Letter to Yuri Mikhailovich Steklov, After May 27, 1905

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According to M. S. Olminsky, this letter was never sent.—Ed.

Dear Comrade,

Comrade Vas. Vas., a member of our Editorial Board, has informed me that on the whole you share the stand of Proletary95 in the present disputes on tactics and organisation among the Social-Democrats. This was very good news for all of us members of the Editorial Board of Proletary. It is our firm conviction that the old conflicts of the circle period should under no circumstances impede joint work on the basis of common principles and strictly Party relationships. We therefore consider it our duty to invite you to work with us in Proletary, the Central Organ of the RSDLP We would be extremely happy if we could thus pave the way to uniting by truly Party bonds as many influential representatives of Social-Democracy as possible.

With Social-Democratic greetings,

N. Lenin