Plan of an Article “Commercial Organisation”

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The article under this title was not written.

Will this do for a slogan?

“Commerce”? = capitalism.

(α) “State capitalism”. Its advantages.

(β) War conditions excluded “commerce”

(γ) The transition to communism” was very often (both for war reasons and owing to almost absolute poverty and to mistakes, a number of mistakes) made without the intervening stages of socialism (communism vs socialism)

(δ) “Accounting and control”?

(ε) Should pay for itself.

c + v + s s — accumulation —maintenance of the state

Allegemein Theoretisches[1]

“War” = dictatorship of the proletariat.

(α) Politics 25.X.1917—5.I.1918

(β) Weltpolitik. Brester Frieden.[2]

(γ) Civil war.

(δ) Fighting “economic crisis”, i.e., the petty- bourgeois elements? post-war indiscipline? disintegration? inefficiency?

Condition for victory in war: supreme effort.

Commercial organisation

=supreme effort reducing enterprises to a minimum, their concentration

= checking results

= “thrift”. Either-or:

aut 100,000 + 500,000 16.. .1/4 lb. for a peasant?[3]

aut supreme effort, reduction, “pressure” (?)

Had enough of indolence, slovenliness, petty profiteering, thieving, laxity.

Why not “thrift”? — freedom of trade

— state capitalism

— currency system.

  1. General theoretical propositions.—Ed.
  2. World politics. The peace of Brest.—Ed.
  3. These figures have not been deciphered.—Ed.