Order – By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Forces of the Western Front (Order No.240)

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By the Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic to the Forces of the Western Front, September 8, 1920, No.240, Smolensk

With a view to all-round improvement of the administrative apparatus of the active units, the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic has decided to appoint comrades to posts as commanders and commissars to the Western front without regard to the position they occupied previously – that is, if necessary, to appoint a former Army Commander or member of a Revolutionary War Council to be a Divisional Chief of Staff or Divisional Commander, or to appoint a former Divisional Chief of Staff or Divisional Commander to be commander or commissar of a brigade or regiment, and so on. These appointments are not to be seen as constituting demotions caused by unfavourable evaluation of the previous activity of those concerned. The Red Army, like the Soviet Republic in general, is not interested in quarrels over precedence, but is guided exclusively by the interests of the cause.

(A similar Order, dated August 23, 1920, No.235, Kharkov, was issued to the forces of the Southern Front – L.T.)