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 Texts with keyword "Speech"AuthorDate
 A Critique of Palmerston's Latest SpeechKarl MarxJun 1855
 A Letter to the Polish SocialistsKarl Marx
Paul Lafargue
Friedrich Lessner
Friedrich Engels
Sep 1880
 About Engels' Speech at a New Year's Party of the Fraternal Democrats Society, December 30, 1850Friedrich EngelsDec 1850
 Account of Engels' Speech on Mazzini's Attitude Towards the InternationalFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Jun 1871
 Account of Marx's Speech Against OdgerKarl Marx
First International
Aug 1871
 Class and Art - Culture Under the DictatorshipLeon TrotskyMay 1924
 Closing Speech at the International Socialist Workers' Congress in ZurichFriedrich EngelsAug 1893
 Concerning Certain Speeches by Workers’ DeputiesLeninNov 1912
 Culture and SocialismLeon TrotskyFeb 1926
 Draft for a Speech on France's Attitude to Poland (Polemics against Peter Fox)Karl MarxDec 1864
 Draft for a Speech on the Agrarian Question in the Second State DumaLeninMar 1907
 Draft for the Speech over the Grave of Jenny MarxFriedrich EngelsDec 1881
 Draft of a Speech at the Graveside of Karl MarxFriedrich EngelsJan 1883
 Eleventh Congress of the RCP(b) (2)LeninMar 1922
 Extraordinary Sixth All-Russia Congress Of Soviets Of Workers’, Peasants’, Cossacks’and Red Army DeputiesLeninNov 1918
 False Notes (1913)LeninMar 1913
 First Speech on the Chinese QuestionLeon TrotskyMay 1927
 Frank Speeches by a LiberalLeninJun 1913
 In Defence Of October. Speech delivered in Copenhagen, November 1932Leon TrotskyNov 1932
 In Memory of M. V. FrunzeLeon TrotskyNov 1925
 In Memory of PlekhanovLeon TrotskyJun 1918
 Jenny Marx, née von WestphalenFriedrich EngelsDec 1881
 Kamenev’s Speech in the CEC on the Stockholm ConferenceLeninAug 1917
 La Liberté Speech (September 8, 1872)Karl Marx
First International
Sep 1872
 Louis Blanc's Speech at the Dijon BanquetFriedrich EngelsDec 1847
 Manteuffel's Speech. Religious Movement in Prussia. Mazzini's Address. London Corporation. Russell's Reform. Labor Parliament.Karl MarxNov 1853
 Minutes of Marx’s Report to the London German Workers’ Educational Society on November 30, 1847Karl MarxNov 1847
 Move Speech at the Second All-Russia Congress Of Internationalist TeachersLeninJan 1919
 Next Tasks for Worker CorrespondentsLeon TrotskyJan 1926
 Notes for a Speech at the Tenth Congress of the RCP(b) on the Substitution of Food Requisitioning By A TaxLeninMar 1921
 Notes for a Speech on March 27, 1922LeninMar 1922
 On The Candidacy Of M. I. Kalinin For The Post Of Chairman Of The All-Russia Central Executive CommitteeLeninMar 1919
 On the Activity of the Alliance of Socialist Democracy. Record of the Speech at the Sitting of the Conference Commission of 18 September 1871Karl Marx
First International
Sep 1871
 On the German Revolution, a speech to the Moscow Metal WorkersLeon TrotskyOct 1923
 On the Political Action of the Working Class (September 21, 1871)Friedrich EngelsSep 1871
 On the Political Action of the Working Class. Plan for speechFriedrich EngelsSep 1871
 Our Foreign and Domestic Position and Party Tasks. Speech delivered to the Moscow Gubernia Conference of the RCP(b)LeninNov 1920
 Outline of Speech at the Tenth All-Russia Congress of SovietsLeninDec 1922
 Outline of Unidentified Speech at a MeetingLeninApr 1917
 Plan of a Speech at a Meeting of The Communist Group of the Fourth All-Russia Congress of Trade UnionsLeninMay 1921
 Plan of a Speech at the Trade Union CongressLeninMay 1921
 Preface to the Speeches of Nizhni-Novgorod Workers in Court, Before December 14, 1902LeninDec 1902
 Prince Albert's Toast. The Stamp Duty on NewspapersKarl MarxJun 1855
 Proudhon's Speech against ThiersKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Aug 1848
 RSDLP Council.May 31 and June 5 (June 13 and 18), 1904LeninMay 1904
 Record Of Marx's Speech On General EducationKarl Marx
First International
Aug 1869
 Record of Engels' Speech on the Convocation of the London Conference of 1871First International
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1936
 Record of Engels' Speech on the Paris Commune, April 11, 1871First International
Friedrich Engels
Apr 1871
 Record of Engels' Speech on the Revolution of March 18 in ParisFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Mar 1871
 Record of Engels' Speeches on the Paris Commune and in Connection with the Centennial Anniversary of Robert Owen's BirthFirst International
Friedrich Engels
May 1871
⤑ Other texts