Message of Greetings to the Austrian Workers on the Daily Publication of the Arbeiter-Zeitung

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Engels wrote this greeting on the occasion of the Arbeiter-Zeitung becoming a daily (on January 1, 1895; since 1894, it appeared twice weekly). Enclosed with a letter to Victor Adler, the greeting was printed in the Arbeiter-Zeitung, No. 1, January 1, 1895 in “Die tägliche Arbeiter-Zeitung” report, and opened with the following editorial introduction: “Our faithful friend Comrade Frederick Engels in London asks us to pass his congratulations to the Austrian workers on their daily paper, and continues “(there followed the text of the greeting).

The first daily newspaper everywhere marks an epochal advance in the life of a party, and a workers ‘party in particular [1] ! It is the first position from which it can tackle its opponents with the same weapons, at least in the field of the press. You have won this position; now the second is at stake: suffrage, parliament. And you are certain of this too, if you exploit the political situation— becoming ever more favourable to you as it is—with the same skill as [you have done] in the past fifteen months; if you are determined to act at the right time, but, as so often necessary, also determined to wait at the right time, that is to say: if you know how to let circumstances act on your behalf.

Good luck and success to the daily Arbeiter-Zeitungl

London, December 27, 1894

  1. ↑ In the letter to Victor Adler of December 27, 1894, there is a phrase opening the letter which is omitted in the printed text: “I ask you to convey my greetings to the Austrian workers on the daily publication of their newspaper.”— Ed.