Letter to the Editor of The Times, April 4, 1871

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A similar letter was sent by Marx to The Daily News,which published it on April 6, 1871.


Will you allow me to again intrude upon your columns in order to contradict widely-spread falsehoods?

A Lombard telegram, dated Paris, March 30, contains an extract from the Gaulois which, under the sensational heading, “Alleged Organization of the Paris Revolution in London,” has adorned the London papers of Saturday last. Having during the late war successfully rivalled the Figaro and the Paris-journal in the concoction of Munchausiades that made the Paris petite Presse a byword all over the world, the Gaulois seems more than ever convinced that the news-reading public will always cling to the tenet, “Credo quia absurdum est.” Baron Munchausen himself, would he have undertaken to organize at London “in the early part of February,” when M. Thiers did not yet hold any official post, “the insurrection of the 18th of March,” called into life by the attempt of the same M. Thiers to disarm the Paris National Guard? Not content to send MM. Assi and Blanqui on an imaginary voyage to London, there to conspire with myself in secret conclave, the Gaulois adds to that conclave two imaginary persons — one “Bentini, general agent for Italy,” and one “Dermott, general agent for England.” It also graciously confirms the dignity of “supreme chief of the Internationale,” first bestowed upon me by the Paris-journal. These two worthies notwithstanding, the General Council of the International Working Men’s Association will, I am afraid, continue to transact its business without the incumbrance of either “chief” or “president.”

I have the honour to be, Sir, your obediently,

Karl Marx

London, April 3