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 Texts with keyword "Education"AuthorDate
 About Our SchoolsLeninDec 1913
 Addendum to the Draft Decision for the CPC On an Obligatory Science Minimum in the Higher SchoolsLeninMar 1921
 Admission To Higher Educational Unstitutions Of The Russian FederationLeninAug 1918
 Directives on the Film BusinessLeninJan 1922
 Draft Decision for the Plenum of the CC, RCP(b) on ProletcultLeninNov 1920
 Draft Decision for the Plenum of the CC, RCP(b) on the Reorganisation of the People’s Commissariat for EducationLeninDec 1920
 Draft Decision for the Politbureau of the CC, RCP(b) (November 8, 1921)LeninNov 1921
 Draft Decision for the Politbureau of the CC, RCP(b) on the Chief Committee for Political EducationLeninOct 1920
 First All-Russia Congress on Adult EducationLeninMay 1919
 Gems of Narodnik Project-MongeringLeninJan 1887
 Gymnasium Farms and Corrective GymnasiaLeninJan 1895
 Insertion for N. K. Krupskaya’s Article “On the Question of the Policy of the Ministry of Public Education”LeninJan 1914
 Instructions Of The Central Committee To Communists Working In The People’s Commissariat For EducationLeninFeb 1921
 Letter to Johann Philipp Becker, after January 10, 1868Jenny von WestphalenJan 1868
 Letter to The Presidium Of The Conference Of Proletarian Cultural And Educational OrganisationsLeninSep 1918
 Letter to the Commissariats for Education and Properties of the Republic, June 15, 1918LeninJun 1918
 Letter to the Library Section of the Commissariat for Education, December 30, 1918LeninDec 1918
 Letter to the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade, The People’s Commissariat for Finance, The SEC and The People’s Commissariat for Education, December 5, 1921LeninDec 1921
 Men or Machines?Antonio GramsciDec 1916
 Minutes of Engels' Lecture to the London German Workers' Educational Society on December 7, 1847Friedrich EngelsDec 1847
 Notes for a Report at the Second All-Russia Congress of Political Education WorkersLeninOct 1921
 On Polytechnical EducationLeninJan 1920
 On Proletarian CultureLeninOct 1920
 On the Death of TrubetskoiLeninOct 1905
 Once More on the Segregation of the Schools According to NationalityLeninDec 1913
 Pages From A DiaryLeninDec 1922
 Re Draft Proposal for the Politbureau of the CC, RCP(b) on the Report of the State Supplies CommissionLeninDec 1922
 Record Of Marx's Speech On General EducationKarl Marx
First International
Aug 1869
 School-Leaving Reference for Prima Pupil Friedrich EngelsFriedrich EngelsSep 1837
 Speech At The First All-Russia Congress Of Workers In Education and Socialist CultureLeninJul 1919
 Speech At The First All-Russia Congress On EducationLeninAug 1918
 Speech At The Second Conference Of Heads Of Adult Education Divisions Of Gubernia Education DepartmentsLeninJan 1918
 Speech At The Second Conference Of Heads Of Adult Education Divisions Of Gubernia Education Departments January 24, 1919LeninJan 1918
 Speech Delivered At An All-Russia Conference Of Political Education Workers Of Gubernia and Uyezd Education DepartmentsLeninNov 1920
 Speech Delivered At The First All-Russia Congress Of Internationalist TeachersLeninJun 1918
 Speech at the Second All-Russia Congress Of Internationalist TeachersLeninJan 1919
 Speech at the Third All-Russia Conference Of Directors of Adult Education Divisions of Gubernia Education DepartmentsLeninFeb 1920
 Speech to Adult-Education Course Students Leaving for the FrontLeninOct 1919
 The Nationalisation of Jewish SchoolsLeninAug 1913
 The Nationality of Pupils in Russian SchoolsLeninDec 1913
 The New Economic Policy And The Tasks Of The Political Education DepartmentsLeninOct 1921
 The Party SchoolRosa LuxemburgSep 1908
 The Poverty of the People’s TeachersLeninDec 1913
 The Prosecution of MinorsLeninMar 1920
 The Question of Ministry of Education PolicyLeninApr 1913
 The Retreat from OctoberLeon TrotskyJan 1938
 The Tasks of Communist EducationLeon TrotskyJun 1923
 The Work Of The People’s Commissariat For EducationLeninFeb 1921
 To The Educational Workers’ CongressLeninNov 1922
 To The People’s Commissariat Of EducationLeninFeb 1919
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