A Correction (June 1933)

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L’Humanité of June 18 inserted a dispatch from Moscow entitled "A Maneuver by the Adventurist Trotsky." What maneuver? The readers were left in the dark. Let us then provide a few explanations.

1. First, true to their ways, Messrs. Editors of I’Humanité falsified the dispatch from Moscow. In fact, it appeared the same day in Le Temps, whose excellent relationship with Litvinov is now known. But according to Le Temps, it is said simply that a supposed "declaration by Mr. Trotsky does not correspond to reality." In I'Humanité, they add the following: "… and is evidently inspired by the desire of the adventurist to mislead the reader."

2. But what declaration by Trotsky are they talking about? They don't say. It is supposed to be a statement made to some Turkish journalists and reproduced by Die Vossische Zeitung, a formerly liberal newspaper turned Hitlerite. There are other statements by Comrade Trotsky, however, that Messrs. Editors of I'Humanité cannot ignore: those that he made to a French journalist and which were reproduced by Paris-Soir on June 15. What could one read in this interview?

"Some newspapers claim you have been visited recently by agents sent from Moscow to request your return to Russia.” And Trotsky replied, "That’s not true, but I know the source of that bit of news. It is an article of mine that appeared in the American press two months ago. I would say, among other things, that given the present situation in Russia, I would be ready to serve again should any danger whatsoever threaten the country."

It is clear. But why did Tass agency think itself obliged, two days after the appearance of this interview, to publish a false version of a statement that had never been made? Perhaps a plausible explanation could be found by looking towards the difficulties, coming from his own supporters, that beset Stalin.

3. Almost a month ago, various papers launched new fantasies about a "reconciliation between Stalin and Trotsky." This news was published in France by all the press. Nevertheless, during all this time, Messrs. Editors of I'Humanité did not utter a word. The cowardice and servility of this crew is beyond all praise.