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Writings of Leon Trotsky
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Writings of Leon Trotsky is a 14-volume set collection of the writings of Leon Trotsky between the years 1929 and 1940, published by Pathfinder Press. This collection was put together in the 1960s and 1970s by initiative of the Socialist Workers Party (USA). Most volumes were edited by George Breitman. Many of the texts were translated to English for the first time.
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1929[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- C’est la Marche des Evenements! (February 25, 1929)
- Deportation from the Soviet Union (February 25, 1929)
- How Could This Happen? (February 25, 1929)
- Stalin’s Victory (February 25, 1929)
- Where Is the Soviet Republic Going? (February 25, 1929)
- Is Parliamentary Democracy Likely to Replace the Soviets? (February 25, 1929)
- On the Secret Ballot (February 27, 1929)
- What Is the Immediate Aim of Exiling Trotsky? (March 4, 1929)
- Protests to the GPU (March 5 and 8, 1929)
- Interview by the Daily Express (March 16, 1929)
- Within the Right-Centrist Bloc (March 20, 1929)
- Open Letter to the Workers of the USSR (March 29, 1929)
- Groupings in the Communist Opposition (March 31, 1929)
- Tasks of the Opposition (March 1929)
- What We Intend to Publish First (March 1929)
- Communists and the Bourgeois Press (March 1929)
- Statement to the Press (April 15, 1929)
- A Lesson in Democracy I Did Not Receive (April 22, 1929)
- Interview by the Osaka Mainichi (April 24, 1929)
- Six Years of the Brandlerites (April 25, 1929)
- Preface to La Revolution Defiguree (May 1, 1929)
- The Basic, Fundamental Question (May 10, 1929)
- Tasks of the American Opposition (May 1929)
- The Capitulators of the Third Wave (May 22, 1929)
- Radek and the Opposition (May 26, 1929)
- The Political Situation in China and the Tasks of the Bolshevik-Leninist Opposition (June 1929)
- The Bolshevik Oppositionists Need Help (June 1, 1929)
- Why I Want to Come to London (June 11, 1929)
- Once More on Brandler and Thalheimer (June 12, 1929)
- Tenacity, Tenacity, Tenacity! (June 14, 1929)
- What Will the First of August Bring? (June 26, 1929)
- Combatting Lies and Slanders (June 1929)
- Prologue, Mis Peripecias en Espana (June 1929)
- From the Publisher (July 1929)
- Necessary Clarifications Concerning the First of August (July 1929)
- Diplomacy or Revolutionary Politics? (July 1, 1929)
- A Man Overboard (July 3, 1929)
- How Revolutionaries Are Formed (July 11, 1929)
- A Letter to the Daily Herald (July 15, 1929)
- The Sino-Soviet Conflict: A Press Statement (July 22, 1929)
- A Wretched Document (July 27, 1929)
- The Sino-Soviet Conflict and the Opposition (August 4, 1929)
- An Open Letter to the Editorial Board of La Verite (August 6, 1929)
- A Declaration of La Verite (August 1929)
- A Letter to the Editorial Board of La Lutte de Classes (August 11, 1929)
- To the Marx and Lenin Circle (August 22, 1929)
- Questions for the Leninbund (August 24, 1929)
- From a Letter to an Oppositionist in the USSR (August 24, 1929)
- On the Psychology of Capitulation (September 1929)
- Comrade Sosnovsky’s Letters (September 1929)
- From the Publisher (September 1929)
- G.I. Myasnikov’s Escape and His Ordeal (September 1929)
- Radek and the Bourgeois Press (September 1929)
- Defense of the Soviet Republic and the Opposition (September 7, 1929)
- Where Is the Leninbund Going? (September 19, 1929)
- A Letter to the Italian Left Communists (September 25, 1929)
- An Open Letter to the Bolshevik-Leninists Who Signed the August 22 Declaration (September 25, 1929)
- Letter to the USSR Accompanying the August 22 Declaration (September 25, 1929)
- The Sino-Soviet Conflict and the Position of the Belgian Oppositionists (September 30, 1929)
- On the Politics of the Left Opposition in Germany (September 30, 1929)
- What Next? The Bolshevik Opposition in the CPSU (October 1929)
- Rebuke to a Capitulator (October 1929)
- Disarmament and the United States of Europe (October 4, 1929)
- A Letter to Friends in the USSR (October 1929)
- The Twelfth Anniversary of October (October 17, 1929)
- Greetings to the Weekly Militant (October 19, 1929)
- An Interview on the August 22 Declaration (October 19, 1929)
- On Socialism in One Country and Ideological Prostration (November 1929)
- We Need Help (November 1929)
- The Faces Change, the System Remains (November 7, 1929)
- The Austrian Crisis and Communism (November 13, 1929)
- How to Help the Centrists (November 26, 1929)
- A Return to the Party? (Autumn 1929)
- From the Opposition’s Circular-Letters (December 20 and 28, 1929)
- Bessedovsky’s “Revelations” (December 21, 1929)
- A Reply to the Chinese Oppositionists (December 22, 1929)
- The Murder of Jakob Blumkin (December 1929)
1930-1931[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- Manifesto on China of the International Left Opposition (September 1930)
- To the conference of the German Left Opposition (September 17, 1930)
- On the declaration by the Indochinese Oppositionists (September 18, 1930)
- The Krestintern and the Anti-Imperialist League (Published September 1930)
- A history of the second Chinese revolution is needed (Published September 1930)
- Molotov's prosperity in knowledge (Published September 1930)
- To the Bulgarian comrades (October 4, 1930)
- To the Executive Committee of the Belgian Opposition (October 12, 1930)
- Introduction to the Rakovsky declaration (October 22, 1930)
- Tasks in the USSR (October 31, 1930)
- The bloc of the Right and the Left (November 21, 1930)
- What next in the campaign against the Russian right wing? (Published November 1930)
- What is to be learned from the saboteurs' trial? (Published November 1930)
- The fight against war can allow no illusions (Published November 1930)
- On the question of Thermidor and Bonapartism (November 1930)
- Thermidor and Bonapartism (November 26, 1930)
- Doubts and objections about the Bulgarian manifesto (November 29, 1930)
- Remarks on Frank's work on collectivization (December 9, 1930)
- The Opposition's record on the Kuomintang (December 10, 1930)
- The successes of socialism and the dangers of adventurism (December 1930)
- Notes of a journalist (Published December 1930)
- National conferences and internationalism (December 22, 1930)
- Another victim of Stalin ( December 1930)
- At the fresh grave of Kote Tsintsadze (January 7, 1931)
- To the Chinese Left Opposition (January 8, 1931)
- Critical remarks about Prometeo's resolution on democratic demands (January 15, 1931)
- Monatte — Advocate of the social-patriots (January 26, 1931)
- Problems of the German section (January 31, 1931)
- A letter to the Politburo (February 15, 1931)
- The crisis in the German Left Opposition (February 17, 1931)
- Interview by the 'Manchester Guardian' (February 1931)
- Nina V. Vorovskaya (Published March 1931)
- The five-year plan in four years? (Published March 1931)
- Notes of a journalist (Published March 1931)
- The case of Comrade Ryazanov (March 8, 1931)
- The real disposition of the pieces on the political chessboard (March 11, 1931)
- I await criticism from the sections (April 1931)
- Problems of the development of the USSR (April 4, 1931)
- Two letters to the Prometeo group (April 14r-May 28, 1931)
- A new slander against D.B. Ryazanov (May 1, 1931)
- Part of the responsibility (May 23, 1931)
- On Comrade Treint's declaration (May 23, 1931)
- Notes of a journalist (Published June 1931)
- Principled and practical questions facing the Left Opposition (June 5, 1931)
- The Italian Opposition and the Spanish revolution (June 9, 1931)
- French and the revolution (June 9, 1931)
- French leadership problems (June 28, 1931)
- Scoundrels and their assistants (July 8, 1931)
- Letter to the 'Manchester Guardian' (July 1931)
- Replies to an Associated Press correspondent (July 14, 1931)
- A letter to 'Pravda' (July 15, 1931)
- New zigzags and new dangers (July 15, 1931)
- Greetings to the weekly 'Militant' (]uly 19, 1931)
- Some ideas on the period and the tasks of the Left Opposition (July 28, 1931)
- A motion and its interpretation (August 20, 1931)
- Very significant facts (Published September 1931)
- To friendly, sympathetic, vacillating, skeptical, and antagonistic readers (Published September 1931)
- An explanation in a circle of friends (September 2, 1931)
- A letter to Albert Treint (September 13, 1931)
- Another letter to Albert Treint (September 22, 1931)
- Internal difficulties of the French Communist League (September 25, 1931)
- Letter to the conference of the French Communist League (September 25, 1931)
- Summary on the French question (October 9, 1931)
- A reply to Albert Weisbord (October 10, 1931)
- Tasks of the Left Opposition in Bulgaria (October 17, 1931)
- Tasks of the Left Opposition in Britain and India (November 7, 1931)
- The British elections and the communists (November 10, 1931)
- Russian-German trade relations (November 14, 1931)
- What is fascism? (November 15, 1931)
- What is a revolutionary situation? (November 17, 1931)
- The Japanese invasion of Manchuria (November 30, 1931)
- The founding of the German SAP (December 14, 1931)
- One always begins weak (December 17, 1931)
- A letter to the national sections (December 22, 1931)
- The CLA role in Europe (December 25, 1931)
- Personal sympathies and political responsibilities (December 25, 1931)
- Some historical facts (December 28, 1931)
- The White Guard preparation of a terrorist act against Comrade Trotsky (December 1931)
1930[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- The Three Factions in the Comintern (1930)
- Some Results of the Sino-Soviet Conflict (January 3, 1930)
- Jakob Blumkin Shot by the Stalinists (January 4, 1930)
- The "Third Period" of the Comintern's Errors (January 8, 1930)
- A Necessary Supplement (January 9, 1930)
