Letter to the Editor of the New York Herald, August 17, 1871

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This letter was written by Marx in connection with the report of a conversation Marx had with a New York Herald correspondent on July 20, 1871, since the report, published in The New York Herald on August 3, deliberately falsified the conversation (see also Marx’s letter to Friedrich Bolte of August 25, 1871, present edition, Vol. 44). The New York Herald did not publish Marx’s statement.


London, 17 August 1871


In the Herald of August 3rd, I find a report of a conversation I had with one of your correspondents.[1] I beg to say that I must decline all and every responsibility for the statements attributed to me in that report, whether such statements refer to individuals connected with the late events in France, or to any political or economical opinions. Of what I am reported to have said, one part I said differently, and another I never said at all.

Yours obediently,

Karl Marx

  1. "The International", The New York Herald, No. 12765, August 3, 1871.— Ed.