Letter to the Members of the Politbureau of the RCP(b) CC, October 18, 1921

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To all members of the Politbureau

I am against the underlined proposal.[1] Such steps will merely create an impression of our weakness: as has always happened in such cases, the opponent will become impudent. I consider Krasin’s interview and polemics in the press to be enough. I request Comrade Mikhailov to ask Comrade Chicherin for my previous note to him on this matter, and to have it circulated also among the Politbureau members.[2]



  1. Written on G. V. Chicherin’s letter of October 17, 1921, reiterating his proposal that the Soviet Government should issue a statement on recognition of tsarist Russia’s debts (see this volume, Documents 464 and 466).
  2. See Document 443 of this volume.—Ed.