- "To Patiently Explain" (January 10, 1930)
- From the Editorial Board (January 20, 1930)
- A New Step Forward (January 21, 1930)
- Lessons of the Capitulations (Published February 1930)
- An Open Letter to All Members of the Leninbund (February 6, 1930)
- Reply to a Friend's Letter (February 7, 1930)
- Unifying the Left Opposition (February 8, 1930)
- Stalin Has Formed an Alliance with Schumann and Kerensky Against Lenin and Trotsky (February 9, 1930)
- The New Course in the Soviet Economy (February 13, 1930)
- Yes or No? (March 1, 1930)
- The Five-Year Plan and World Unemployment (March 14, 1930)
- Answers to Questions from the USSR (March 1930)
- Open Letter to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (March 23, 1930)
- "As Pure and Transparent as Crystal" (March 1930)
- Three Editorials (April 1930)
- They Didn't Know (April 1930)
- The Slogan of a National Assembly in China (April 2, 1930)
- A Squeak in the Apparatus (April 13, 1930)
- A Letter to a Lovestoneite (April 16, 1930)
- A Big Step Forward (April 1930)
- An Open Letter to the Prometeo Group (April 22, 1930)
- Toward Capitalism or Socialism? (April 25, 1930)
- Six Letters to Olberg (January 30 to April 27, 1930)
- Answer to Graef on Collectivization (Published May 1930)
- Forgetful Myasnikov (Published May 1930)
- Problems of the Italian Revolution (May 14, 1930)
- With Marxist Spectacles (May 16, 1930)
- A Progress Report to the USSR (May 23, 1930)
- What Is Centrism? (May 28, 1930)
- The Revolution in India, Its Tasks and Dangers (May 30, 1930)
- Toward the Sixteenth Congress of the CPSU (May 31, 1930)
- Reply to Comrade K. (June 1930)
- Notes of a Journalist (Published June 1930)
- The Valuable Work of F. Dingelstedt (June 1930)
- The New Masses as "Defender" of the October Revolution (June 10, 1930)
- The Sources of Manuilsky and Company (June 1930)
- To the Editorial Board of Prometeo (June 19, 1930)
- Circular Letter Number One (June 21, 1930)
- An Intolerable Situation (June 21, 1930)
- Capriciousness in the Editing of Our Press (June 21, 1930)
- No Limits on Any Party Member (June 26, 1930)
- Circular Letter Number Two (June 29, 1930)
- How the ILO Is Doing (1930)
- Stalin and His Agabekov (July 1930)
- Stalin as a Theoretician (July 15, 1930)
- Preliminary Comments on the Sixteenth Congress (July 25, 1930)
- Who Will Prevail? (Published August 1930)
- Notes of a Journalist (Published August 1930)
- A Letter to Hungarian Comrades (August 1, 1930)
- Proposal for an Open Letter (August 6, 1930)
- World Unemployment and the Soviet Five-Year Plan (August 21, 1930)
- Two Letters to China (August 22 and September 1, 1930)
- Greetings to La Verite (August 25, 1930)
- Notes of a Journalist (Published September 1930)
- Another Letter to Hungarian Comrades (September 17, 1930)
- The Internal Situation of the French League (September 25, 1930)
- Physical Attack, Slander, and Provocation (October 1930)
- On Convoking a European Conference (October 1930)
1932-1933[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- "With Both Hands" (December 1932)
- On the State of the Left Opposition (December 16, 1932)
- A Letter to Bulgaria (December 19, 1932)
- The Belgian Opposition and Its Newspaper (December 20, 1932)
- The Crisis in the German Section (December 28, 1932)
- On Those Who Have Forgotten the ABC (December 28, 1932)
- The International Left Opposition, Its Tasks and Methods (December 1932)
- A Letter to Prometeo (Published January 1, 1933)
- The Mistake of the International Secretariat (January 4, 1933)
- Marxism and Eastman (January 4, 1933)
- My Daughter's Suicide (January 11, 1933)
- The Danger of Thermidor (January 11, 1933)
- Stalin's Denial (January 14, 1933)
- A Test of the Three Factions (January 26, 1933)
- Preface to the Greek Edition of The New Course (January 28, 1933)
- Serious Lessons from an Inconsequential Thing (January 28, 1933)
- Uneven and Combined Development and the Role of American Imperialism (March 4, 1933)
- Help Is Needed At Once (March 6, 1933)
- The Situation in the American League (March 7, 1933)
- A Great Success (March 1933)
- Hitler's Victory (March 10, 1933)
- KPD or New Party? (I) (March 12, 1933)
- KPD or New Party? (II) (March 1933)
- A Letter to the Politburo (March 15, 1933)
- The U. S. Bank Crisis (March 17, 1933)
- Alarm Signal! (March 18, 1933)
- How Otto Bauer Poses the Question (March 19, 1933)
- Austria's Turn Next (March 23, 1933)
- What About Rakovsky? (March 23, 1933)
- Molotov on Zinoviev (March 1933)
- KPD or New Party? (Ill) (March 29, 1933)
- We Need an Honest Inner-Party Agreement (March 30, 1933)
- The Economic Onslaught of the Counterrevolution and the Unions (March 30, 1933)
- A Declaration to the Congress Against Fascism (April 1933)
- What Is Historical Objectivity? (April 1, 1933)
- Foreword to Leninism vs. Stalinism (April 6, 1933)
- The Collapse of the KPD and the Tasks of the Opposition (April 9, 1933)
- Blind Obedience, Revolutionary Discipline, and the Youth (April 10, 1933)
- Marxism As a Science (April 11, 1933)
- Greetings to the Chilean Opposition (April 15, 1933)
- More on the American Dispute (April 17, 1933)
- In Reply to the German Draft Resolution (April 21, 1933)
- The Left Opposition and the SAP (April 27, 1933)
- The Degeneration of Theory and the Theory of Degeneration (April 29, 1933)
- What Must the Austrian Social Democratic Opposition Do? (May 3, 1933)
- Preface to the Bulgarian Edition of Socialism in One Country (May 6, 1933)
- Lessons of May Day in Austria (May 7, 1933)
- On the Foreign Policy of the Stalinist Bureaucracy (May 12, 1933)
- An Explanation (May 13, 1933)
- Greetings to The Red Flag (May 19, 1933)
- The Platform of the Brandler Group (May 22, 1933)
- Zinoviev and Kamenev Capitulate Again (May 23, 1933)
- What's Happened to Rakovsky? (May 25, 1933)
- Hitler and Disarmament (June 2, 1933)
- The Fourth of August (June 4, 1933)
- The Latest Falsification of the Stalinists (Published June 9, 1933)
- Diplomatic and Parliamentary Cretinism (June 13, 1933)
- Interview by the New York World Telegram (June 13, 1933)
- The Left Socialist Organizations and Our Tasks (June 15, 1933)
- An Interview by Georges Simenon (June 16, 1933)
- The Party's Policy in the Field of Art and Philosophy (June 16, 1933)
- On the Difficulties of Our Work (June 17, 1933)
- A Correction (June 18, 1933)
- Zinoviev on the Party Regime (July 6, 1933)
- Japan Heads for Disaster (July 12, 1933)
- Fascism and Democratic Slogans (July 14, 1933)
- Skrypnik's Suicide (July 15, 1933)
- It Is Necessary to Build Communist Parties and an International Anew (July 15, 1933)
- Farewell to Prinkipo (July 15, 1933)
- Stalin Reassures Hitler (July 19, 1933)
- On Sailing from Turkey (July 19, 1933)
1932[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- The "Uprising” of November 7, 1927 (January 2, 1932)
- A Letter to the Politburo (January 4, 1932)
- The Left Opposition and the Right Opposition (Published January 1932)
- Internal Polemics and the Party Press (January 5, 1932)
- Reply to the Jewish Group in the Communist League of France (January 15, 1932)
- No Deal with German Government (January 23, 1932)
- Is Stalin Weakening or the Soviets? (January 1932)
- For Collaboration Despite Differences (February 10, 1932)
- Answers to Questions by the New York Times (February 15, 1932)
- From a Letter to Simon and Schuster (February 26, 1932)
- Interview by the Associated Press (February 26, 1932)
- Interview by the United Press (February 29, 1932)
- On Being Deprived of Soviet Citizenship (March 1, 1932)
- A Correction on Rakovsky (March 15, 1932)
- A Word of Welcome to Osvobozhdenie (March 29, 1932)
- I See War with Germany (Published April 1932)
- The Left Social Democrats (April 12, 1932)
- On a Political Novel (April 13, 1932)
- Answers to Questions by the Chicago Daily News (April 23, 1932)
- "The Foundations of Socialism" (May 1932)
- A Reply to May Day Greetings (May 4, 1932)
- "Blocs" and Absurdities (May 6, 1932)
- The Labor Party Question in the United States (May 19, 1932)
- International and National Questions (May 19, 1932)
- Who Should Attend the International Conference? (May 22, 1932)
- To the Communist League of Struggle (May 22, 1932)
- To a Bulgarian Worker in the U. S. (May 24, 1932)
- Closer to the Proletarians of the "Colored" Races! (June 13, 1932)
- The Coming Congress Against War (June 13, 1932)
- Why I Signed Radek's Theses on Germany (June 14, 1932)
- The Stalin Bureaucracy in Straits (June 16, 1932)
- A Letter to the Workers of Zurich (June 25, 1932)
- Hands Off Rosa Luxemburg! (June 28, 1932)
- An Appeal for the Biulleten (July 1932)
- On Demyan Bedny (July 1932)
- Declaration to the Antiwar Congress at Amsterdam (July 25, 1932)
- Pilsudskism, Fascism, and the Character of Our Epoch (August 4, 1932)
- Intensify the Offensive! (August 6, 1932)
- Three Letters to Lazar Kling (February 9-August 7, 1932)
- Perspectives of the Upturn (August 18, 1932)
- A Conversation with Trotsky (August 25, 1932)
- Greetings to the Polish Left Opposition (August 31, 1932)
- Fourteen Questions on Soviet Life and Morality (September 17, 1932)
- Peasant War in China and the Proletariat (September 22, 1932)
- "Do Not Ask So Long" (September 22, 1932)
- From the Archives (September 1932)
- A Proposal to an American Editor (Published October 1932)
- For a Strategy of Action, Not Speculation (October 3, 1932)
- Preface to the Polish Edition of Lenin's Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder (October 6, 1932)
- Zigzags and Eclectic Nonsense (October 7, 1932)
- Fifteen Years! (October 13, 1932)
- The Twelfth Plenum of the Comintern (October 13, 1932)
- A Letter to Weisbord (October 13, 1932)
- The Lesson of Mill's Treachery (October 13, 1932)
- The Expulsion of Zinoviev and Kamenev (October 19, 1932)
- On Field and Weisbord (October 20, 1932)
- The Soviet Economy in Danger (October 22, 1932)
