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 Texts with keyword "Economics"AuthorDate
 The Corn LawsFriedrich EngelsDec 1842
 Outlines of a Critique of Political EconomyFriedrich EngelsOct 1843
 Comments on James Mill, Éléments D’économie PolitiqueKarl MarxJan 1844
 Summary of Frederick Engels' article Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy published in Deutsch-Französische JahrbücherKarl MarxJan 1844
 Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844Karl MarxApr 1844
 On Trade (Engel's selection)Charles FourierJan 1845
 Notes on RicardoKarl MarxJan 1845
 Contract Between Marx and the Leske Publishers in Darmstadt on the Publication of Kritik der Politik und NationalokonomieKarl MarxFeb 1845
 Draft of an Article on Friedrich List’s book: Das Nationale System der Politischen OekonomieKarl MarxMar 1845
 Letter to Karl Marx, May 17, 1846Pierre-Joseph ProudhonMay 1846
 Letter to The Communist Correspondence Committee, August 19, 1846Friedrich EngelsAug 1846
 Letter to the Communist Correspondence Committee, September 16, 1846Friedrich EngelsSep 1846
 Letter to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov, December 28, 1846Karl MarxDec 1846
 The Economic CongressFriedrich EngelsSep 1847
 Protectionists (1847)Karl MarxSep 1847
 Letter to Werner von Veltheim, September 29, 1847Karl MarxSep 1847
 Wage Labour and CapitalKarl MarxDec 1847
 Demand (1847)Karl MarxDec 1847
 The Kölnische-Zeitung on the State of Affairs in EnglandFriedrich EngelsJul 1848
 The “Model State” of BelgiumKarl MarxAug 1848
 Thiers’ Speech Concerning a General Mortgage Bank with a Legal RateKarl MarxOct 1848
 The State of Trade, March 6, 1849Karl MarxMar 1849
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, End of July 1849Karl MarxJul 1849
 Letter to Jakob Lukas-Schabelitz, December 22, 1849Friedrich EngelsDec 1849
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, January 7, 1851Karl MarxJan 1851
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, April 2, 1851Karl MarxApr 1851
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, August 8, 1851Karl MarxAug 1851
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, August 14, 1851Karl MarxAug 1851
 Letter to Joseph Weydemeyer, March 5, 1852Karl MarxMar 1852
 Letter to Karl Marx, March 18, 1852Friedrich EngelsMar 1852
 Political Consequences of the Commercial ExcitementKarl MarxOct 1852
 Pauperism and free trade. The approaching commercial crisisKarl MarxOct 1852
 Apropos CareyKarl MarxSep 1853
 Letter to Adolf Cluss, September 15, 1853Karl MarxSep 1853
 The Western Powers and Turkey. Imminent Economic Crisis. Railway Construction in India.Karl MarxSep 1853
 The Western Powers and Turkey. Symptoms of Economic Crisis.Karl MarxSep 1853
 Letter to Adolf Cluss, October 5, 1853Karl MarxOct 1853
 The Turkish Manifesto. France's Economic PositionKarl MarxOct 1853
 The Labor Question (November 1853)Karl MarxNov 1853
 Russia And The German Powers. Corn PricesKarl MarxApr 1854
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, May 3, 1854Karl MarxMay 1854
 The Formation of a Special Ministry of War in Britain. The War on the Danube. The Economic SituationKarl MarxJun 1854
 Reorganisation of The British War Administration. The Austrian Summons. Britain's Economic Situation. St. ArnaudKarl MarxJun 1854
 The Rumours about Mazzini's Arrest. The Austrian Compulsory Loan. Spain.Karl MarxSep 1854
 The Commercial Crisis in Britain (1855)Karl MarxJan 1855
 Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, January 23, 1855Karl MarxJan 1855
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 13, 1855Karl MarxFeb 1855
 The Crisis in England (1855)Karl MarxMar 1855
 Prussia (April 15, 1856)Karl MarxApr 1856
 The Monetary Crisis in Europe (1856)Karl MarxOct 1856
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