Trotsky Tells British Paper He Will Not Write For It in Sharply Worded Statement

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MEXICO CITY, Oct. 23 – Leon Trotsky today rejected a request from the London Daily Herald, widely circulated official organ of the British Labor Party, for an article which, in effect, would have meant bolstering the British war aims in conformity with the policy of the Daily Herald.

The exchange of cables between the editor of the Daily Herald and Leon Trotsky was as follows:

Cable Prepaid

Leon Trotsky


Six hundred word article by return cable giving your reasons for opposing negotiations allies with Russia STOP Bernard Shaw article supporting Stalin will appear same page STOP Prepared order fifteen pounds if published

London, Oct. 20

Editor, Daily Herald

Cable Prepaid

Leon Trotsky


Would welcome immediate reply if prepared cable article requested last Friday or not STOP If agreeable please cable article today at latest

London, Oct. 23

Editor, Daily Herald

Cable Collect

Editor, Daily Herald


You did not publish my letter protesting imperialist London policy against Mexico STOP You did not publish my statement on coming war granted to your own correspondent Vincent STOP Now you want to adapt me to your anti-socialist policy STOP That will not succeed

Coyoacan, Oct. 23

Leon Trotsky