Letter to Yakov Ganetsky, March 22, 1917

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Dear Friend,

I have just sent off by express post to Christiania (Vidnes, Social-Demokraten, for Kollontai) two letters enclosing two articles[1] for the Petrograd Pravda. I hope both letters will find Kollontai in Christiania before her departure (she is leaving 27.III in the morning). If they don’t, will you kindly, first, check whether the forwarding machinery in Christiania is working well; secondly, if need be, forward it all yourself. I am using only one Petrograd address for the time being: Mr. Vlad. Bonch-Bruyevich, Zhizn i Znaniye Publishing House, 38 Fontanka, Flat 19, Petrograd. This publisher will deliver it at once to Pravda.

I hope you will immediately start sending me Pravda and everything else of the same kind. Please wire me immediately on receipt of this letter: “letter received, dispatch arranged.”

Greetings and congratulations!


Vl. Ulyanov

P.S. I ask you most earnestly to keep me informed.

  1. ↑ This refers to “Letters from Afar. First Letter. The First Stage of the First Revolution. Second Letter. The New Government and the Proletariat” (see present edition, Vol. 23, pp. 295–319).—Ed.