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 Texts published in PravdaAuthorDate
 Record of Engels' Speech on the Revolution of March 18 in ParisFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Mar 1871
 Letter to Wilhelm Liebknecht, April 6, 1871Karl MarxApr 1871
 Record of Engels' Speech on the Paris Commune, April 11, 1871First International
Friedrich Engels
Apr 1871
 Letter to Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, February 22, 1881Karl MarxFeb 1881
 To the Chairman of the Slavonic Meeting, March 21st 1881, in Celebration of the Anniversary of the Paris CommuneKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Mar 1881
 Letter to the Printing Shop of Iskra, Between May 22 and June 1, 1901LeninMay 1901
 Three Outlines for a Report on the Paris CommuneLeninMar 1904
 Letter to the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP, November 29, 1904LeninNov 1904
 Our Tasks and the Soviet of Workers' DeputiesLeninNov 1905
 Our Tasks and the Soviet of Workers’ DeputiesLeninNov 1905
 From the Bulgarian CongressLeon TrotskyAug 1910
 Announcement on the Publication of Rabochaya GazetaLeninOct 1910
 An Open Letter to All Pro-Party Social-DemocratsLeninNov 1910
 Judas Trotsky’s Blush of ShameLeninJan 1911
 Paul Singer (by Trotsky)Leon TrotskyJan 1911
 The Sixth (Prague) All-Russia Conference of the RSDLP (2)LeninJan 1912
 Put Your Cards on the TableLeninMar 1912
 The Trudoviks and the Worker DemocratsLeninMay 1912
 In Switzerland (July 12, 1912)LeninJul 1912
 The Results of Six Months’ WorkLeninJul 1912
 The Italian Socialist CongressLeninJul 1912
 â€œFreedom of Speech” in RussiaLeninJul 1912
 Capitalism and Popular ConsumptionLeninJul 1912
 Liberals and ClericalsLeninJul 1912
 Cadets and DemocratsLeninJul 1912
 The Liberal CampaignLeninJul 1912
 Questions of Principle (1912)LeninJul 1912
 Workers’ Earnings and Capitalist Profits in RussiaLeninAug 1912
 A Little Explanation (1912)LeninAug 1912
 The Strike Movement and WagesLeninAug 1912
 The Working Day in the Factories of Moscow GuberniaLeninAug 1912
 Concentration of Production in RussiaLeninAug 1912
 In Britain (1912)LeninAug 1912
 A Career (A. Suvorin)LeninAug 1912
 A Poor Defence (1912)LeninAug 1912
 The Liquidators and “Unity”LeninAug 1912
 The Workers and PravdaLeninAug 1912
 The International Congress of JudgesLeninAug 1912
 Before and Now (1912)LeninAug 1912
 In Switzerland (August 31, 1912)LeninAug 1912
 The Priesthood and PoliticsLeninSep 1912
 The Unity of the Cadets and Novoye VremyaLeninSep 1912
 Concerning N. S. Polyansky’s LetterLeninSep 1912
 The Successes of the American WorkersLeninSep 1912
 The End of the Italo-Turkish WarLeninSep 1912
 A Game of ChanceLeninOct 1912
 Mr. Milyukov’s “Position”LeninOct 1912
 Letter to Camille Huysmans, After October 9, 1912LeninOct 1912
 Deputy of the St. Petersburg WorkersLeninOct 1912
 The Balkan Peoples and European DiplomacyLeninOct 1912
 On Political SpinelessnessLeninOct 1912
 The Fox and the Hen-CoopLeninOct 1912
 A Disgraceful ResolutionLeninOct 1912
 A New Chapter of World HistoryLeninOct 1912
 Cadets and NationalistsLeninOct 1912
 The Horrors of WarLeninOct 1912
 Truly Russian MoralsLeninNov 1912
 The Social Significance of the Serbo-Bulgarian VictoriesLeninNov 1912
 The Results and Significance of the U.S. Presidential ElectionsLeninNov 1912
 Regenerated ChinaLeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Sotsial-Demokrat, Earlier than November 18, 1912LeninNov 1912
 The Disease of ReformismLeninNov 1912
 Impoverishment in Capitalist SocietyLeninNov 1912
 Letter to Joseph Stalin, December 6, 1912LeninDec 1912
 The Working Class and its “Parliamentary” RepresentativesLeninDec 1912
 The “Reconciliation” of the Nationalists and CadetsLeninDec 1912
 The National-LiberalsLeninDec 1912
 The British Labour Movement in 1912LeninJan 1913
 The Marx-Engels CorrespondenceLeninJan 1913
 Eugène Pottier, January 3, 1913LeninJan 1913
 Better Late Than NeverLeninJan 1913
