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 Texts with keyword "Japan"AuthorDate
 Clouds in the Far EastLeon TrotskyAug 1934
 Comrade Workers, Forward To The Last, Decisive Fight!LeninAug 1918
 Decision of the CC of the RCP(b) on the international situation, May 6, 1918LeninMay 1918
 Interview with K. Fusse, Correspondent of the Japanese Newspapers Osaka Mainichi and Tokyo Nichi-NichiLeninJun 1920
 Interview with M. Nakahira, Correspondent of the Japanese Newspaper Osaka AsahiLeninJun 1920
 Japan Heads for DisasterLeon TrotskyJul 1933
 Notebook “ι”LeninJan 1916
 On Japan’s Plans for Expansion. Letter to Chris Andrews, May 1, 1940Leon TrotskyMay 1940
 On the Sino-Japanese WarLeon TrotskySep 1937
 On the War in ChinaLeon TrotskyJan 1933
 Pacifism and ChinaLeon TrotskySep 1937
 Problems of Our Policy with Respect to China and JapanLeon TrotskyMar 1926
 Reflections on the way to the gallowsKanno SugakoJan 1911
 Report on foreign policy, May 14, 1918LeninMay 1918
 Soviet-Japanese War InevitableLeon TrotskyAug 1938
 Speech At A Meeting In The Alexeyevsky Riding SchoolLeninApr 1918
 The Fall of Port ArthurLeninJan 1905
 The Japanese Invasion of ManchuriaLeon TrotskyNov 1931
 The Tanaka MemorialLeon TrotskyAug 1940
 The USSR and JapanLeon TrotskyAug 1938
 Theses on the present political situation, May 1918LeninMay 1918
 Towards the CatastropheLeon TrotskyJan 1934
 Trotsky Sees “Jap” Blow-upLeon TrotskySep 1937