- Leninism and Stalinism (October 1932)
- Greetings to The Militant (November 1, 1932)
- Perspectives of American Marxism (November 4, 1932)
- To Friends in Frankfurt (November 5, 1932)
- Mill as a Stalinist Agent (November 12, 1932)
- Field's Future Role (November 13, 1932)
- Stalin Again Testifies Against Stalin (Autumn 1932)
- A Suppressed Speech of Lenin (Autumn 1932)
- To Greek Friends En Route to Copenhagen (November 19, 1932)
- Press Statement at Marseilles (November 21, 1932)
- Press Statement on Leaving Dunkirk (November 22, 1932)
- Press Statement on Reaching Esbjerg (November 23, 1932)
- An Interview by Social- Demokraten (November 23, 1932)
- An Interview by Politiken ( November 23, 1932)
- Radio Message to the United States (November 27, 1932)
- Questions for Communists (November 1932)
- To an Unknown Comrade (November 1932)
- Literary Projects and Political Considerations (November 1932)
- On Students and Intellectuals (November 1932)
- A Bolshevik-Leninist Declaration on Comrade Trotsky's Journey (November 1932)
- Answers to Journalists' Questions (December 3, 1932)
- An Open Letter to Vandervelde (December 5, 1932)
- A Telegram to Herriot (December 7, 1932)
- Press Statement at Brindisi (December 8, 1932)
- Press Statement at Istanbul (December 11, 1932)
- Appendix
- Interview on "Proletarian Literature" by Maurice Parijanine (April 1932)
- Other Writings of 1932
1933-1934[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- It Is Impossible to Remain in the Same "International" with Stalin, Manuilsky, Lozovsky and Company (July 20, 1933)
- A Necessary Clarification (July 26, 1933)
- For New Communist Parties and the New International (July 27, 1933)
- Even Slander Should Make Some Sense (August 5, 1933)
- Is Soviet Policy a Matter on Which Only Russian Socialists Are Competent to Decide? (August 9, 1933)
- An Organ of Finance Capital on "Trotskyism" (August 13, 1933)
- Declaration of the Bolshevik-Leninist Delegation at the Conference of Left Socialist and Communist Organizations (August 17, 1933)
- More Urgent Needs for Fund Raising (August IS, 1933)
- The German Opposition and the SAP Should Unite (August 18, 1933)
- How to Handle Slanders and Insinuations (August 18, 1933)
- The Declaration of Four (August 26, 1933)
- Whither the Independent Labour Party? (August 28, 1933)
- An Interview by C. A. Smith (August 29, 1933)
- On the Conference of Left Socialist and Communist Organizations Held at Paris, August 27-28, 1933 (August 31, 1933)
- The Paris Conference: A Firm Nucleus for a New International (September 1, 1933)
- Stalin Prepares a Treacherous Blow (September 1, 1933)
- How to Influence the ILP (September 3, 1933)
- The ILP and the New International (September 4, 1933)
- Success or Failure? (September 10, 1933)
- Principled Considerations on Entry (September 16, 1933)
- It Is Time to Stop (Published September 18, 1933)
- About the United Front with Grzezinsky . . . (September 20, 1933)
- The USSR and the Comintern (September 24, 1933)
- The Fate of the British Section (September 25, 1933)
- The Class Nature of the Soviet State (October 1, 1933)
- To Dispel Misunderstandings (October 2, 1933)
- The Lever of a Small Group (October 2, 1933)
- Private Opinions and Public Statements (October 2, 1933)
- A False Understanding of the New Orientation (October 8, 1933)
- Doubts, Hesitations and Fears (Autumn 1933)
- On the Saar Question (Published November 4, 1933)
- Our Present Tasks (November 7, 1933)
- Maria Reese and the Comintern (November 10, 1933)
- Answers to Questions by Anita Brenner (November 13, 1933)
- Hitler the Pacifist (November 23, 1933)
- A Political Trial Without a Political Axis (November 26, 1933)
- Nationalism and Economic Life (November 30, 1933)
- Contribution Toward a Discussion on the Basic Theoretical Conceptions of the International Communist League (December 4, 1933)
- Notes of a Journalist (December 12, 1933)
- A Conference of the Bloc of Four (December 30, 1933)
- Anatole Vasilievich Lunacharsky (January 1, 1934)
- Cardinal Questions Facing the ILP (January 5, 1934)
- Revisionism and Planning (January 9, 1934)
- The SAP, the ICL and the Fourth International (January 11, 1934)
- Are There No Limits to the Fall? (January 18, 1934)
- On the Eve of the Seventeenth Congress (January 20, 1934)
- A Real Achievement (January 24, 1934)
- The Responsibility of Translators (February 20, 1934)
- Centrism and the Fourth International (February 23, 1934)
- France Is Now the Key to the Situation (Published March 1934)
- Rakovsky's Declaration of Submission (Published March 10, 1934)
- The Red Army (March 13, 1934)
- A Centrist Attack on Marxism (March 16, 1934)
- Once More on Centrism (March 23, 1934)
- Greetings to La Verita (March 25, 1934)
- The Proposed Fusion in the United States (March 29, 1934)
- The Meaning of Rakovsky's Surrender (March 31, 1934)
- The Crisis of the Greek Section (April 5, 1934)
- Behind Rakovsky's Capitulation (April 19, 1934)
- Off With All the Blindfolds! (Published April 27, 1934)
- Conversation with a Dissident from Saint-Denis (Published June 8, 1934)
- Arguments and Rebuttals (Published June 8, 1934)
- War and the Fourth International (June 10, 1934)
- Appendix: Leon Trotsky by Andre Malraux
1934-1935[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- The foreign policy of the Soviet Union (Published June 16, 1934)
- A program of action for France (Published June 1934)
- The League faced with a turn (June 1934)
- The League faced with a decisive turn (June 1934)
- The state of the League and its tasks (June 29, 1934)
- Greetings to The New International' (July 1934)
- The evolution of the SFIO (July 10, 1934)
- Bonapartism and fascism (July 15, 1934)
- Cross the Rubicon (July 16, 1934)
- The Stalinists and organic unity (July 19, 1934)
- Supplementary arguments and suggestions for articles (July 21, 1934)
- Tasks of the ICL (July 21, 1934)
- Clouds in the Far East (Published August 1934)
- Summary of the discussion (August 6, 1934)
- The task of revolutionary teachers (August 10, 1934)
- To the Bolshevik-Leninists in the USSR (Published August 17, 1934)
- If America should go communist (August 17, 1934)
- The way out (August 1934)
- On the theses 'Unity and the Youth' (Summer 1934)
- An advocate takes up a position on the French situation (September 22, 1934)
- The 'Belgian' tradition in discussion (September 22, 1934)
- To the Ukrainian comrades in Canada (October 20, 1934)
- Austria, Spain, Belgium and the turn (November 1, 1934)
- How to answer the London-Amsterdam Bureau (November 1934)
- No compromise on the Russian question (November 11, 1934)
- On Bonapartism (Marxism is superior) (Published December 1, 1934)
- Once more on our turn (December 15, 1934)
- On the SAP's proposals (December 1934)
- The Stalinist bureaucracy and the Kirov assassination (December 28, 1934)
- The indictment (December 30, 1934)
- Statement to the press (December 30, 1934)
- Some results of the Stalin amalgam (January 12, 1935)
- The case of Zinoviev, Kamenev and others (January 16-18, 1935)
- Everything gradually falls into place (January 26, 1935)
- Where is the Stalin bureaucracy leading the USSR? (January 30, 1935)
- The workers' state, Thermidor and Bonapartism (February 1, 1935)
- 'Soviet democracy' (February 11, 1935)
- To Comrade Sneevliet on the IAG conference (February 26, 1935)
- To Cannon on the next steps (February 1935)
- Centrist combinations and Marxist tactics (February 28, 1935)
- Again on the question of Bonapartism (March 1935)
- The Belgian dispute and the de Man plan (March 2, 1935)
- From a letter to the Chinese comrades (March 5, 1935)
- From the CGT's plan to the conquest of power (Delivered March 18-19, 1935)
- The situation in the Stockholm Youth Bureau (March 23, 1935)
- A new noose in the Stalinist amalgam (March 31, 1935)
- Notes of a journalist (Published April 1935)
- The situation in France and the tasks of the Bolshevik-Leninist Group of the SFIO (April 15, 1935)
- On the South African theses (April 20, 1935)
- Centrist alchemy or Marxism? (April 24, 1935)
- News about the family (April 25, 1935)
- Stalinist treason in THumanite' (Published April 26, 1935)
- Laval and the French CP ( May 1935)
- Toward the new youth international (Spring 1935)
- Stalin has signed the death certificate of the Third International (Published May 25, 1935)
- To the students of Edinburgh University (June 7, 1935)
- The Seventh Congress of the Comintern (June 7, 1935)
- Three telegrams to Norway (June 7-12, 1935)
- An open letter to the workers of France (June 10, 1935)
- A new turn is necessary (June 10, 1935)
- Discipline must be restored (June 13, 1935)
- Appendix: Trotsky's clandestine activity at Domene, by Pierre Broue
1935-1936[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- Open Letter for the Fourth International (Spring 1935)
- Luxemburg and the Fourth International (June 24, 1935)
- The SAP and the Open Letter (July 2, 1935)
- For a Special Information Service (July 2, 1935)
- “World Party of Social Revolution” (July 14, 1935)
- The Italo-Ethiopian Conflict (Published July 17, 1935)
- For Defense of Soviet Revolutionaries (July 17, 1935)
- Perspectives in Poland (July 18, 1935)
- To Young Communists and Socialists Who Wish to Think (July 22, 1935)
- A Report in Arbeiderbladet (Published July 26, 1935)
- Who Defends Russia? Who Helps Hitler? (July 29, 1935)
- Oehlerism and the French Experience (August 11, 1935)
- A Cancer in the Workers Party (August 12, 1935)
- Preface to P.J. Schmidt’s Article on Holland (August 12, 1935)
- An Appeal to Oehlerite Comrades (August 13, 1935)
- Letter to the German Commission (August 19, 1935)
- The Comintern’s Liquidation Congress (August 23, 1935)
- To the Editors of Action Socialiste Revolutionnaire (August 23, 1935)
- A Case for a Labor Jury (August 29, 1935) * Published here in English for the first time.
