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Special pages :
Letter to the International Secretariat, Excerpt, December 13, 1934
Author(s) | Leon Trotsky |
Written | 13 December 1934 |
Passivity in the Face of Great Events
… Much more disturbing is the passivity of our Spanish comrades (with a few honorable exceptions) during the great revolutionary events. We have always criticized the leaders of the Spanish section as being permeated with a purely propagandistic and timid spirit. Each comrade can and should reread the international discussions with the Spanish leadership. And here is what makes it significant: the Spanish comrades have declared themselves frankly hostile to the French turn. A new confirmation that their "intransigence" on this question is only the façade on a passivity that is purely propagandistic and journalistic. For our part, we will always repeat: of all the errors committed by all the sections, the greatest was committed by the Spanish section, which did not have the sense to join the Socialist Party in time at the beginning of the preparation for the armed struggle. …