Letter to James P. Cannon, February 15, 1938

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A New GPU Attempt

Dear Friend:

Through my French attorney, Gerard Rosenthal, who is also the attorney of Mrs. Reiss and has the opportunity to see part of the documents, we are in possession of very precious information concerning the preparation of a terrorist attempt by the GPU here in Mexico.

The first practical step has already been made. A man came to our house with big packages, declaring that he was sent by General Mujica, minister of communications, and that the packages contained fertilizer for the garden of Diego Rivera. It was during our absence. The packages were refused. The man promised to come back the next day with credentials from General Mujica. Immediately after the departure of the man we learned of the incident and we telephoned General Mujica, who told us that he had not sent anyone.

This occurrence is so significant that we have taken exceptional measures of prudence. I have even left the house for an indefinite time, disorganizing my work. We must say that the Mexican authorities are not only loyal but extremely obliging and did absolutely everything in their power. But on the other hand the resources of the enemy are too powerful not to take the exceptional measures indicated above. In spite of my involuntary displacement, I hope in eight or ten days to be able to send you a big article on "Their Morals and Ours," where I take the measure of the Nation, the New Republic, Common Sense, and similar elements in Europe concerning our "amoralism." I think that you can publish this article as a pamphlet and that it will not remain without effect. In the worst case you could publish it in the New International although it is too big for the review (at least thirty pages typewritten).

L. Trotsky