Letter to the Soviet and Workers' Organisations of Rybinsk, April, not earlier than 15, 1918

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Lenin wrote this message on the instructions which engineer N. I. Dyrenkov, business manager of the Rybinsk Economic Council, received from the Supreme Economic Council.

Dyrenkov came to Moscow to report to the Supreme Economic Council on the work of the Rybinsk Economic Council. This report on the economic situation in Rybinsk was made at a sitting of the Board of the Supreme Economic Council on April 15, 1913; on a proposal by Lenin, it was decided to grant an immediate loan to Rybinsk. Lenin had a talk with Dyrenkov on the economic situation of the Soviet Republic, the state of industry in Rybinsk and the measure taken by the Rybinsk Economic Council.

Comrade Dyrenkov’s account of the measures taken by him in Rybinsk to tighten work discipline and of the support for them on the part of the workers has shown me that the Rybinsk comrades are correctly tackling the most important and most urgent tasks of the day, and I ask the representatives of Soviet power and workers’ organisations in the city of Rybinsk to accept my wishes for still more energetic efforts and the achievement of the greatest successes in this field.

Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)

Chairman, CPC