Editorial Epilogue to the Article “The Third Congress on Trial Before the Caucasian Mensheviks”

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In reproducing this article from the organ of the Caucasian League of the RSDLP (Borba Proletariata,[1] No. I in Russian; No. 6 has appeared in the Armenian language, and No. 9 in Georgian) we shall for our part add that the Caucasian Mensheviks were practically the first to come out in the press not merely with groundless abuse against the Congress (in the new-Iskra spirit), but with an attempt to question the representation of absolutely definite Party committees. In its organ the Caucasian Union has calmly and with close reasoning refuted the Mensheviks’ arguments and splendidly proved the complete validity of the Third Congress of the RSDLP, even if the five mandates disputed by the Mensheviks were considered non-valid.

  1. Proletariatis Brdzola (The Struggle of the Proletariat)—an illegal Bolshevik newspaper, organ of the Caucasian League of the RSDLP It was published between April-May 1903 and October 1905, twelve issues coming out in all. The paper was published in Georgian, Armenian and Russian. The editorial board was in close touch with Lenin and the Bolshevik centre abroad, and systematically published reprints of articles by Lenin, and material from the Leninist Iskra, and later from Vperyod and Proletary.