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Special pages :
Appeal for Support of the Men Sentenced in Cologne
Author(s) | Ernest Charles Jones Ernst Dronke Ferdinand Freiligrath Friedrich Engels Johann George Eccarius Karl Marx Wilhelm Liebknecht Wilhelm Wolff |
Written | January 1853 |
Printed according to the newspaper
Published in English for the first time in Marx-Engels Collected Works, Volume 11
This and the following document include an appeal to the German workers in America written by Marx in the name of a committee founded by him in London for aid to the Communists sentenced in Cologne. On December 7, 1852 Marx wrote to Adolf Cluss in Washington: “Herewith also an appeal for money for the Cologne prisoners and their families. See that it appears in various papers. It might also be a good idea for you too to form committees over there. Here it is being done as a party demonstration. You will observe that Ernest Jones actually appears as a party member. In an introductory note, signed by you both, you might specially emphasise that this is not a case of raising revolutionary funds Kinkel-fashion, etc., but rather of a definite party aim whose fulfilment is demanded by the honour of a workers’ party” (see present edition, Vol. 39).
We have received the following letter together with the appended appeal. We are publishing the communication in accordance with its authors’ wishes.
For the California Staats-Zeitung
Washington, January 14, 1853
With the monster trial in Cologne, the workers’ movement in Germany has entered a new phase. It has cast off the fetters which the small compass of a fanatical sectarian movement imposed upon it and has stepped out openly into the political arena. Statesmen of the proletariat confronted the public prosecutors of the bureaucratic police state; the aristocrats and members of the bourgeoisie from the Rhineland who formed the jury set themselves up as a court martial and pronounced their verdict “guilty” on labour’s opposition to their privileges. This being the situation, it is an agreeable duty for us to publicise the appended appeal, which members of our association have received from the signatories for distribution in the United States, and at the same time we offer our services to transmit to London any small sums remitted, against statement of account.
Whatever title your organisations bear, in these times when your members are enjoying many a frolicsome evening of conviviality, give heart to our active friends back home by stretching out a helping hand to those struck down in the struggle by donating the money raised at such gatherings. Contributions should be sent to the following address: Relief Fund, care of Adolf Cluss, Adams Express, Iron Building, Washington D.C.
Washington, January 10, 1853
J. Gerhardt, President
Ad. Cluss, Secretary
The workers’ party has a duty to alleviate the plight of those in the vanguard of the struggle who were sentenced in Cologne and in particular to take care of their families who are bereft of support. We expect that the German workers in the United States will also wish to be associated with this debt the party owes. The treasurer appointed to receive the sums intended for the prisoners and their families is: Ferdinand Freiligrath, 3 Sutton Place, Hackney, London.
London, December 7, 1852
Johann Baer | Ernest Jones | L. W. Rings |
E. Dronke | G. Lochner | E. Rumpf |
J. G. Eccarius | K. Marx | J. Ulmer |
J. F. Eccarius | W. Liebknecht | Fera. Wolff |
Fr. Engels | F. Münks | W. Wolff |
F. Freiligrath | K. Pfänder | Münks II |
Imandt | W. Pieper |
The German-American press is urged to copy.
- ↑ The letter accompanying the appeal was written in the name of the Washington branch of the Socialist Gymnastic Association (Sozialistischer Turnverein), an organisation of the German democratic emigrants in the USA founded at a congress of German gymnastic societies in Philadelphia on October 5, 1850. In the early stage of its activity the Association maintained contacts with the German labour movement in America. Joseph Weydemeyer and Adolf Cluss contributed to its periodical, Turnzeitung. During the American Civil War it took an active part in the struggle against the slave-owning states. In 1865 it was renamed North-American Gymnastic Association.