Letter to Vladimir Milyutin and Pavel Ivanovich Popov, July 22, 1919

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The question of establishing fixed prices for grain and manufactured goods was discussed at a meeting of the CPC on July 22, 1919, and at further meetings of the Council on July 24 and 31. The decision adopted on July 31 laid down that the selling price for workers and office employees would remain as before, and the People’s Commissariat for Food and the Board of the Supreme Economic Council were directed not later than September 1, 1919, to sign and publish fixed prices for foodstuffs and manufactured goods.

Milyutin and Popov

Calculate approximately how many thousand million a month we would need, if

(1) grain prices are increased fivefold;


(2) the prices on manufactured goods for the peasants are not fixed, and increased as much as possible to the price limit given by the peasant;

(3) breadstuffs and manufactured goods are sold to workers and office employees at the old prices;

(4) calculations to cover also the Ukraine, the Urals, Trans-Volga area, part of Western Siberia, and the Don;

(5) breadstuff prices are fixed according to districts;

(6) how many thousand million will be required if there is a 10% increase in wages and salaries.