- An Appeal (Published September 1935)
- How History and Biography Are Written (Published September 1935)
- Letter to the Emigre Committee of the IKD (September 2, 1935)
- The Terror of Bureaucratic Self-Preservation (September 6, 1935)
- The Revolutionary Internationalists Need Our Help! (September 7, 1935)
- The Stalinist Turn (September 7, 1935)
- Russia and the World Proletariat (September 14, 1935)
- The ILP and the Fourth International (September 18, 1935)
- For Practical Steps Toward Rapprochement (October 11, 1935)
- Sectarianism, Centrism, and the Fourth International (October 22, 1935)
- Romain Rolland Executes an Assignment (October 31, 1935)
- Lessons of October (November 4, 1935)
- How Did Stalin Defeat the Opposition? (November 12, 1935)
- A Venerable Smerdyakov (November 1935)
- Two Statements on the Cannon-Shachtman Letter * A Brief Remark (November 1935)
- An Obvious Error (November 13, 1935) 182
- Factions and the Fourth International (1935)
- An Answer to Comrades in Anvers (November 1935)
- Tactical Questions and Splits (November 18, 1935)
- Once Again the ILP (November 1935)
- Advice on Canadian Farmers (November 1935)
- Remarks in Passing (December 8, 1935)
- On the Postcard Amalgam (December 15, 1935)
- Request for a Month’s Leave of Absence (December 27, 1935)
- For a Lucid Explanation (December 30, 1935)
- Developments in the USSR (December 31, 1935)
- The Class Nature of the Soviet State (January 1, 1936)
- Foreign Communists in Danger (January 2, 1936)
- Notes of a Journalist (January 10, 1936)
- On the Soviet Section of the Fourth International (January 11, 1936)
- Bourgeois Democracy and the Fight Against Fascism (January 13, 1936)
- Stalin’s Revolutionary Prisoners (January 15, 1936)
- Questions of a British Group (January 15, 1936) For Entry in the U.S.
- Letter to Cannon and Shachtman (January 24, 1936)
- Letter to A.J. Muste (January 24, 1936)
- Letter to Jack Weber (January 24, 1936)
- Stalin Frame-Up Mill at Work (January 30, 1936)
- A Crisis in the Workers Party (February 6, 1936)
- Letter to A.J. Muste (February 8, 1936)
- Statement to Associated Press (February 8, 1936)
- Some Advice to a British Group (March 7, 1936)
- How to Work in the SP (March 9, 1936)
- The Stalin-Howard Interview (March 18, 1936)
- “The Point of No Return” (Published April 1936)
- Once Again on the Soviet Section (Published April 1936)
- An Honest Book (March 21, 1936)
- The Plan to Exterminate the Bolshevik-Leninists (March 25, 1936)
- Suggestions for the Belgian Section (March 27, 1936)
- Open Letter to a British Comrade (April 3, 1936)
- A Good Omen for Joint Work in Britain (April 9, 1936)
- The New Constitution of the USSR (April 16, 1936)
- In the Columns of Pravda (Published May 1936)
- On Dictators and the Heights of Oslo (April 22, 1936)
- How to Win the Socialist Youth (April 27, 1936)
- Political Persecution in the USSR (May 22, 1936)
- The Spiciest Dishes Are Still to Come (Published May 1936)
- On Comrade Ciliga’s Articles (June 3, 1936)
- The New Revolutionary Upsurge and the Tasks of the Fourth International (July 1936)
- To the Public Opinion of the Workers of the Whole World (July 4, 1936)
- How the Workers in Austria Should Fight Hitler (Published July 1936)
- For Calm and Objective Work (July 6, 1936)
- The Fourth International and the Soviet Union (July 8, 1936)
- For a Common Goal in Britain (July 13, 1936)
- The Dutch Section and the International (July 15-16, 1936)
- Interview on British Problems (August 1936)
- Let Us Know the Facts (August 15, 1936)
- Open Letter to the Oslo Chief of Police (August 19, 1936)
- Worse Than Dreyfus and Reichstag Cases (August 19, 1936)
- Who Is V. Olberg? (August 20, 1936)
- Individual Terror and Mass Terror (August 20, 1936)
- A Revolutionary, Not a Terrorist (August 21, 1936)
- A Miniature Edition of the Moscow Indictment (August 21, 1936)
- A Revealing Episode (August 22, 1936)
- Statement on the Trial (August 23, 1936)
- Tomsky’s Suicide (August 23, 1936)
- Some Facts for the Prague Committee (August 23, 1936)
- Stalin Is Not Everything (August 23, 1936)
- Interview in News Chronicle (August 24, 1936)
- An Answer to Mr. Scharffenberg (August 24, 1936)
- The Death Sentences (August 24, 1936)
- Regular Trial Demanded (August 25, 1936)
- A Letter to Trygve Lie (August 26, 1936)
- Trials Without End (August 27, 1936)
- Letter to Mr. Puntervold (September 15, 1936)
- Echoes of a Belgian Witch-hunt (September 23, 1936)
- Letters to an Attorney (September-October 1936)
- Comments on Defense Efforts (October 3, 1936)
- The Safety of the Archives (October 10, 1936)
- Letter to the IFTU (October 22, 1936)
- Letter to the League of Nations (October 22, 1936)
- Letters to an Attorney (late October 1936)
- Remarks About the Arbeiderbladet Interview (November 10, 1936)
- On the GPU’s Theft of Archives (November 10, 1936)
- Letters to an Attorney (November 1936)
- Letter to the League for the Rights of Man (Published November 30, 1936)
- Letters to an Attorney (December 1936)
- In Closed Court (December 11, 1936)
- For the Earliest Possible Departure from Norway (December 16, 1936)
- Valuable Time Is Being Lost (December 17, 1936)
- Shame! (December 18, 1936)
- A Formal Declaration (December 18, 1936)
- Last Letter from Europe (December 18, 1936)
1936-1937[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- In “Socialist” Norway (December 1936)
- On the Atlantic (December 28, 1936)
- A Significant Episode (December 30, 1936)
- Zinoviev and Kamenev (December 31, 1936)
- Why They Confessed Crimes They Had Not Committed (January 1, 1937)
- “Thirst for Power” (January 3, 1937)
- “Hatred of Stalin” (January 4, 1937)
- Notes En Route (January 5, 1937)
- On Sending Terrorists into the USSR (January 6, 1937)
- In Mexico (January 9, 1937)
- Statements in Tampico (January 9, 1937)
- A Telegram to New York (January 11, 1937)
- To the Representatives of the Mexican Press (January 12, 1937)
- The Soviet Bureaucracy and the Spanish Revolution (January 13, 1937)
- An Interview for Americans (January 16, 1937)
- Letter to the Daily Herald (January 18, 1937)
- Interview with the Jewish Daily Forward (January 18, 1937)
- Greetings to James P. Cannon (January 20, 1937)
- Seventeen New Victims of the GPU (January 20, 1937)
- A New Moscow Amalgam (January 21, 1937)
- The New Trial (January 22, 1937)
- The Truth Behind the “Voluntary Confessions” (January 23, 1937)
- Why This Trial Seemed Necessary (January 23, 1937)
- Whose Conspiracy? (January 23, 1937)
- Not a Single Word Is True (January 24, 1937)
- On Romm (January 24, 1937)
- The Depositions and First Testimony of the Defendants (January 24, 1937)
- Rakovsky (January 25, 1937)
- During the Moscow Trial (January 25, 1937)
- The GPU at Work on the International Front (January 25, 1937)
- The “Voluntary” Confessions of the Defendants (January 26, 1937)
- "Industrial Sabotage (January 26, 1937)
- The Conspiracy’s Financial Resources (January 26, 1937)
- Muralov (January 26, 1937)
- Pyatakov’s Phantom Flight to Oslo (January 27, 1937)
- A Fighter for Fundamental Justice (January 27, 1937)
- The Arrest of Sergei Sedov (January 27, 1937)
- Stalin’s Version and Radek’s (January 28, 1937)
- Appeal to the League of Nations (January 1937)
- "“Prosecutor Vyshinsky (January 29, 1937)
- "“Will the Defendants Be Executed? (January 29, 1937)
- Pyatakov’s Story Vague on Time, Place (January 29, 1937)
- Stalin in Partial Retreat (January 29, 1937)
- The Organization of the Trial (January 30, 1937)
- The Last Words of the Accused (January 30, 1937)
- "“Anti-Semitic Devices (January 30, 1937)
- "“Speech for a Newsreel (January 30, 1937)
- "“Thirteen Are to Die (January 31, 1937)
- "“Those Who Have Been “Spared” (January 31, 1937)
- "“Kaganovich Anticipates My End (January 31, 1937)
- "“The “People” Call for Punishment (January 31, 1937)
- Why Did the GPU Choose December and Norway? (January 31, 1937)
- The End? (February 1, 1937)
- "“For Justice in the Swiss Courts (Published. February 1937)
- Two Statements on Hearst (Published February 3 and 19, 1937)
- Against Pessimism (February 3, 1937)
- An Inconprehensible Polemical Sally by Mr. Troyanovsky (February 4, 1937)
- No Participation in Mexican Politics (February 4, 1937)
- An Interview with Madame Titayna (February 11, 1937)
- A Telegram to Chicago (February 14, 1937)
- Romm Frequented Dark Paris Alleys (February 15, 1937)
- For Depositions of the Facts (February 16, 1937)
- Contact with the Molinierists (February 18, 1937)
- For Depositions from American Visitors (February 20, 1937)
- Max Eastman as Interpreter (February 23, 1937)
- "Two Announcements (February 25, 1937)
- Romm’s Evidence (February 25, 1937)
- Statement on Senin and Well (February 27, 1937)
- On the Subject of Jacques Sadoul (March 5, 1937)
- Fenner Brockway, Pritt No. 2 (March 6, 1937)
- A Press Statement on Andre Malraux (March 8, 1937)
- For a Move to New York (March 9, 1937)
- Dangerous Symptoms in New York (March 9, 1937)
- Deposition on the Theft of Archives (March 10, 1937)
- The Havas Interview on Spain (March 12, 1937)
- Some Concrete Questions for Mr. Malraux (March 13, 1937)
- For the Immediate Creation of the Committee of Inquiry (March 15, 1937)
- The Sine Qua Non for Further Collaboration (March 15, 1937)
- The Attitude of Our Comrades in the Committee (March 15, 1937)
- “The First Two Moscow Trials” (March 15, 1937)
- To the Socialist Lawyers’ Front (March 15, 1937)
- American City: An Irreplaceable Book (March 15, 1937)
- A Mockery of Justice (March 16, 1937)
- On Defense Work in France (March 17, 1937)
- The Policy of Our Comrades in the Committee (March 17, 1937)
- Two Telegrams (March 19 and 22, 1937)
- More Evidence Needed to Refute Pyatakov’s Lies (March 26, 1937)
- On Defense of the USSR (March 26, 1937)
- More on Pyatakov’s Flight (March 28, 1937)
- The Preliminary Inquiry at Coyoacan (Spring 1937)
- Next Steps for the Committee of Inquiry (April 20, 1937)
- The Agrarian Question in Bolivia (April 24, 1937)
- “"Answers to the Jewish Daily Forward (April 27, 1937)
- The Trial of the Danzig Trotskyists (April 29, 1937)
- Two Manifestations of the Same Tendency (May 12, 1937)
- Mr. Beals as a Witness (May 18, 1937)
- To the Third Congress of the French JSR (May 22, 1937)
- Answers to the Associated Press (May 22, 1937)
- A “Critical” Adaptation to Centrism (May 25, 1937)
- Molinier’s Organization (May 26, 1937)
- The Questions That Separate Us (May 26, 1937)
- A Militant, Revolutionary, and Critical Marxist Review Is Needed (May 29, 1937)
- Stalin on His Own Frame-Ups (June 1937)
- The Beginning of the End (June 12, 1937)
