Letter to CLR James, March 29, 1939

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James's Trip to Mexico

Dear Comrade James:

I received your documents and have read part of them. I have not answered until now because I awaited your notification about your eventual trip to Mexico. From your letter I could not determine definitely whether you were coming now or postponing your trip. The saddest fact is your illness, which is bad in itself, and also as it hinders you in the big plans for your work.

It is my opinion insofar as I am informed, that you should devote the next months exclusively to the care of your health, if necessary, even postponing the projected book on the Negro question. As I understand it, you suffer from a stomach ulcer. In this condition, your trip to Mexico represents — I say it with the deepest regret — a direct danger. Mexico City, by its specific conditions, is a genuine infection center for the stomach and the digestive organs generally. Everyone, even those who have sound stomachs, suffer from stomach trouble here; and those who have it abroad suffer doubly and triply in Mexico City. I know it from my own experience and from the experience of several friends. That is why, if you have the choice, you should cure your stomach before making the trip here, and even in this case it would be advisable not to live in Mexico City.

Your ideas for the Negro organization and the Negro paper are very interesting and important, but the first condition is the reestablishment of your health.

With sincerest greetings.

Yours comradely,

Leon Trotsky