Telegram to Georgy Chicherin, April 30, 1922

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The telegram was received by the Politbureau of the RCP(b) CC on April 30, 1922, and sent on to G. V. Chicherin. It was in reply to Chicherin’s telegrams saying that the “Russian question” was to be referred to another conference to be held within three months, and also in reply to Chicherin’s telegrams communicating L. B. Krasin’s minority opinion on the talks at the Genoa Conference. Krasin suggested some serious concessions.

In reply to Lenin’s telegram, Chicherin admitted that another conference within three months was preferable to a complete break-up, but added: “Lloyd George is working for an agreement with us, and three months from now the situation in Britain may be much worse for us.” Ho went on to say that the Allies were prepared to have concrete discussions on granting Soviet Russia a credit only after the Soviet Government agreed to pay compensation to all foreigners who had formerly owned property in Russia (Central Party Archives of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPSU Central Committee).

The best thing for us is another conference in about three months or so. At the closing of the Genoa Conference do not in any case undertake the slightest financial obligation, do not make even a semi-recognition of the debts, and do not be afraid of a break-up in general. Comrade Krasin’s minority opinion shows that his line is absolutely wrong and inadmissible. Regardless of the course and outcome of the financial negotiations, once again bring out strongly to the fore the question of the mutual obligation to maintain peace, and support it even if it has the unsatisfactory form given to it by Lloyd George.