Reply to L. Martov

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The note was published in the “Press Review” section in No. 7 of the newspaper Novy Luch (New Ray) on February 27, 1907, in reply to Martov’s feuilleton “This Is the Limit”, which appeared in No. 48 of Russkaya Zhizn on February 25 (March 10), 1907. p. 196

That same issue of Russkaya Zhizn[1] carries Comrade L. Martov’s feuilleton in which he returns to our editorial in No. 2[2] and, ignoring the explanation given by the group’s committee on this matter, administers justice and metes out punishment.

What does Comrade Martov wish to achieve by this strange step? If he wants to challenge us to fight in this plane—in the plane of personal attacks and suspicions—he is making a big mistake. We are not going to follow him. We have a great deal too many essential differences over which we shall have to conduct a principled struggle in the group, in the press and in the Party, to allow ourselves to be pushed into the dirt road of petty scores and squabbles. Good luck, comrade, you can travel that road alone; we are not coming. We are glad to let you have the honour of putting in the last word which is, in fact, the very limit.

  1. ↑ Russkaya Zhizn (Russian Life)—a legal Left Cadet daily published in St. Petersburg from January 1 (14), 1907. From its No. 38 of February 14 (27), the paper passed into the hands of the Mensheviks. Among those who wrote for it were P. B. Axelrod, F. I. Dan, V. I. Zasulich, L. Martov and G. V. Plekhanov. It was closed down on March 2 (15). p. 196
  2. ↑ See present edition, Vol. 12, pp. 156–60.—Ed.