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 Texts with keyword "Socialism"AuthorDate
 A Letter to M. BlanquiPierre-Joseph ProudhonApr 1841
 Progress of Social Reform On the ContinentFriedrich EngelsOct 1843
 Continental SocialismFriedrich EngelsSep 1844
 The Festival of Nations in LondonFriedrich EngelsJan 1845
 The Historiography of True Socialism (against Karl GrĂŒn)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1845
 Letter to Karl Marx, January 20, 1845Friedrich EngelsJan 1845
 Plan of the “Library of the Best Foreign Socialist Writers”Karl MarxMar 1845
 Letter to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, May 5, 1846Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Philippe Gigot
May 1846
 Letter to Karl Marx, May 17, 1846Pierre-Joseph ProudhonMay 1846
 Letter to Karl Ludwig Bernays, August 1846Karl MarxAug 1846
 Letter to Karl Marx, after September 18, 1846Friedrich EngelsSep 1846
 The Poverty of PhilosophyKarl MarxJan 1847
 Minutes of the Meeting of the Cologne Community of the Communist League (May 11, 1848)Communist League (Marx-Engels)
Heinrich BĂŒrgers
Joseph Moll
May 1848
 The French Working Class and the Presidential ElectionsFriedrich EngelsDec 1848
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, June 7, 1849Karl MarxJun 1849
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, August 23, 1849Karl MarxAug 1849
 Le socialisme et l'impĂŽt, par Emile de GirardinKarl MarxApr 1850
 Toast Sent to the Refugee Committee in LondonAuguste BlanquiFeb 1851
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 11, 1851Karl MarxFeb 1851
 Letter to Karl Marx, August 11, 1851Friedrich EngelsAug 1851
 Real Causes Why the French Proletarians Remained Comparatively Inactive in December LastFriedrich EngelsFeb 1852
 Parliamentary Debates. The Clergy Against Socialism. StarvationKarl MarxFeb 1853
 Ireland's Revenge (1855)Karl MarxMar 1855
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, May 22, 1857Karl MarxMay 1857
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, September 25, 1857Karl MarxSep 1857
 A Historic Parallel (1859)Karl MarxMar 1859
 Declaration (Marx, November 1859)Karl MarxNov 1859
 Post-Ricardian Social CriticismKarl MarxJan 1863
 Letter to Joseph Weydemeyer, November 24, 1864Friedrich EngelsNov 1864
 Letter to Hermann Jung, November 20, 1865Karl MarxNov 1865
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, January 15, 1866Karl MarxJan 1866
 Letter to Wilhelm Liebknecht, January 15, 1866Karl MarxJan 1866
 Letter to Jenny Marx (daughter), May 5, 1867Karl MarxMay 1867
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, December 7, 1867Karl MarxDec 1867
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, March 25, 1868Karl MarxMar 1868
 Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann, February 11, 1869Karl MarxFeb 1869
 Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann, March 3, 1869Karl MarxMar 1869
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, March 14, 1869Karl MarxMar 1869
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, April 15, 1869Karl MarxApr 1869
 Report of the General Council on the Right of InheritanceKarl Marx
First International
Aug 1869
 Eisenach programSDAP (Germany)Aug 1869
 Letter to Karl Marx, December 9, 1869Friedrich EngelsDec 1869
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 12, 1870Karl MarxFeb 1870
 Letter to Paul Lafargue, April 19, 1870Karl MarxApr 1870
 Letter to Edward Spencer Beesly, October 19, 1870Karl MarxOct 1870
 Letter to Friedrich Bolte, November 23, 1871Karl MarxNov 1871
 Letter to Ludwig Kugelmann, May 18, 1874Karl MarxMay 1874
 Letter to August Bebel, March 18-28, 1875Friedrich EngelsMar 1875
 Letter to August Bebel, October 15, 1875Friedrich EngelsOct 1875
 Anti-DĂŒhringFriedrich EngelsJan 1877
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