Minutes of the Meeting of the Cologne Community of the Communist League (May 11, 1848)

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Before the March revolution of 1848, there existed in Cologne a Communist League community which included d’Ester, Daniels, Bürgers, Anneke, Gottschalk and others, the majority being under the influence of the “true socialists”. At the beginning of April 1848, the community was joined by Communist League members who had returned from emigration. As seen from the minutes published in this volume, soon after the arrival of Marx and Engels in Cologne sharp differences arose between them and Gottschalk. This document is signed by Bürgers and Moll, the leaders of the community; Marx was present at the sitting as the President of the Central Authority of the Communist League.

President Marx asks Gottschalk what his opinion or his decision is in regard to the League: what attitude towards the League he, Gottschalk, now intends to adopt.

Gottschalk states that he repeats his resignation already submitted, since the transformation undergone by the present conditions required also a recasting of the Rules of the League, and under the existing Rules his personal freedom was in jeopardy; he states, however, that in all cases where the League might call upon his energies he would when the occasion arises do everything in his power.

H. BĂźrgers, President

Jos. Moll, Secretary