- For the Creation of a National Weekly (June 12, 1937)
- The Situation in the SP and Our Next Tasks (June 15, 1937)
- The Decapitation of the Red Army (June 17, 1937)
- Telegram to the CEC of the USSR (June 17, 1937)
- The Time Factor in Politics (June 25, 1937)
- Preface to Les Crimes de Staline (July 5, 1937)
- The Questions of Wendelin Thomas (July 6, 1937)
- Answers to the Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America (July 27, 1937)
- Preface to the Spanish Edition of The Revolution Betrayed (August 5, 1937)
- On the Threshold of a New World War (August 9, 1937)
- About the Article on War (August 10, 1937)
- Wolf Weiss’s Novel (August 13, 1937)
- Interview by Mexico al Dia (August 16, 1937)
- Interview by Sunday Sun of Sydney (August 17, 1937)
- Answers to the New York Herald-Tribune (August 23, 1937)
- “"American Problems and the International (August 26, 1937)
- Stalinism and Bolshevism (August 28, 1937)
- To Discredit Stalinism in the Eyes of the Workers (September 2, 1937)
- London Bureau Aids Stalin Frame-Ups by Refusal to Join Probe Commission (September 5, 1937)
- The Purpose of the Inquiry Commission (September 5, 1937)
- More Pedagogical Patience Toward New Elements (September 11, 1937)
- For a Regime of Genuine Democracy (September 11, 1937)
- Replies to United Press (September 13,. 1937)
- For a Sense of Responsibility in the Party Discussion (September 18, 1937)
- Catastrophe Seen for Japan (September 20, 1937)
- A Tragic Lesson (September 21, 1937)
- Reply to Selden Rodman (September 22, 1937)
- The Arrest of Erwin Wolf (September 25, 1937)
- An Observer from Afar (September 27, 1937)
- Terrorist Occurrences in France (September 29, 1937)
- A Letter to New York (September 30, 1937)
- Concern About Mrs. Reiss (September 30, 1937)
- Answers to Questions (October 1, 1937)
- Optimistic for the Future (October 2, 1937)
- More Thoughts on the Party Regime (October 3, 1937)
- Problems of Personnel (October 4, 1937)
- For a Public Meeting of the Dewey Commission (October 6, 1937)
- Results of the Entry and Next Tasks (October 6, 1937)
- The Social Composition of the Party (October 10, 1937)
- A Letter to Elsa Reiss (October 13, 1937)
- The Future of the Trotsky Defense Committee (October 14, 1937)
- To the Editor of Modern Monthly (October 15, 1937)
- Perspectives for the Future and the International Conference (October 19, 1937)
- Swiss Police Arrest Assassins (October 19, 1937)
- Erwin Wolf: A Victim of the GPU (October 19, 1937)
- Dictatorship and Revolution (October 23, 1937)
1937-1938[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- Ninety Years of the Communist Manifesto (October 30, 1937)
- It Is High Time to Launch a World Offensive Against Stalinism (November 2, 1937)
- Once Again: The USSR and Its Defense (November 4, 1937)
- An “Attempt” on Stalin’s Life (November 4, 1937)
- America’s Sixty Families (November 8, 1937)
- Letter on American Problems (November 14, 1937)
- Letter to Comrade Wasserman (November 14, 1937)
- Coming Trials to Reveal Secret Plans of GPU (November 16, 1937)
- How to Struggle Against War (November 17, 1937)
- Bertram Wolfe on the Moscow Trials (November 25, 1937)
- Not a Workers’ and Not a Bourgeois State? (November 25, 1937)
- For a Revolutionary Publishing House (November 29, 1937)
- Moscow-Amsterdam “Unity” (November 29, 1937)
- An FBI Agent’s Story (December 1, 1937)
- A Few Words on Lutte Ouvriere (December 2, 1937)
- The Future of the Dutch Section (December 2, 1937)
- A Letter to the New York Times (December 3, 1937)
- ^Defeatism vs. Defensism (December 6, 1937)
- A Suggestion on Burnham (December 6, 1937)
- On Democratic Centralism (December 8, 1937)
- Two Defections in One Week (December 9, 1937)
- Telegram to the Dewey Commission (December 9, 1937) *Published here in English for the first time.
- Statement to Journalists on the Dewey Verdict (December 13, 1937)
- Permission to Use Articles (December 14, 1937)
- How to Conduct a Political Discussion (December 15, 1937)
- Letter to the New International (December 15, 1937)
- Greetings to Norway (December 19, 1937)
- Answers to Questions of Marianne (December 20, 1937)
- ^Intellectuals and the Party Milieu (December 21, 1937)
- Letter to Australians (December 23, 1937)
- The Spanish Lesson for the Fourth International (December 24, 1937)
- For a Permanent Defense Committee (December 30, 1937)
- On Modern Monthly (December 31, 1937)
- Letter on Defeatism (January 2, 1938)
- Does the Soviet Government Still Follow the Principles Adopted Twenty Years Ago? (January 13, 1938)
- Hue and Cry Over Kronstadt (January 15, 1938)
- Sneevliet’s Role (January 21, 1938)
- Open Letter to De Nieuwe Fakkel (January 21, 1938)
- Conclusion of a Long Experience (January 21, 1938)
- An Excellent Article on Defeatism (January 26, 1938)
- Factory Papers and a Theoretical Journal (January 27, 1938)
- The Ludlow Amendment (February 1, 1938)
- Letter to an American Youth (February 4, 1938)
- Optimistic over the Future (February 4, 1938)
- A New GPU Attempt (February 15, 1938)
- The Possibility of Foul Play (February 18, 1938)
- Leon Sedov — Son, Friend, Fighter (February 20, 1938)
- After Sedov’s Death (February 22, 1938)
- A Fresh Attack on Asylum (February 24, 1938)
- The Trial of the Twenty-One (February 28, 1938)
- Eight Ministers (March 1, 1938)
- Strange New Developments (March 1 , 1938)
- Trial Seen as Reply to Dewey Commission (March 2, 1938)
- To the Attention of Thinking People (March 3, 1938)
- Behind the Moscow Trials (March 3, 1938)
- Four Doctors Knew Too Much (March 3, 1938)
- The Secret Alliance with Germany (March 3, 1938)
- Corrections and Observations on the Testimony of the Accused (March 4, 1938)
- The “Million Dollars” (March 5, 1938)
- Army Opposed to Stalin (March 6, 1938)
- Why So Many Centers? Why Do They All Submit to Trotsky? (March 6, 1938)
- The Role of Yagoda (March 7 , 1938)
- Anachronisms (March 8, 1938)
- Moscow’s Diplomatic Plans and the Trials (March 8, 1938)
- Stalin’s Article on World Revolution (March 9, 1938)
- Message to New York Protest Meeting (March 9, 1938)
- A Key to the Russian Trials (March 10, 1938)
- The Case of Professor Pletnev (March 10, 1938)
- Letter to Jeanne Martin (March 10, 1938)
- The Defendants Zelensky and Ivanov (March 11, 1938)
- Again on the Reiss Case (March 12, 1938)
- Hitler’s Austria Coup Aided by Moscow Trial (March 12, 1938)
- On Hearst (March 13, 1938)
- An Explanation for Freda Kirchwey (March 13, 1938)
- Notes in the Margin of Pravda’s Accounts (March 1938)
- Cain-Dzhugashvili Goes the Whole Way (March 17, 1938)
- A Reply to Ambassador Bilmanis (March 17, 1938)
- New Defectors (March 17, 1938)
- The Priests of Half-Truth (March 19, 1938)
- Discussions with Trotsky: I — The International Conference (March 20, 1938)
- Discussions with Trotsky: II — Defense Organization and Attitude Toward Intellectuals (March 24, 1938)
- Discussions with Trotsky: III — The Russian Question (March 25, 1938)
- Roosevelt’s Statement on Trotskyists in Russia (March 29, 1938)
- Letter to the League of Nations (March 31, 1938)
- For the Reorganization of the Mexican Section (April 15, 1938)
- Toward a Genuine British Section (April 15, 1938)
- Letter to James P. Cannon (April 15, 1938)
- Thoughts on the French Section (April 19, 1938)
- More on European Problems (April 20, 1938)
- The Mexican Oil Expropriations (April 23, 1938)
- Europe or San Francisco? (May 12, 1938)
- For an Immediate Trip to Europe (May 16, 1938)
- On C.L.R. James (May 17, 1938)
- Learn to Think (May 22, 1938)
- 0nce More on Comrades Sneevliet and Vereecken (May 24, 1938)
- No Obstacle to Common Vote (May 25, 1938)
- “For” the Fourth International? No! the Fourth International! (May 31, 1938)
- Revolutionary Art and the Fourth International (June 1, 1938)
- Remarks on Czechoslovakia (June 2, 1938)
- Mexico and British Imperialism (June 5, 1938)
- On the Edge of a Precipice (June 12, 1938)
- No, It Is Not the Same (June 18, 1938)
- To the Congress of the Revolutionary Socialist Party of Belgium (June 22, 1938)
- For an Open Polemic with the Liberals (June 29, 1938)
- Stalin and Accomplices Condemned (July 5, 1938)
- More on the Suppression of Kronstadt (July 7, 1938)
- For Freedom in Education (July 10, 1938)
- On the Anniversary of Reiss’s Death ( July 17, 1938)
- To the Conference of the Young People’s Socialist League (July 18, 1938)
- The Disappearance of Rudolf Klement (July 18, 1938)
- Was Leon Sedov Murdered? (July 19, 1938)
- My Conspiracy (July 19, 1938)
- ^Financing the Revolutionary Movement (July 23, 1938)
- The Forthcoming Trial of the Diplomats (July 25, 1938)
- A “Letter” from Rudolf Klement (August 1, 1938)
- On the Fate of Rudolf Klement (August 3, 1938)
- The Sino-Japanese Struggle (August 11, 1938)
- The USSR and Japan (August 11, 1938)
- Answers to the Questions of Lloyd Tupling (August 12, 1938)
- Freedom of the Press and the Working Class (August 21, 1938)
- Further Evidence of GPU Guilt in Sedov Death (August 24, 1938)
- Trade Union Congress Staged by CP (August 27, 1938)
- The Congress Against War and Fascism (August 1938)
- Fascism and the Colonial World (August 1938)
- A Great Achievement (August 30, 1938)
- Another Stalinist Ploy (September 4, 1938)
- The Totalitarian Defeatist in the Kremlin (September 12, 1938)
- Letter to Rose Karsner (September 13, 1938)
- Yes or No? (September 14, 1938)
- “Toward a Decision” (September 17, 1938)
1938-1939[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- Phrases and Reality (September 19, 1938)
- The Totalitarian "Right of Asylum" (September 19, 1938)
- The Assassination of Rudolf Klement (September 20, 1938)
- Fight Imperialism to Fight Fascism (September 21, 1938)
- After the Collapse of Czechoslovakia, Stalin Will Seek Accord with Hitler (September 22, 1938)
- Anti-Imperialist Struggle Is Key to Liberation (September 23, 1938)
- Problems of the American Party (October 5, 1938)
- What Is the Meaning of the Struggle Against "Trotskyism"? (October 9, 1938)
- A Fresh Lesson (October 10, 1938)
- To Our Friends and Readers (October 11, 1938)
- The Problem of a New International (October 11, 1938)
- Tasks of the Trade Union Movement in Latin America (October 11, 1938)
- The Founding of the Fourth International(October 18, 1938)
- To the Editors of Biulleten Oppozitsii, Lutte Ouvriere,and Quatrieme Internationale (October 22, 1938)
- A False View (October 22, 1938)
- Two Agents of "Democratic" Imperialism (October 22, 1938)
- American Prospects (October 24, 1938)
- A Few Words on Andre Breton (October 27, 1938) Published here in English for the first time.
