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 Texts with keyword "Religion"AuthorDate
 A Militant Agreement for the UprisingLeninFeb 1905
 Anti-Church Movement. Demonstration in Hyde ParkKarl MarxJun 1855
 Baptism Certificate of Friedrich EngelsFriedrich EngelsJan 1821
 Bruno Bauer and Early ChristianityFriedrich EngelsMay 1882
 Classes and Parties in Their Attitude to Religion and the ChurchLeninJun 1909
 Conspectus of Feuerbach’s Book Lectures on the Essence of ReligionLeninJan 1909
 Draft Program of the RCP(b)LeninJan 1919
 F. W. Krummacher’s Sermon on JoshuaFriedrich EngelsMay 1839
 For Lansbury, March 1, 1920LeninMar 1920
Forerunners of Modern SocialismPaul Lafargue
Karl Kautsky
Eduard Bernstein
Franz Mehring
Georgi Plekhanov
Hugo Lindemann
Jan 1895
 Foundations of ChristianityKarl KautskyJan 1908
 G. Fr Daumer, Die Religion des neuen Weltalters. Versuch einer combinatorisch-aphoristischen GrundlegungKarl MarxFeb 1850
 Heroes of “Reservation”LeninDec 1910
 Instructions for the Delegates of the Provisional General Council The Different QuestionsKarl Marx
First International
Aug 1866
 L. N. TolstoyLeninNov 1910
 Lawyers’ SocialismKarl Kautsky
Friedrich Engels
Jan 1887
 Letter to Adolf Cluss, October 5, 1853Karl MarxOct 1853
 Letter to Antoinette Philips, March 18, 1866Karl MarxMar 1866
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, August 8, 1870Karl MarxAug 1870
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, June 14, 1853Karl MarxJun 1853
 Letter to Johann Philipp Becker (excerpt) (1)Jenny von WestphalenJan 1866
 Letter to Karl Marx, April 13, 1866Karl MarxApr 1866
 Letter to Karl Marx, August 19, 1846Friedrich EngelsAug 1846
 Letter to Karl Marx, Before May 28, 1853Friedrich EngelsMay 1853
 Letter to Karl Marx, June 6, 1853Friedrich EngelsJun 1853
 Letter to Karl Marx, about October 18, 1846Friedrich EngelsOct 1846
 Letter to Vyacheslav Molotov, Between April 9 and 21, 1921LeninApr 1921
 Lev Tolstoi and His EpochLeninJan 1911
 Lord John RussellKarl MarxAug 1855
 Manteuffel's Speech. Religious Movement in Prussia. Mazzini's Address. London Corporation. Russell's Reform. Labor Parliament.Karl MarxNov 1853
 Minutes of Marx’s Report to the London German Workers’ Educational Society on November 30, 1847Karl MarxNov 1847
 Mr. George Howell’s History of the International Working-Men’s AssociationKarl MarxAug 1878
 Note on a Review of E. Renan's L'anti-christFriedrich EngelsJul 1873
 On the History of Early Christianity (Engels)Friedrich EngelsJan 1894
 Parsonocracy in PrussiaFriedrich EngelsMay 1844
Pope Pius IX in ParadisePaul LafargueJan 1872
 Proposals to the Draft Decision for the CC, RCP(b) Plenum on Clause 13 of the Party ProgrammeLeninMay 1921
 Reports from Bremen (2)Friedrich EngelsSep 1840
 Reports from Bremen (3)Friedrich EngelsSep 1840
 Reports from Bremen (4)Friedrich EngelsJan 1841
 Revolutionary DaysLeninJan 1905
 Socialism and Religion (1905)LeninDec 1905
 The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to ReligionLeninMay 1909
 The Book of Revelation (1883)Friedrich EngelsJan 1883
 The British Rule in IndiaKarl MarxJun 1853
 The Condition of England. I. The Eighteenth CenturyFriedrich EngelsFeb 1844
 The Future Results of British Rule in IndiaKarl MarxJul 1853
 The Gospel of EvolutionEdward AvelingJan 1884
 The Holy War (Engels)Friedrich EngelsOct 1853
 The Indian Revolt (1857)Karl MarxSep 1857
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