Motions of the General Council Adopted by the London Conference

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This document contains the preliminary text of the resolutions on organisational and tactical questions moved by Marx on behalf of the General Council and adopted at its meeting on September 12, 1871. The Conference unanimously adopted these resolutions on September 18 and 19, 1871. The text was discussed at the General Council’s meeting on October 16, 1871 and finally edited by Marx. The text that is published in this volume was written by Engels in French, and does not fully coincide with the official edition of the Resolutions of the Conference of Delegates of the International Working Men’s Association Assembled at London from 17th to 23rd September 1871 (see this volume , p p . 423-31).

1) In order to avoid any misunderstanding the resolution of the Basle Congress[1] shall be strictly observed, whereby the central councils in the various countries where the Association has regular organisations shall call themselves Federal Councils or Committees of their respective countries, and the local sections or committees shall call themselves sections or committees of their respective areas.

2) Conference instructs the General Council to publish a new edition of the Rules, with authentic translations into French and German printed opposite the English text.[2] All translations into other languages must be approved by the General Council prior to publication.

3) At the suggestion of the General Council, Conference recommends the formation of women’s sections among female workers. It is understood that this in no way affects the existence of mixed sections including both sexes.

4) Conference invites the General Council to enforce Clause 5 of the Rules[3] ordering general statistical surveys of the working class, and the resolutions of the Geneva Congress to the same effect.[4] Working men’s societies or branches which refuse to provide the information requested shall be reported to the General Council, which shall give a ruling on them.

5) All the delegates appointed by the General Council to special missions shall be entitled to be present and to be heard at all meetings of the federal councils, district or local committees, and local branches, without, however, having a vote.

6) After the closure of Conference no branch shall be considered by the General Council and the Federal Councils to belong to the Association until it has paid to the General Council its contribution of 10c. per member for the current year.

  1. See Association Internationale des Travailleurs. Compte-rendu de IVe Congrès International, tenu à Bâle, en Septembre 1869, Brussels, 1869.
  2. K. Marx, General Rules and Administrative Regulations of the International Working Men’s Association, London, 1871 (present edition, Vol. 23).— Ed
  3. K. Marx, Rules and Administrative Regulations of the International Working Men's Association (present edition, Vol. 20, Appendices).— Ed.
  4. Resolutions of the Congress of Geneva, 1866, and the Congress of Brussels, 1868. The International Working Men's Association. Office of General Council, London [1869].— Ed.