Marx's Speech in the Vienna Democratic Association on August 28, 1848Karl MarxAug 1848
 Report of the Speeches Made by Marx and Engels at the General Meeting of the Democratic Society in Cologne on August 4, 1848Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Aug 1848
 Newspaper Reports of Marx's Speech in the First Workers' Association of Vienna on August 30, 1848Karl MarxAug 1848
 A Bourgeois Document (1849)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1849
 Letter to Karl Marx, February 5, 1851Karl MarxFeb 1851
 Letter to Karl Marx, July 17, 1851Friedrich EngelsJul 1851
 England (Engels, 1852)Friedrich EngelsJan 1852
 Letter to Adolf Cluss, June 14, 1853Karl MarxJun 1853
 Prospect in France and England (1855)Karl MarxApr 1855
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, April 16, 1856Karl MarxApr 1856
 Letter to Jenny Marx, June 21, 1856Karl MarxJun 1856
 Condition of Factory Laborers (1857)Karl MarxApr 1857
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, July 15, 1858Karl MarxJul 1858
 Letter to Karl Marx, October 7, 1858Friedrich EngelsOct 1858
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, December 10, 1859Karl MarxDec 1859
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, after January 11, 1860Karl MarxJan 1860
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 27, 1861Karl MarxFeb 1861
 A London Workers’ Meeting (1862)Karl MarxJan 1862
 Workers' Distress in England (Marx, 1862)Karl MarxSep 1862
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, January 2, 1863Karl MarxJan 1863
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, about November 24, 1863Jenny von WestphalenNov 1863
 Inaugural Address of the Working Men's International Association (October 1864)Karl Marx
First International
Oct 1864
 Provisional Rules of the Working Men's International Association (October 1864)Karl Marx
First International
Oct 1864
 Letter to Carl Klings, October 4, 1864Karl MarxOct 1864
 Letter to Karl Marx, November 7, 1864Friedrich EngelsNov 1864
 Letter to Karl Marx, January 27, 1865Friedrich EngelsJan 1865
 The Prussian Military Question and the German Workers' PartyFriedrich EngelsFeb 1865
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 18, 1865Karl MarxFeb 1865
 Letter to Friedrich Albert Lange, March 29, 1865Friedrich EngelsMar 1865
 Letter to Léon Fontaine, April 15, 1865Karl MarxApr 1865
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, May 1, 1865Karl MarxMay 1865
 To the Working Men of Great Britain and IrelandFirst InternationalAug 1865
 The Industrial Newspaper CompanyFirst InternationalAug 1865
 Report on the Working-Class Movement in GermanyWilhelm LiebknechtNov 1865
 What have the working classes to do with Poland?Friedrich EngelsApr 1866
 Letter to Karl Marx, July 25, 1866Friedrich EngelsJul 1866
 Letter to Laura Marx, May 13, 1867Karl MarxMay 1867
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, June 22, 1867Karl MarxJun 1867
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