- Letter to Andre Breton (October 27, 1938)
- Letter to James P. Cannon (October 30, 1938)
- "Peace in Our Time" ? (November 4, 1938)
- Karl Kautsky (November 8, 1938)
- Haya de la Torre and Democracy (November 9, 1938)
- In Defense of Asylum (November 10, 1938)
- Terrorism and the Murders of Rasputin and Nicholas II (November 14, 1938)
- The Twenty-First Anniversary (November 14, 1938)
- A Contribution to Centrist Literature (November 15, 1938)
- Toward a Revolutionary Youth Organization (November 18, 1938)
- The Individual in History (1938)
- Stalin vs. Stalin (November 19, 1938)
- Reply to Father Coughlin's Charges (November 28, 1938)
- For an Independent Youth Movement (November 30, 1938)
- On the Murder of Rudolf Klement (December 1, 1938)
- Open Letter to Senator Allen (December 2, 1938)
- Victor Serge and the Fourth International (December 2, 1938)
- Problems of the Mexican Section (December 5, 1938)
- A Revolutionary Name for a Revolutionary Youth Group (December 10, 1938)
- For a Systematic Political Campaign (December 12, 1938)
- A Political Dialogue (December 20, 1938)
- Letter to Charles Curtiss (December 24, 1938)
- Answers to the Lies of the New York Daily News (December 28, 1938)
- Lenin and Imperialist War (December 30, 1938)
- To the Pillory! (December 31, 1938)
- One More Lesson on the Lima Conference (December 31, 1938)
- To the Readers of Clave (January 1939)
- Clave and the Election Campaign (January 1939)
- Two Statements on Family Matters Deposition to the Court (January 15, 1939)
- A Proposed Biography (January 21, 1939)
- Jouhaux and Toledano (January 30, 1939)
- Stalin, Skoblin, and Company (January 30, 1939)
- Ignorance Is Not a Revolutionary Instrument (January 30, 1939)
- For Grynszpan (February 1939)
- Intellectual Ex-Radicals and World Reaction (February 17, 1939)
- Krupskaya's Death (March 4, 1939)
- The Betrayers of India (March 4, 1939)
- What Lies Behind Stalin Bid for Agreement with Hitler? (March 6, 1939)
- Once Again on the "Crisis of Marxism" (March 7, 1939)
- A Step Toward Social Patriotism (March 7, 1939)
- "Learn to Work in the Stalin Manner" (March 7, 1939)
- Stalin's Capitulation (March 11, 1939)
- On Mexico's Second Six Year Plan (March 14, 1939)
- A Proposal from Shanghai (March 18, 1939)
- Only Revolution Can End War (March 18, 1939)
- Our Work in the Communist Party (March 20, 1939)
- The "Kidnaping" of Trotsky's Grandson (March 26, 1939)
- Fighting Against the Stream (April 1939)
- On the History of the Left Opposition (April 1939)
- The Diego Rivera Affair
- A Necessary Statement (January 4, 1939)
- The Source of the Problem (January 11, 1939)
- Letter to Frida Rivera (January 12, 1939)
- Clave's Statement on Rivera's Resignation (January 17, 1939)
- Suggestions for a Reply from the Pan-American Committee and the IS (January 1939)
- Letter to Charles Curtiss (January 18, 1939)
- Letter to Charles Curtiss (February 14, 1939)
- Letter to Charles Curtiss (February 15, 1939)
- Letter to the Pan-American Committee (March 22, 1939)
- Letter to James P. Cannon (March 27, 1939)
- Statement of the Pan-American Committee (April 5, 1939)
- More on Our Work in the Communist Party (April 10, 1939)
- Greetings to Carlo Tresca (April 10, 1939)
- The Ukrainian Question (April 22, 1939)
- Letter to Emrys Hughes (April 22, 1939)
- The Crisis in the French Section
- Letter to James P. Cannon (December 5, 1938)
- Letter to James P. Cannon (April 8, 1939)
- Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP (April 18, 1939)
- Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP (April 22, 1939)
- Letter to the International Secretariat (July 27, 1939)
- On Laborde and Trotskyists in General (April 28, 1939)
- The Bonapartist Philosophy of the State (May 1, 1939)
- Nationalized Industry and Workers' Management (May 12, 1939)
- A Graphic History of Bolshevism (June 7, 1939)
- Ten Years (June 10, 1939)
- Soviet Plutarchs (June 10, 1939)
- Toward a Balance Sheet of the Purges (June 10, 1939)
- 1917-1939 (June 10, 1939)
- For a Courageous Reorientation (June 16, 1939)
- The Riddle of the USSR (June 21, 1939)
- The Kremlin in World Politics (July 1, 1939)
1939-1940[edit source]
- Preface
- Chronology
- On the Eve of World War II (July 23, 1939)
- India Faced with Imperialist War (July 25, 1939)
- Our International Organization (July 26, 1939)
- "Progressive Paralysis" (July 29, 1939)
- Independence of the Ukraine and Sectarian Muddleheads (July 30, 1939)
- Three Conceptions of the Russian Revolution (August 1939)
- Democratic Feudalists and the Independence of the Ukraine (August 5, 1939)
- Stalin— Hitler's Quartermaster (September 2, 1939)
- The German-Soviet Alliance (September 4, 1939)
- Who Is Guilty of Starting the Second World War? (September 5, 1939)
- The War and the Ukrainian Question (September 6, 1939)
- Moscow Is Mobilizing (September 11, 1939)
- Closer Hitler-Stalin Ties Seen (September 14, 1939)
- Stalin — Temporary Holder of the Ukraine (September 18, 1939)
- The Anniversary of the Murder of Ignace Reiss (September 21, 1939)
- The U. S. Will Participate in the War (October 1 , 1939)
- Will Not Write for British Paper (October 23, 1939)
- On Workers' Self-Defense (October 25, 1939)
- Letter to the New York Times (November 20, 1939)
- Letter on India (November 24, 1939)
- An Invitation from the Dies Committee (November 28, 1939)
- The Twin-Stars: Hitler-Stalin (December 4, 1939)
- Letter to the New York Times (December 6, 1939)
- The Dies Committee (December 7, 1939)
- Why I Consented to Appear Before the Dies Committee (December 11, 1939)
- On Dies Backing Down (December 12, 1939)
- Not Behind Closed Doors (December 17, 1939)
- More Slander Around the Dies Committee (January 12, 1940)
- The World Situation and Perspectives (February 14, 1940)
- Testament (February 27, 1940)
- Stalin After the Finnish Experience (March 13, 1940)
- Letter to the Workers of the USSR (April 21, 1940)
- On Japan's Plans for Expansion (May 1, 1940)
- The Tanaka Memorial (May 1940)
- On a "Socialist" Ally of Chamberlain (May 14, 1940)
- A Proposal to Professional Slanderers (May 14, 1940)
- Manifesto of the Fourth International on the Imperialist War and the Proletarian World Revolution (May 1940)
- Letter to the Mexican Attorney General (May 27, 1940)
- On the Manifesto of the Fourth International (May 28, 1940)
- Accusers or Accused? (May 28, 1940)
- Representative Toledano Hurls a New Slander (June 2, 1940)
- Stalin Seeks My Death (June 8, 1940)
- Discussions with Trotsky (June 12-15, 1940)
- The Kremlin's Role in the European Catastrophe (June 17, 1940)
- The Reptile Breed of the Nation (June 18, 1940)
- GPU Tried to Cover Murder with Slander (June 25, 1940)
- Telegram to Mr. Harte (June 25, 1940)
- We Do Not Change Our Course (June 30, 1940)
- Avuncular Advice (July 1, 1940)
- Pavon Flores, the GPU's Attorney (July 3, 1940)
- Supplementary Deposition on the July 2 Hearing (July 3, 1940)
- Supplementary and Indispensable Explanations of My July 2 Statements (July 5, 1940)
- Questions About Mrs. Carmen Palma's Statement (July 1940)
- Letter on Conscription (July 9, 1940)
- Appeal to the Press (July 27, 1940)
- Letter to the New York Herald Tribune (July 27, 1940)
- Misfortune of an Intellectual (July 29, 1940)
- Stalin Still Hitler's Satellite (August 2, 1940)
- Nipping a New GPU Lie (August 2, 1940)
- Two Letters to Generous Friends (August 3, 1940)
- Assassins May Use "Trotskyist" Label (August 6, 1940)
- American Problems (August 7, 1940)
- How to Defend Ourselves (August 12, 1940)
- How to Really Defend Democracy (August 13, 1940)
- Letter to C. Charles (August 16, 1940)
- On Dewey's Philosophy (August 16, 1940)
- The Comintern and the GPU (August 17, 1940)
- Another Thought on Conscription (August 17, 1940)
- Welcome to Our Small Garrison (August 18, 1940)
- Letter to Henry Schultz (August 20, 1940)
- Two Letters to Class War Prisoners (August 20, 1940)
- Unfinished Writings and Fragments
- Dialectics and the Immutability of the Syllogism
- On Utilitarianism
- On the Future of Hitler's Armies
- China and the Russian Revolution
- Bonapartism, Fascism, and War
Supplement 1929-1933[edit source]
- Preface
- Turkey (1929-33)
- Interview by the Daily Telegraph (March 14, 1929)
- Help the Imprisoned Bolshevik-Leninists (March 20, 1929)
- Interview Given to the Social Democratic Press (March 24, 1929)
- Tactics in the USSR (October 1929)
- Our French Press (October-November 1929)
- Economic Necessity Helps Those Who Help Themselves (Late 1929)
- Discussions with Max Shachtman (March 1930)
- Progressives in the United Mine Workers (March 15, 1930)
- Prospects of the Communist League of America (March 26, 1930)
- The Mute Conference (April 16, 1930)
- More About Comrade Blumkin (Published May 1930)
- G. Mannoury and the Comintern (Published May 1930)
