Letter to Viktor Taratuta, December 1, 1908

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1.XII. 08

Dear Comrade,

In reply to your query with Comrade Tyszka’s telegram enclosed I regret to inform you that I must refuse to pose the question as Comrade Tyszka would wish, for I believe that such a presentation of the question is absolutely in correct.

The representative of our group in the Central Committee Bureau Abroad, Comrade Victor, informed Comrade Tyszka that our group could not agree to the appointment of both a Bolshevik and a Menshevik as representatives of the CC[1]

Now Comrade Tyszka is appealing from Comrade Victor to me personally: “if Lenin himself objects to Igor,” the telegram says, “we shall give up Igor”!! This is tantamount to appealing to me personally against a decision of our group. I shall not reply to this “if” of Comrade Tyszka’s. In my opinion, Comrade Tyszka should himself withdraw his motion to appoint Igor.

With comradely greetings,

N. Lenin

  1. A reference to the delegates of the CC, RSDLP, to the Sixth Congress of the Social-Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania, held early in December 1908.