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 Texts with keyword "Cooperatives"AuthorDate
 A Little Picture In Illustration Of Big ProblemsLeninJan 1918
 Addendum to the Draft Decree on the Organisation of Supply for the PopulationLeninNov 1918
 Basic Proposition on Economic and Especially on Banking PolicyLeninApr 1918
 Co-operation. What It Is, and What It Ought To BeErnest Charles JonesSep 1851
 Congress of Peasants’ DeputiesLeninApr 1917
 Decision of the Politbureau of the CC, RCP(b) in Connection with the Entente’s Attempt to Start Trade Relations with Russia through the Russian Co-OperativesLeninJan 1920
 Draft Decision for the CPC on the Co-OperativesLeninJan 1919
 Draft Decisions And Directives On Co-OperativesLeninJan 1920
 Draft Decree On Consumers’ CommunesLeninJan 1918
 Draft Decree on Consumers' Communes (Preliminary Theses)LeninDec 1917
 Draft Resolution on Co-Operative Societies from the Russian Social-Democratic Delegation at the Copenhagen CongressLeninAug 1910
 E Jones. Co-operation. What It Is, and What It Ought To BeErnest Charles JonesSep 1851
 Instructions for the Delegates of the Provisional General Council The Different QuestionsKarl Marx
First International
Aug 1866
 Letter to August Bebel, January 23, 1886Friedrich EngelsJan 1886
 Letter to the Advocates of the Co-operative Principle and to the Members of Co-operative SocietiesErnest Charles JonesMay 1851
 Measures Governing the Transition From Bourgeois-Co-Operative to, Proletarian-Communist Supply and DistributionLeninFeb 1919
 Ninth Congress of the RCP(b)LeninMar 1920
 Note to Nikolai Gorbunov and Proposals on the Question of the Co-OperativesLeninMar 1922
 Notes on Co-OperationLeninMar 1919
 On Cooperation (1923)LeninJan 1923
 Outline of a Programme of Economic MeasuresLeninNov 1917
 Plan for a Lecture “The International Socialist Congress in Copenhagen and Its Importance”LeninSep 1910
 Recorded SpeechesLeninApr 1921
 Resolutions of the Summer, 1913, Joint Conference of the Central Committee of the RSDLP and Party OfficialsLeninSep 1913
 Speech Delivered At The Third All-Russia Food ConferenceLeninJun 1921
 Speech Delivered To A Meeting Of Delegates From The Moscow Central Workers’ Co-OperativeLeninNov 1918
 Speech Delivered at the First Congress of Agricultural Communes and Agricultural ArtelsLeninDec 1919
 Speech To The Third Workers’ Co-Operative CongressLeninDec 1918
 Suggestions on the Question of Co-OperationLeninOct 1919
 Tasks Of The Trade UnionsLeninDec 1918
 Telephone message to the Presidium of the All-Russia Food ConferenceLeninJun 1920
 Tenth Congress of the RCP(b)LeninMar 1921
 The Food And War SituationLeninJul 1919
 The Question of Co-Operative Societies at the International Socialist Congress in CopenhagenLeninSep 1910
 The Tenth Congress of the RCP(b) (March 1921)LeninMar 1921
 Theses on the Co-Operative Bank (November 1922)LeninNov 1922
 To the First International Conference of Communist Co-OperatorsLeninNov 1922