- Stalin’s “Reply to Collective Farm Comrades” (Published May 1930)
- Official Deceit and the Truth (Published May 1930)
- Bureaucratic Tendencies (June 20, 1930)
- The French Leadership (June 30, 1930)
- We Should Proceed as Democratically as Possible (August 18, 1930)
- To the Bolshevik-Leninist Organization of Greece (Archio-Marxists) (October 1930)
- Personal Elements in the French Struggle (November 25, 1930)
- Every Group Should Take a Clear Stand (December 19, 1930)
- To Alfonso Leonetti on the French Section (February 5, 1931)
- You Should Help the New Leadership (February 11, 1931)
- Miliukov and the February Revolution (February 25, 1931)
- Writings of Leon Trotsky: Supplement (1929-33)
- Andres Nin and Victor Serge (Published March 1931)
- The International Secretariat and the International Bureau (March 7 , 1931)
- To Preserve Our Politics from Degeneration (March 13, 1931)
- National Conferences First (April 2, 1931)
- Will Help New Publishing House (April 4, 1931)
- What a Control Commission Should Do (May 1, 1931)
- The First Lesson from Spain (May 1, 1931)
- Part of the Responsiblility for the German Split (May 23, 1931)
- The Bordigist Line (June 10, 1931)
- Miscellaneous Information (July 1, 1931)
- The Secondary Place of Personal Characteristics (July 5, 1931)
- Irresponsible Types (August 2, 1931)
- The French Discussion (August 20, 1931)
- Rosmer’s Politics (September 1, 1931)
- Discussions with Albert Glotzer (October-November 1931)
- To Help in Britain (November 9, 1931)
- What Is Fascism? (November 15, 1931)
- Better to Seek the Solid (November 30, 1931)
- Why Mill Should Be Removed (December 29, 1931)
- The Kind of Secretariat We Need (January 27, 1932)
- Two Pamphlets (February 8, 1932)
- The Weekly Comes First (February 10, 1932)
- Bordiga and Social Fascism (February 14, 1932)
- When Ultraleftists Can Be More Correct (March 6, 1932)
- On an Entry into the SAP (March 8, 1932)
- Our Strength Is in Clarity (March 23, 1932)
- The American Dispute and International Questions (May 1, 1932)
- Worried About Spain (May 13, 1932)
- International and National Questions (May 19, 1932)
- Our Attitude to Weisbord (May 27, 1932)
- Murphy’s Expulsion (May 27, 1932)
- Shachtman’s “Character” (June 3, 1932)
- Query About a Shop Paper (June 9, 1932)
- Proposals for the Antiwar Congress (June 9, 1932)
- A Discussion on Greece (Spring 1932)
- After the CLA Plenum (July 4, 1932)
- Permanent Factionalism Is Not Needed (July 4, 1932)
- Hope for CLA Unity (July 18, 1932)
- A Discussion with Herbert Solow (Summer 1932)
- Willing to Speak in Copenhagen (August 28, 1932)
- After the British Expulsions (September 6, 1932)
- Minutes of the Commission: I (September 18, 1932)
- Minutes of the Commission: II (September 23, 1932)
- The Poverty of Our European Sections (October 4, 1932)
- A Duty to Speak (October 10, 1932)
- Minutes of the Commission: III (October 28, 1932)
- “Down with Stalin” Is Not Our Slogan (Autumn 1932)
- A Left Opposition Statement Should Be Prepared (Autumn 1932)
- Documents from Copenhagen (November 1932)
- Answers to Personal Questions (December 16, 1932)
- Memorandum on a Forgery in Spain (December 19, 1932)
- The International Preconference (January 15, 1933)
- A Possible Lecture Tour (February 1, 1933)
- Greetings to the German Bolshevik-Leninists (February 2, 1933)
- A Possible Visa for France (February 8, 1933)
- Reply to an Invitation ( February 15, 1933)
- What Is Happening in Germany? (February 22, 1933)
- The Struggle in the CLA (February 27, 1933)
- The Situation in Germany (March 2, 1933)
- A Personal Letter on the CLA (March 7, 1933)
- Don’t Forget We Have an International Organization (March 8, 1933)
- In These Uncertain Times (March 8, 1933)
- To the National Council of Labour Colleges (March 10, 1933)
- Advice for the CLA Minority (March 14, 1933)
- The German Decision Against a New Party (March 19, 1933)
- A Congress Against Fascism (March 23, 1933)
- Complaints to the IS (March 28, 1933)
- We Must Have a Discussion on Germany (April 3, 1933)
- Tasks of the Coming Plenum (April 12, 1933)
- Errors of the Spanish Leaders (April 12, 1933)
- Intellectuals Regrouping (April 13, 1933)
- A Magnificent School (April 14, 1933)
- Circulating an Illegal Paper (April 18, 1933)
- The Discussion on Germany (April 21, 1933)
- A Nucleus Outside (April 27, 1933)
- Recommendations to the IS (April 29, 1933)
- Writings of Leon Trotsky: Supplement (1929-33)
- A French Visa and an Essay on Herriot (April 30, 1933)
- A Warning and a Criticism (May 1, 1933)
- Tact, Caution, and Flexibility (May 8, 1933)
- Paralyzed Financially (May 11, 1933)
- Problems with a Publisher (May 14, 1933)
- Suggestions for the Congress (May 26, 1933)
- What I Would Do in France (May 31, 1933)
- Fraction Work in the Social Democracy (Summer 1933)
- Interview by Alice Hughes (July 4, 1933)
- Restructuring the IS (July 5, 1933)
- Southern France and Corsica (July 7, 1933)
- Dangers Threatening the CLA (July 10, 1933)
- New Questions Will Produce New Alignments (July 12, 1933)
- France (1933-35)
- Full-Time Staff (July 30, 1933)
- A Decisive Turn Is Necessary and Urgent (July 31, 1933)
- Barbusse’s Cynicism (July 31, 1933)
- A Plenum is Needed to Deal with the Paris Conference (August 7, 1933)
- Remarks on the French League’s Theses (August 8, 1933 )
- Moving to France (August 11, 1933)
- Documents for the Conference (August 12, 1933)
- To Jacob Walcher on the Declaration of Four (August 21, 1933)
- Reassuring the Polish Section (August 22, 1933)
- The ILP and the British Section (August 22, 1933)
- Information for the U.S. (August 22, 1933)
- Building a New International and the United Front Policy (August 24, 1933)
- “As It Is” and “As It Should Be” (August 26, 1933)
- A Discussion with Pierre Rimbert (September 2, 1933)
- After Talks with Fritz Sternberg (September 4, 1933)
- Roosevelt’s Experiment and Workers’ Control (September 6, 1933)
- Planned Economy in the USSR: Success or Failure? (September 7, 1933)
- Soliciting Suggestions (September 9, 1933)
- Trouble in the French Section (September 11, 1933)
- In Defense of the IS (September 18, 1933)
- Trade Union Problems in America (September 23, 1933)
- Attempts to Revive the Control Commission’s Corpse (September 27, 1933)
- Proposed Statutes for the Plenum of the IS (September 27, 1933)
- Comrade Witte’s Violations of Bolshevik Organizational Principles (September 28, 1933)
- Lozovsky, Strategist of the Proletarian Revolution (Published October 1933)
- On the Projected Youth Conference (October 6, 1933)
- Respect for Political Logic (November 2, 1933)
- Man’s Fate Is a True Work of Art (November 9, 1933)
- Answers to Questions from New York (November 13, 1933)
- Comments on the Active-Socialist Front (November 13, 1933)
- After the British Municipal Elections (November 14, 1933)
- Minutes of the ICL Plenum (November 18-19, 1933)
- Youth Conference Plans (November 21, 1933)
- On Calling for Soviets in Cuba (November 21, 1933)
- For United Action Against Fascism (November 22, 1933)
- Bad News About the CLA (November 25, 1933)
- Intervening in the SP (November 26, 1933)
- Preface and Postscript, Abridged Edition of Ma Vie (December 4, 1933)
- Minutes, the Conference of Four of December 30, 1933
- Notes
- Partial Contents of the 12-Volume Writings of Leon Trotsky (1929-40)
Supplement 1934-1940[edit source]
- France (1934-35)
- An Offer to Le Peuple (January 9, 1934)
- The IS Reply to the British Majority (January 23, 1934)
- Differences with the British Minority (January 23, 1934)
- The Jewish Question Has Been Internationalized (January 28, 1934)
- Questions About Holland (January 29, 1943)
- On the Workers’ Militia (February 1934)
- Things Are on the Move (February 12, 1934)
- Against Centrism at the Youth Conference (February 15, 1934)
- Rakovsky’s Statement of Submission (February 21, 1934)
- Ultraleft Tactics in Fighting the Fascists (March 2, 1934)
- After the Austrian Defeat (March 13, 1934)
- Reproaching the Dutch Section (March 17, 1934)
- Field’s Expulsion (March 18, 1934)
- A Concert for Herriot (March 1934)
- The Youth Conference’s Unsatisfactory Resolution (March 19, 1934)
- The Proposal to Fuse the CLA and the AWP (March 20, 1934)
- The Errors of Our Youth Delegates (March 29, 1934)
- Continuing the Struggle Through Unifications (April 10, 1934)
- My Interrogation by the Police (Mid-April 1934)
- Why I Am Being Expelled from France (April 18, 1934)
- Suggestions for a French Program of Action (Spring 1934)
- Proposals for the Next ICL Plenum (June 15, 1934)
- Our Response to the French CP’s New Turn (June 16, 1934)
- Concentrate Inside the Socialist Party (June 1934)
- The State of the League and Its Tasks (June 29, 1934)
- The Catalan Conflict and the Tasks of the Proletariat (Summer 1934)