 The Significance of Poincare’s ElectionLeninJan 1913
 FranklyLeninJan 1913
 The Briand CabinetLeninJan 1913
 Experience TeachesLeninJan 1913
 New DemocratsLeninJan 1913
 On NarodismLeninJan 1913
 In the World of the AzefsLeninJan 1913
 The Bourgeoisie and ReformismLeninJan 1913
 Apropos of the Open PartyLeninJan 1913
 Mobilisation of Peasant LandsLeninFeb 1913
 A Word About StrikesLeninFeb 1913
 A DiscoveryLeninFeb 1913
 The British Labour Party ConferenceLeninFeb 1913
 Thank You for Your FranknessLeninFeb 1913
 The Question of Unity (1913)LeninFeb 1913
 Some Results of the “Land Distribution” PolicyLeninFeb 1913
 Conversation (1913)LeninMar 1913
 The Historical Destiny of the Doctrine of Karl MarxLeninMar 1913
 Big Landlord and Small Peasant Landownership in RussiaLeninMar 1913
 False Notes (1913)LeninMar 1913
 â€œThe Crux of the Matter”LeninMar 1913
 Liberal Embellishment of SerfdomLeninMar 1913
 A “Scientific” System of SweatingLeninMar 1913
 Our “Achievements”LeninMar 1913
 Agreement or Split?LeninMar 1913
 â€œSpare Cash”LeninMar 1913
 Big Achievement of the Chinese RepublicLeninMar 1913
 Old Problems and the Senile Decay of LiberalismLeninMar 1913
 The Cadet Assembly BillLeninMar 1913
⤑ Other texts

 Texts mentioning PravdaAuthorDate
 One of the Obstacles to Party UnityLeninApr 1910
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, July 6, 1912LeninJul 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, July 19, 1912LeninJul 1912
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, July 28 or 29, 1912LeninJul 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, Earlier than August 1, 1912LeninAug 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, August 1, 1912LeninAug 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, August 2, 1912LeninAug 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, September 8, 1912LeninSep 1912
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, First half of October, 1912LeninOct 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, After October 3, 1912LeninOct 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, November 2, 1912LeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, After November 2, 1912LeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, November 2, 1912 (2)LeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, November 24, 1912LeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editor of Pravda, November 26, 1912LeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, Before November 26, 1912LeninNov 1912
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, February 14, 1913LeninFeb 1913
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, February 19, 1913LeninFeb 1913
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, February 21, 1913LeninFeb 1913
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, April 5, 1913LeninApr 1913
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, Not earlier than May 25, 1913LeninMay 1913
 Letter to Mikhail Olminsky, June 16, 1913LeninJun 1913
 Has Pravda Given Proof of Bundist Separatism?LeninJun 1913
 Letter to the Editorial Board of Pravda, June 16, 1913LeninJun 1913
 Letter to the Editors of Pravda, June, not earlier than 25th, 1913LeninJun 1913
 Letter to the Editors of Severnaya Pravda, After August 21, 1913LeninAug 1913
 Working-Class UnityLeninDec 1913
 Letter to the Editor of Put Pravdy, January 31, 1914LeninJan 1914
 Letter to the Editors of Pravda, September 18, 1918LeninSep 1918
 Letter to the Pravda Editorial Board, January 19, 1921LeninJan 1921
 Letter to the Editorial Boards of Pravda and Izvestia, May 9, 1921LeninMay 1921
 Is Discussion Needed?Leon TrotskyOct 1926
 Letter to the Pravda, July 15, 1931Leon TrotskyJul 1931
 How History Is Written. Dished Up to Order by Stalin’s Savants on Frederick Engels AnniversaryLeon TrotskyJan 1935
 In the Columns of Pravda ...Leon TrotskyMay 1936
 Notes in the Margin of Pravda's AccountsLeon TrotskyMar 1938