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 Texts with keyword "Philosophy"AuthorDate
 A Reply to Bruno Bauer’s Anti-CritiqueFriedrich EngelsNov 1845
 Anti-DühringFriedrich EngelsJan 1877
 Anti-SchellingFriedrich EngelsJan 1841
 Circular Letter to August Bebel, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Wilhelm Bracke and OthersKarl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Sep 1879
 Circular Letter to August Bebel, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Wilhelm Bracke and Others (2)Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Sep 1879
 Concerning A. BogdanovLeninFeb 1914
 Conference of the Extended Editorial Board of Proletary (2)LeninJun 1909
 Conspectus of Aristotle’s Book MetaphysicsLeninJan 1915
 Conspectus of Feuerbach’s Book Exposition, Analysis and Critique of the Philosophy of LeibnitzLeninSep 1914
 Conspectus of Hegel’s Book Lectures On the History of PhilosophyLeninJan 1915
 Conspectus of Hegel’s Book Lectures On the Philosophy Of HistoryLeninJan 1915
 Conspectus of Lassalle’s Book The Philosophy of Heraclitus the Obscure of EphesusLeninJan 1915
 Conspectus of the Book The Holy Family by Marx and EngelsLeninApr 1895
 Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right IntroductionKarl MarxJan 1844
 Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of RightKarl MarxJan 1843
 Daedalus, or Science and the FutureJBS HaldaneJan 1923
 Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844Karl MarxApr 1844
 England and Materialist PhilosophyKarl MarxAug 1923
 Feuerbach (Notes)Friedrich EngelsJan 1845
 Fr. Dannemann. How Did Our Picture of the World Arise?LeninJan 1915
 Fr. Paulsen. Introduction to PhilosophyLeninJan 1903
 Fr. Überweg. Outline of the History of PhilosophyLeninJan 1903
 George Noël: Hegel’s Logic. Paris, 1897LeninJan 1915
 Hegel’s Construction of The Phenomenology (note)Karl MarxNov 1844
 Icarus, or the Future of ScienceBertrand RussellJan 1924
 Letter to Conrad Schmidt, August 5, 1890Friedrich EngelsAug 1890
 Letter to Conrad Schmidt, July 1, 1891Friedrich EngelsJul 1891
 Letter to Conrad Schmidt, March 12, 1895Friedrich EngelsMar 1895
 Letter to Conrad Schmidt, November 1, 1891Friedrich EngelsNov 1891
 Letter to Edward Spencer Beesly, June 12, 1871Karl MarxJun 1871
 Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, December 21, 1857Karl MarxDec 1857
 Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, February 22, 1858Karl MarxFeb 1858
 Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, June 16, 1862Karl MarxJun 1862
 Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, May 31, 1858Karl MarxMay 1858
 Letter to Ferdinand Tönnies, January 24, 1895Friedrich EngelsJan 1895
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, December 22, 1857Karl MarxDec 1857
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 1, 1858Karl MarxFeb 1858
 Letter to Friedrich Engels, February 13, 1863Karl MarxFeb 1863
 Letter to Hermann Jung, November 20, 1865Karl MarxNov 1865
 Letter to Johann Philipp Becker, after January 10, 1868Jenny von WestphalenJan 1868
Letter to Joseph Dietzgen, May 9, 1868Karl MarxMay 1868
 Letter to Julius Campe, October 7, 1844Karl MarxOct 1844
 Letter to Karl Kautsky, June 29, 1891Friedrich EngelsJun 1891
 Letter to Karl Marx, April 22, 1857Friedrich EngelsApr 1857
 Letter to Karl Marx, August 11, 1851Friedrich EngelsAug 1851
 Letter to Karl Marx, January 7, 1858Friedrich EngelsJan 1858
 Letter to Karl Marx, July 14, 1858Friedrich EngelsJul 1858
 Letter to Karl Marx, March 9, 1847Friedrich EngelsMar 1847
 Letter to Karl Marx, May 28, 1876Friedrich EngelsMay 1876
 Letter to Karl Marx, October 5, 1866Friedrich EngelsOct 1866
⤑ Other texts