
From Marxists-en
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 Texts with keyword "Science"AuthorDate
 A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (Manuscripts of 1861-63)Karl MarxAug 1861
 About "Science and Style"Leon TrotskyFeb 1940
 Addendum to the Draft Decision for the CPC On an Obligatory Science Minimum in the Higher SchoolsLeninMar 1921
 Anti-DühringFriedrich EngelsJan 1877
 Daedalus, or Science and the FutureJBS HaldaneJan 1923
 Dialectical Materialism and ScienceLeon TrotskySep 1925
 Dialectics of NatureFriedrich EngelsJan 1883
 Draft Plan of Scientific and Technical WorkLeninApr 1918
 Fr. Paulsen. Introduction to PhilosophyLeninJan 1903
 Icarus, or the Future of ScienceBertrand RussellJan 1924
 In Defence Of October. Speech delivered in Copenhagen, November 1932Leon TrotskyNov 1932
 Instructions on a Letter from the Administration of Scientific Institutions of the Academic Centre, October 5, 1921LeninOct 1921
 Letter to Borgius, January 25, 1894Friedrich EngelsJan 1894
 Letter to Conrad Schmidt, March 12, 1895Friedrich EngelsMar 1895
 Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, January 16, 1861Karl MarxJan 1861
 Letter to Friedrich Adolph Sorge, November 5, 1880Karl MarxNov 1880
 Letter to Karl Marx, April 8, 1863Friedrich EngelsApr 1863
 Letter to Karl Marx, July 14, 1858Friedrich EngelsJul 1858
 Letter to Karl Marx, May 30, 1873Friedrich EngelsMay 1873
 Letter to Konrad Schmidt, December 9, 1889Friedrich EngelsDec 1889
 Letter to Pyotr Lavrov, November 17, 1875Friedrich EngelsNov 1875
 Letter to Sidney Hook, April 11, 1933Leon TrotskyApr 1933
 Marxism and the New PhysicsPaul MattickJan 1978
 Marxism in Our TimeLeon TrotskyApr 1939
 Materialism and Empirio-criticismLeninFeb 1908
 Molotov’s Prosperity in KnowledgeLeon TrotskyJan 1930
 Nature and SocietyKarl KautskyDec 1929
 Notes on BooksLeninJan 1912
 Radio, Science, Technique and SocietyLeon TrotskyMar 1926
 Speech delivered at the Second All-Russia Congress of Medical WorkersLeninMar 1920