Notes On Reviews Of Hegel’s Logic

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Preuβische Jahrbücher [1](Bd. 151)

1913, March, an article by Dr. Ferd. J.

Schmidt: “Hegel and Marx.” The author hails

the return to Hegel, reviles “theoreticoco-

gnitive scholasticism,” quotes the neo-Hegel-

ians Constantin Rössler and Adolf Lasson

(of the Preuβische Jahrbücher) and, in

connection with Plenge’s book, states that

Marx did not understand the significance

of the “national idea” as a synthesis. Marx’s

merit—that of organising the workers—was

a great one, but ... one-sided.

NBAn example of the “liberal” (or rather

bourgeois, worker-loving—for the author

is probably a conservative) castration of


MacTaggart, Ellis M’Taggart: Studies

in the Hegelian Dialectic, Cambridge, 1896

(259 pp.). Review in Zeitschrift für Phi-

losophie,[2] Bd. 119 (1902), S. 185— — —,

says that the author is an expert on Hegel’s

philosophy, which he defends against Seth,

Balfour, Lotze, Trendelenburg, etc. (the au-

thor MacTaggart is obviously an arch-idealist).

Emil Hammacher: Die Bedeutung der

Philosophie Hegels. (92 SS.) 1911, Leipzig.

Review in Zeitschrift für Philosophie,

Bd. 148 (1912), p. 95. Says that the book

contains rather good observations on “the

reappearance of post Kantian idealism at the

present time,” that Windelband is an agnostic

(p. 96), etc., but that the author completely

failed to understand Hegel’s “absolute ideal-

ism,” as incidentally also Riehl, Dilthey and

and other “stars.” The author is said to have

undertaken a task beyond his powers.

Andrew Seth: The Development from Kant

to Hegel with Chapters on the Philosophy

of Religion, London, 1882. Review in Zeit-

schrift für Philosophie, Bd. 83, S. 145 (1883).

The author is said to defend Hegel against

Kant. (Laudatory in general.)

Stirling: The Secret of Hegel. Review

in the same journal, Bd. 53 (1868), p. 268.

The author is said to be an exceptionally

fervent worshipper of Hegel, whom he in-

terprets for English readers.

Bertrando Spaventa: Da Socrate a He-

gel, Bari, 1905. (432 pp. 4,50 lire). Review

ibidem, Bd. 129 (1906)—the book is said

to be a collection of articles, inter alia

about Hegel, of whom Spaventa is a faith-

ful adherent.

Stirling: The Secret of Hegel.


Spaventa: Da Socrate a Hegel.

Raff. Mariano.


Michelet and Haring. Dialektische

Methode Hegels (1888).

Schmitt. Das Geheimnis der Hegel-

schen Dialektik (1888).

Regarding recent literature on Hegel.

Neo-Hegelians: Caird, Bradley.

J. B. B a i l l i e: The Origin and

Significance of Hegel’s Logic, London, 1901

(375 pp.). A review in Revue Philosophique,[3]

1902, 2, S. 312. Says that he does not merely

repeat Hegelian terminology (like Véra), but tries

to examine and explain historically. Incidentally,

Chapter X: the relation of logic to nature (Hegel

is said not to have achieved his aim). Hegel’s

significance is that he “demonstrated the object-

ive character of knowledge.” (p. 314)

William Wallace: Prolegomena

to the Study of Hegel’s Philosophy and

Especially of his Logic, Oxford and Lon-

don, 1894. Review in Revue Philo-

sophique, 1894, 2, p. 538. Second

edition, the first was in 1874. The author

translated Hegel’s Logic.

By the same

author: 1894

a translation

of The Philo-


of Mind,[4]with an



Review ibid.
“Mr. Wallace accurately expounds the

Hegelian conception of this science (logic)

... a science which governs both the philo-

sophy of nature and that of mind, since pure

thought or the Idea is the common basis

both of material reality and psychical real-

On Wallace, a laudatory but shallow review in Zeitschrift für Phi-ospohie, Bd. 111 (1898), p. 208.
P. Rotta: La renaissance de Hegel

et “la philosophia perennis” in the Italian

Rivista di Filosofia, 1911, I—(review in

Revue Philosophique, 1911, 2, p. 333).

Rotta is a supporter of Caird. Seemingly, nil.

an idealist


tion of


Among other things... “Bradley’s neo-

Hegelian conception of an invisible energy

transferred from one manifestation to an-

other, present and operative in all changes

and all particular activities.”[5]
J. Grier Hibben: Hegel’s Logic,an Essay in Interpretation, New York,1902 (313 pp.).
The writer

of the re-

view[6] notes

in general

“the rebirth

of Hegelian-

ism in the


Review in Revue Philosophique, 1904,

Vol. I, p. 430: “In spite of its title, the

work of M. H. is not an interpretative

commentary but rather an almost literal

summary.” The author has compiled some-

thing in the nature of a dictionary of the

terms used in Hegel’s Logic. But this, it is

said, is not the essence of the matter: “The

commentators are still in dispute over
... “in recent


the very position taken by Hegel, over

the fundamental meaning and true aim

of his dialectic. The celebrated criticisms

of Seth are opposed by recent exegeses

which attribute a quite different significance

to the Logic, taken as a whole, notably such

as those of MacTaggart and G. Noël.


According to Hibben, Hegel’s Logic “n’est

pas un simple système spéculatif, une plus ou

NBmoms savante combinaison de concepts abs-

traits; elle est on même temps ‘une interpré-

tation de la vie universelle dans toute la plén-

itude de sa signification concrète.’”[7] (p. 430)

  1. Preussische Jahrbücher (Prussian Annals)—German conservative monthly on problems of politics, philosophy, history and literature, published in Berlin from 1858 to 1935.
  2. The reference is to Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik (Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Criticism), which was founded in 1837 by Immanuel Hermann Fichte, German idealist philosopher. Originally it was called Zeitschrift für Philosophie und spekulative Theologie (Journal of Philosophy and Speculative Theology). It was edited by German idealist philosophy professors. Publication ceased in 1918.
  3. Revue Philosophique (Philosophical Review) a journal founded in Paris in 1870.
  4. Philosophy of Mind—English translation of the third part of Hegel’s Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, which consists of three parts—“Logic,” “Philosophy of Nature,” and “Philosophy of Mind.”
  5. The quotation is from the review of the book by A. Chiappelli, Le pluralisme moderne et le monisme (Modern Pluralism and Monism), in the journal Revue Philosophique, 1911, Vol. LXXII, p. 333.
  6. L. Weber—Ed.
  7. is not a simple speculative system, a more or less scientific combination of abstract concepts; it is at the same time ‘an interpretation of universal life in all the fullness of its concrete significance.’”—Ed.