Letter to Rosalia Zemlyachka, January, 1905

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To Zemlyachka from Lenin, private[edit source]

I have received your huffy letter and hasten to reply. You have taken offence for nothing. If I did say hard things, I meant them lovingly, really, and with the reservation: provided Lyadov’s information was correct. The tremendous work you have done to win over fifteen committees and organise three conferences[1] is highly appreciated by us, as you could have seen from the preceding letter concerning the Northern Conference.[2] We have not taken and are not taking a single step without you. The young lady who went to St. Petersburg promised to use her personal connections to obtain money, and we wrote to N. I.[3] for you, and not at all through any desire to ignore you (the inscription “private” was intended solely as a safeguard against our enemies). The misunderstanding about our letters to N. I. we shall explain to her immediately. To the devil with N. I., of course.

Many thanks to the committees for sending addresses. Please send some more. Gusev has gone, Lyadov will be going when we have money.

Lyadov set out the matter of the organ in Russia some what incorrectly, and I beg your pardon if I lost my temper a bit and offended you.

As regards the open action of the Bureau I shall not argue this point any more. A fortnight, of course, is a trifle. Believe me, I fully and positively intend to reckon with the opinion in Russia on all points, and I only ask you seriously: for heaven’s sake, inform me more frequently about this opinion. If I am guilty of succumbing to the mood of the Bolsheviks abroad, I can hardly be blamed, since Russia writes rarely and exasperatingly little. I fully accept the choice of the Northern Conference,[4]and, believe me, I do so right willingly. Try to raise money and write telling me that you are not angry.

Wholly yours,


  1. This refers to the three conferences of the Bolshevik local committees (the Southern, the Caucasian and the Northern) held in September–December 1904, which went on record for the immediate convocation of the Third Congress of the RSDLP ^^(see Note 249)^^
  2. See p. 283 of this volumne.—Ed.
  3. This refers to Fyodorova-Shtremer, N. I.—secretary of the St. Petersburg Committee. In December 1904 she adopted a conciliatory stand in regard to the Mensheviks.
  4. This refers to the election of the Bureau of the Majority Committees for convening the Third Congress of the RSDLP