- Alternatives for the Young Socialists (July 12, 1934)
- Writings of Leon Trotsky: Supplement (1933-40)
- Cross the Rubicon (July 16, 1934)
- The Stalinists and Organic Unity (July 19, 1934)
- Supplementary Arguments and Suggestions for Articles (July 21, 1934)
- Tasks of the ICL (July 21, 1934)
- Clouds in the Far East (Published August 1934)
- Soviets in America? (August 17, 1934)
- The “Belgian” Tradition in Discussion (September 22, 1934)
- The Present Situation in the Labor Movement and the Tasks of the Bolshevik-Leninists (October 1934)
- Cannon’s Mission in Europe (November 3, 1934)
- How to Answer the London-Amsterdam Bureau (November 1934)
- No Compromise on the Russian Question (November 11, 1934)
- We Should Join the Belgian Young Socialists (November 19, 1934)
- Suggestions for the GBL (November 20, 1934)
- Remarks on the Kirov Assassination (December 10, 1934)
- On the Draft Political Statutes (December 1934)
- A Few Remarks on Revolution (December 1934)
- Once More on Our Turn (December 15, 1934)
- Notes on the GBL’s Internal Problems (Late 1934 or Early 1935)
- Remarks on Our General Orientation (Late 1934 or Early 1935)
- The State and the USSR (Late 1934 or Early 1935)
- Against Desistance For the Radicals (Late 1934 or Early 1935)
- Answers to Questions by Louise Bryant (Late 1934 or Early 1935)
- A Proposal to Co-opt Dubois into the Plenum (January 31, 1935)
- Disturbing Signs (January 31, 1935)
- After the Belgian Conference (March 24, 1935)
- On the Teachers’ Federation (March 24, 1935)
- Notes on the SAP and the London-Amsterdam Bureau (Mid-April 1935)
- News About the Family (April 25, 1935)
- Laval and the French CP (May 1935)
- Toward the New Youth International (Spring 1935)
- Why Are We Bolshevik-Leninists? (Spring 1935)
- Three Telegrams to Norway (June 7-12, 1935)
- Underground Work in Nazi Germany (June 1935)
- Norway (1935-36)
- Please Pay Attention to the Youth Question (June 21, 1935)
- Chen Tu-hsiu and the General Council (August 10, 1935)
- For a Bloc Against Oehler (August 13, 1935)
- The Cannon Shachtman Group Should Make Concessions (September 4, 1935)
- The Policy of the Abem- Weber Group (September 4, 1935)
- Nothing in Common with the Decadent Comintern (September 18, 1935)
- An Appeal to A.J. Muste (September 24-25, 1935)
- The Open Letter and the ILP (Autumn 1935)
- Foreword, Mitt Liv (October 1, 1935)
- For or Against? (October 16, 1935)
- Youth Secretary Nominations (October 21, 1935)
- Support of the Dutch Fight Against SAPism (November 5, 1935)
- Conversations with Earle Bimey (November 1935)
- Greetings to Robitnichi Vysti (November 26, 1935)
- Letters About Anton Ciliga (December 1935-January 1936)
- The Lenin-Trotsky Papers (December 28, 1935)
- Results of the Open Letter (January 18, 1936)
- Schmidt’s Trip to England (January 19, 1936)
- Educating Against Centrism (January 24, 1936)
- The Heyday of the People’s Front (January 24, 1936)
- Two Statements on Hearst (January 28, 1936)
- A Conversation with Maurice Spector (February 1936)
- How to Avert a Split (February 8, 1936)
- Remarks for an English Comrade (April 8, 1936)
- The Center Must Stay in Europe (April 8, 1936)
- Orient to the Spanish Youth (April 14, 1936)
- Eleven Letters to Victor Serge (April- August 1936)
- Our Kind of Optimism (April 27, 1936)
- Walter Held’s Thesis on the Evolution of the Comintern (May 26 and June 18, 1936)
- Let’s End This Nonsense (May 28, 1936)
- “State Capitalism” Data Sought (June 7 , 1936)
- The International Conference and the Dutch Section (June 16, 1936)
- Writings of Leon Trotsky: Supplement (1933-40)
- Congratulations on a Good Publishing Job (June 18, 1936)
- The London Bureau and the Fourth International (July 1936)
- Deep Differences with the Dutch Comrades (July 7, 1936)
- How the Conference Was and Wasn’t Prepared (July 17, 1936)
- Molinier’s Expulsion (July 1936)
- When the Conference Selects the Leadership (July 24, 1936)
- Advice for the Conference (July 25, 1936)
- GPU and Gestapo (August 27, 1936)
- A Possible Hunger Strike (End of August 1936)
- Our Friends Should Not Wait (End of August 1936)
- Translator Troubles, Publisher Problems (September 10, 1936)
- Still Imprisoned (October 4, 1936)
- Still Gagged (October 12, 1936)
- The Trip to Copenhagen (October 12, 1936)
- Reading Ibsen Again (October 1936)
- Pyatakov and the Trial in Novosibirsk (November 26, 1936)
- Posthumus and the Archives (December 2, 1936)
- Mexico (1937-40)
- Answers to a Mexican Press Service (January 23, 1937)
- Two Crooked Lawyers (February 1, 1937)
- Postponing the Swiss Trial (February 19, 1937)
- Answers to the Chicago Daily News (March 3, 1937)
- A Correction and Requests (March 26, 1937)
- Stalin’s Latest Threat (March 29, 1937)
- Opinions and Information (May 12, 1937)
- Obstacles in Britain (May 21, 1937)
- No Reason to Complain (August 10, 1937)
- Literary Theft (August 21, 1937)
- A Pamphlet on Spain (September 17, 1937)
- The International Conference Must be Postponed (September 25, 1937)
- The U.S. Recession and a New Political Orientation (October 2, 1937)
- An Article on Kronstadt (November 14, 1937)
- Suggestions for a Pamphlet on Kronstadt (November 19, 1937)
- An Article on the Soviet State (November 30, 1937)
- Sale of the Archives (December 21, 1937)
- Kronstadt and the Commission’s Findings (January 17, 1938)
- Thomas’s Letter and Dewey’s Speech (January 26, 1938)
- Eastman and The Young Lenin (February 3, 1938)
- Explanation of a Complaint (February 5, 1938)
- Why I Can’t Pay Now (February 7, 1938)
- Jules Romains on Lenin (February 7, 1938)
- Marx’s Living Thoughts (February 10, 1938)
- Leon Sedov’s Papers (February 28, 1938)
- Questions About Sedov’s Death (March 1, 1938)
- Krestinsky’s Repudiation (March 2, 1938)
- The Third Moscow Trial (March 4, 1938)
- Answers to Mrs. Celarie (March 6, 1938)
- Roosevelt and a Visa (March 30, 1938)
- Carlo Tresca Is a Target (March 31, 1938)
- Finishing the Transitional Program (April 5, 1938)
- A Russian Encyclopedia (April 26, 1938)
- Political Personality and the Milieu (May 10, 1938)
- Muenzenberg’s Expulsion (June 5, 1938)
- Molinier and the International Conference (June 9, 1938)
- An Introduction Worthy of Rosa Luxemburg (June 14, 1938)
- Fusion With the Lovestoneites? (July 29, 1938)
- Answers to Gladys Lloyd Robinson (August 18, 1938)
- Isaacs’s Book About China (October 23, 1938)
- Latin American Problems: A Transcript (November 4, 1938)
- Lombardo Toledano’s Lies (November 8, 1938)
- Can the Daily News be Sued? (November 11, 1938)
- A Conversation with William R. Mathews (Published December 13, 1938)
- Investigate the U.S. Fascists (December 12, 1938)
- The French Question (December 13, 1938)
- Letters About Sieva Volkov (September 1938-April 1939)
- No Doubts About Rudolf Element's Fate (November 1938-August 1939)
- A GPU Stool Pigeon in Paris (January 1, 1939)
- The Hearst Press Changes Its Mind (January 6, 1939)
- The Plight of Our Refugee Comrades (January 9, 1939)
- What the Youth Do to Our Principles (January 9, 1939)
- Letters to the POI Central Committee (February- July 1939)
- A Trap in Palestine (February 14, 1939)
- Money-Raising Appeals (February 20, 1939)
- Writings of Leon Trotsky: Supplement (1933-40)
- Utilize the Opportunities in the Communist Party (March 8, 1939)
- James’s Trip to Mexico (March 29, 1939)
- Diego Rivera’s Defection (March-April 1939)
- Where Munis Should Go ( May 1, 1939)
- Pan-American Committee Personnel (May 1, 1939)
- Victor Serge’s Crisis (May 6, 1939)
- Another Anonymous Letter (May 10, 1939)
- Problems of the Socialist Appeal (May 27, 1939)
- A Visa for Elsa Reiss (June 5, 1939)
- A Party Census (June 23, 1939)
- For the Ukrainian Pamphlet (September 1939)
- A Disagreeable Incident (September 7, 1939)
- The First Article in the Russian Discussion (September 28, 1939)
- Accepting the Invitation of the Dies Committee (October 12, 1939)
- Outline of a Magazine Article (November 15, 1939)
- A False Report (December 26, 1939)
- Dialectics and the Answer to Burnham (January 9, 1940)
- Farrell Dobbs’s Arrival (January 16, 1940)
- A Discussion With Carleton Smith (Published February 2, 1940)
- Factionalism and the IEC (February- April 1940)
- Rivera’s Wild Denunciation (April 6, 1940)
- A Serious Work on Russian Revolutionary History (May 2, 1940)
- To Colonel Sanchez Salazar (May 31, 1940)
- A Letter to El Nacional (June 6, 1940)
- The GPU and the Comintern (August 17, 1940)
- A Bed and a Plate Waiting ( July 17, 1940)
- Unfinished Writings and Fragments
- Petty-Bourgeois Democrats and Moralizers (1938 and 1939)
- Fragments from the First Seven Months of the War (1940)
- Fragments on the USSR (1940)
- Preface to a Book on War and Peace (March-April 1940)
- Last Words (August 20, 1940)