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 Texts with keyword "Spain"AuthorDate
 English and French War Plans. Greek Insurrection. Spain. China.Karl MarxMar 1854
 Excitement in Italy. The Events in Spain. The Position of The German States. British MagistratesKarl MarxJul 1854
 The Insurrection at Madrid. The Austro-Turkish Treaty. Moldavia and WallachiaKarl MarxJul 1854
 The Details of The Insurrection at Madrid. The Austro-Prussian Summons. The New Austrian Loan. WallachiaKarl MarxJul 1854
 The Spanish Revolution. Greece and TurkeyKarl MarxJul 1854
 That Bore of a WarKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Aug 1854
 Revolutionary Spain (1854)Karl MarxAug 1854
 Evacuation of The Danubian Principalities. The Events in Spain. A New Danish Constitution. The ChartistsKarl MarxAug 1854
 Evacuation of Moldavia and Wallachia. Poland. Demands of The Spanish PeopleKarl MarxAug 1854
 The Eastern Question. The Revolution in Spain. The Madrid PressKarl MarxAug 1854
 Revolution in Spain. BomarsundKarl MarxAug 1854
 EsparteroKarl MarxAug 1854
 The Reaction in Spain (September 1854)Karl MarxSep 1854
 A Central Junta (1854)Karl MarxSep 1854
 The Rumours about Mazzini's Arrest. The Austrian Compulsory Loan. Spain.Karl MarxSep 1854
 The Actions of The Allied Fleet. The Situation in The Danubian Principalities. Spain. British Foreign TradeKarl MarxSep 1854
 Unpublished extract from a series of articles "Revolutionary Spain"Karl MarxNov 1854
 Revolution in Spain, 1856 (1)Karl MarxJul 1856
 Revolution in Spain, 1856 (2)Karl MarxAug 1856
 Interesting Revelations (May 1857)Karl MarxMay 1857
 AlbueraFriedrich EngelsJul 1857
 ArmadaKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Oct 1857
 Bolivar y PonteKarl MarxJan 1858
 BidassoaFriedrich EngelsFeb 1858
 Progress of the Moorish WarFriedrich EngelsDec 1859
 Letter to Joseph Weydemeyer, March 10, 1865Friedrich EngelsMar 1865
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, March 5, 1869Karl MarxMar 1869
 Letter to the Spanish Federal Council of the International Working Men's Association, February 13, 1871First International
Friedrich Engels
Feb 1871
 Letter to the Saragossa CongressFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Apr 1871
 Record of Engels' Speech on the Situation in Spain, August 22, 1871First International
Friedrich Engels
Aug 1871
 On the Progress of the International Working Men's Association in Italy and SpainFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Oct 1871
 To the Federal Council of the Spanish Region in MadridFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Nov 1871
 On the Position of the International's Sections in European CountriesFriedrich EngelsDec 1871
 To the Section of Commercial Employees in BarcelonaFriedrich EngelsFeb 1872
 Letter to the Spanish Federal Council of the International Working Men's Association, March 27, 1872Karl MarxMar 1872
 Letter to Citizen Delegates of the Regional Spanish Congress Assembled at SaragossaFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Apr 1872
 Letters from London (1872)Friedrich EngelsApr 1872
 Letter to the Spanish Sections of the International Working Men's Association, August 1782Karl Marx
First International
Friedrich Engels
Aug 1872
 The General Council to the New Madrid FederationFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Aug 1872
 Report to the General Council of the IWMA upon the Situation in Spain, Portugal and ItalyFirst International
Friedrich Engels
Oct 1872
 The Republic in Spain (Engels)Friedrich EngelsMar 1873
 To the General Council of the International Working Men's Association, June 14, 1873First International
Friedrich Engels
Jun 1873
 The Bakuninists at Work (1873)Friedrich EngelsSep 1873
 â€œSong of the Apprentices” by Georg Weerth (1846)Friedrich EngelsMay 1883
 Re: the Spanish Edition of Karl Marx's The Poverty of PhilosophyFriedrich EngelsMar 1891
 Letter to the National Council of the Socialist Workers' Party of SpainFriedrich EngelsSep 1892
 Addenda to the BiographyFriedrich EngelsOct 1892
 To the Spanish Workers on May Day 1893Friedrich EngelsApr 1893
 To the English Socialist and Working Men's Organisations, August 1894Friedrich EngelsAug 1894
 Concerning MoroccoRosa LuxemburgJul 1911
⤑ Other texts